Metamorphosis Daily PPT

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Wednesday, 28 May
 SAT Sentence:
 The mostA important skill I had learnedB in my two years ofC senior
high school was toD direct the course of my own studies. No errorE.
 To Library for Metamorphosis
 Metamorphosis Schedule
 Chapter One, Monday, 2 June
 Chapter Two, Friday, 6 June
 Chapter Three, Wednesday,11 June
 Test: Thurs., 12 June
 Questions on World Lit Paper—working thesis by Friday
 Read and take notes in journal on background information.
Thursday, 29 May
 SAT Sentence:
 Scientific advances over the past fifty years have ledA to
revolutionary changes in health, agriculture, and
communication, andB generally enhancingC socio-economic
development and the quality of our livesD. No errorE.
 Begin Chapter One
 Answer questions as you read
 Reflection on Thousand Cranes due Monday
 Working thesis for World Lit due tomorrow
Friday, 30 May
 If you were willingA to ask for directions, instead of doggedlyB
driving on, we might get to ourC destination soonerD. No errorE.
 Continue Reading
 Check World Literature Working thesis with me
 Reflection on Thousand Cranes due Monday
 Monday last day to turn in make-up work
Monday , 2 June
 SATSentence:
 This detailed yetA readable biography is well researched andB
provides valuable insight toC the facts thatD motivated the
famous philosopher. No errorE.
 Finish Chapter One
 In your journal, write 5 discussion questions over chapter 1.
 Turn in make-up work.
Tuesday, 3 June
 SAT Sentence:
 I have nearlyA written all the new tests forB inclusion in the
revised edition of my book, and hope to finishC the work
withinD a week. No errorE.
 Picnic
Tuesday, 28 May
 SAT Sentence:
 The series of letters that Margaret wrote to her father containsA
a valuable commentary onB the prevailing social conditions and
attitudes that led to herC leaving home at suchD a young age. No
 Work Day
 Seminar on Chapter 2 on Friday
 Period 1 orals start tomorrow
Wednesday, 29 May
 SAT Sentence:
 The unfortunate accident that causedA the explosion wasB
extensivelyC reported in all the local newspapers and nationalD
television. No errorE.
 Orals/ Metamorphosis questions
H.L. Scores
Metamorphosis Questions
The first sentence of this story is quite famous in literature.
However, over the years since its first translation, many voices
in academia have complained that the word “insect” does not
fairly translate Kafka’s original meaning. Offer your own
interpretation of this debate. Why do you think many critics
dislike the original translation?
How does Gregor’s reference to “harem women” show that he
is a bit of a naif, delusional about the outside world, and by
extension, his own situation in life?
3. What does the fact that Gregor seems to ignore his physical
symptoms in lieu of harping on his psychological hardships say
about Gregor as a character?
4. Based on information from the text, explain Gregor’s
transformation as an objective correlative for his internal state.
5. Then explain his transformation as a symbolic one.
Thursday, 30 May
 SAT Sentence:
 Neither of the answers provided in the memorandumA addressB
my concerns aboutC the validity ofD the procedure. No errorE.
 Orals/ Metamorphosis Questions
Metamorphosis Questions
Interpret the following statement from an Existentialist
If they were startled, then Gregor had no more
responsibility and could be calm. But if they took in
everything quietly, then he would have no reason to get
excited and could, if he hurried, actually be at the train
station around eight o’clock.
What is significant about the fact that Gregor “no longer
trusted himself to discern” whether the noises he was making
were intelligible to humans?
3. How does Gregor discover that his myriad feet now suddenly
work perfectly in unison to carry his body? What is the
significance of this discovery?
4. What is significant about the last line of chapter one?
5. How does Kafka set the tone for chapter 2?
Friday, 31 May
 SAT Sentence:
 Katz claimed that reading classic novels isA more illuminatingB
than to readC autobiographies written byD their authors. No
 Seminar on Chapter 2
Monday, 3 June
 SAT Sentence:
 The students have beenA practicing for the concert sinceB three
weeks, andC in that time, haveD improved considerably. No
 Oral Presentations
What metamorphosis is described in detail in Chapter 2?
What is suggested by this metamorphosis that supports a
theme of the book?
2. Explain the irony in Gregor’s description of “the dictates of
family obligation,” whereby he observes “swallowing
revulsion, one must endure, if nothing else—endure” (51)
Why is Gregor allowed certain new privileges at the outset of
Chapter III?
4. What does Kafka suggest the father’s “obstinacy” (52) is a
reaction to? Interpret this as a social statement.
5. What does Gregor “understand” about the causes of the
family’s woes? What is illustrated by his projection?
Tuesday, 4 June
 SAT Sentence:
 WaitingA for the results ofB the final examination, the student's
nerves wereC on edge; she could not sleep properly orD eat
normally. No errorE.
 Journal Contents
 Presentations
Journal Contents
 Jigsaw Notes (5)—25
 Chapter 1 Questions for discussion —5
 Presentation Notes—10
 Chapter 1 Essay questions—25
 Chapter 2 Questions for discussion—5
 Chapter 2 Essay questions—25
Wednesday, 5 June
 SAT Sentence:
 Suzanne recountedA her improbableB tale withC enthusiasm and
in a convincing mannerD. No errorE.
 Presentations
 Turn in journals
Thursday, 6 June
 SAT Sentence:
 Presentations
Friday, 7 June
 Presentations
 Seminar on Metamorphosis
 Test Monday
Monday, 10 June
 Two presentations
 Metamorphosis Test—USE PENCIL
Tuesday, 11 June
 Oral Presentations
Wednesday, 12 June
 Rene Jones—personal statement workshop
Thursday, 13 June
 Final Oral Presentations