Pharmacokinetic Considerations

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Transcript Pharmacokinetic Considerations

Pharmacokinetic Considerations in the Elderly

Melanie A. Dodd, Pharm.D., Ph.C., BCPS Associate Professor of Pharmacy in Geriatrics College of Pharmacy The University of New Mexico


At the conclusion of the lecture the student shall be able to:  Describe the effects of aging on pharmacokinetic parameters (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination)  Describe the effects of aging on pharmacodynamic parameters  Discuss basic principles of prescribing for older patients to avoid adverse drug effects  Identify potentially inappropriate medications in a given elderly patient based on the Beers’ criteria Slide 2

Which of the following principles should NOT be followed when prescribing new medication(s) for a geriatric patient?


Start with a low dose B.

Start all new medications simultaneously C.

Titrate the dosage upward slowly D.

Use one drug to treat two different conditions, if possible

Slide 3

Why are geriatric pharmacokinetics important?

 Persons aged 65 and older are prescribed the highest proportion of medications in relation to their percentage of the U.S. population • Now, 13% of total population buy 33% of all prescription drugs • By 2040, 25% of total population will buy 50% of all prescription drugs Slide 4

Why are geriatric pharmacokinetics important?

Increased risk of adverse drug reactions

Multiple medications

• >20% of elderly use 5 or more medications • • Increased frequency of drug-drug interactions Decreased medication adherence   

Multiple comorbidities Age-related changes in drug pharmacokinetics Age-related changes in drug pharmacodynamics

Slide 5

The Burden of Injuries from Medications

 ADEs are responsible for 5% to 28% of acute geriatric hospital admissions • ADEs occur in 35% of community-dwelling elderly persons • ADEs incidence: 26/1000 hospital beds • In nursing homes, $1.33 spent on ADEs for every $1.00 spent on medications Slide 6


• 6 or more concurrent chronic conditions • 12 or more doses of drugs / day • 9 or more medications • Prior adverse drug reaction • Low body weight or body mass index • Age 85 or older • Estimated CrCl < 50 mL / min Slide 7


DRUG 1 Adverse drug effect misinterpreted as a new medical condition DRUG 2 Adverse drug effect misinterpreted as a new medical condition  Rochon PA, Gurwitz JH. Optimising drug treatment for elderly people: the prescribing cascade.


. 1997;315(7115):1097. Slide 8

Principles of prescribing for older patients: The Basics

• Start with a low dose • Titrate upward slowly, as tolerated by the patient • Avoid starting 2 drugs at the same time Slide 9

Before Starting a New Medication, Ask:

 Is this medication necessary?

 What are the therapeutic end points?

 Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

 Is it used to treat effects of another drug?

 Could 1 drug be used to treat 2 conditions?

 Could it interact with diseases, other drugs?

 Does patient know what it’s for, how to take it, and what ADEs to look for?

Slide 10


Absorption Distribution Metabolism Elimination Slide 11

Aging and Absorption

Clinical significance is not well characterized

Most drugs absorbed through passive diffusion in the proximal small bowel

Exception: levodopa

Threefold increase in bioavailability due to reduced activity dopa-decarboxylase in the stomach wall

Slide 12


Alterations in GI function

Decreased gastric parietal cell function

• Decrease in secretion of hydrochloric acid 

Increase in gastric pH

• Ex: tetracycline, Fe, ketoconazole 

Decreased rate of gastric emptying

Ex: anticholinergics, opiates, Fe, anticonvulsants

Drug-drug interactions

Divalent cations (calcium, magnesium, iron) and fluoroquinolones (e.g., ciprofloxacin)

Slide 13


Topical absorption (patches, creams, ointments, etc.)

Thinning and reduction of absorptive surface

• Skin atrophy and decreased fat content » Reduction in vascular network and risk of contact dermatitis Slide 14

Effects of aging on volume of distribution (Vd)

Depends mostly on physiochemical properties of individual medications t


= (0.693 x Vd)/Cl

Slide 15


  body water (10-15%)  lower Vd for hydrophilic drugs 

Ex: warfarin, digoxin, lithium, cimetidine, APAP, ETOH

  lean body mass  lower Vd for drugs that bind to muscle    fat stores  higher Vd for lipophilic drugs

Ex: diazepam, lidocaine, TCAs, propranolol

Slide 16


Protein Binding 

Decreased serum albumin

 

10 to 20% in hospitalized or poorly nourished pt.

Increase in unbound fraction of highly protein bound acidic drugs


• Ex: warfarin, phenytoin, naproxen 


-1 acid glycoprotein

Monitor drug levels—free phenytoin level with low Decrease in unbound fraction of highly protein bound basic drugs

• Ex: lidocaine, propranolol, imipramine Slide 17

Aging and Metabolism

The liver is the most common site of drug metabolism

Metabolic clearance of a drug by the liver may be reduced because …

Decrease in liver blood flow

  

40 to 45% with aging, related to cardiac function Increase in bioavailability Decreased 1 st

pass effect = more parent drug

Reduce initial dose, then titrate 

Decrease in liver size

    

20 to 50% decrease in absolute weight up to age 80 Reduction of total amount of metabolizing enzymes Leads to decrease in Cl and increase in t ½ Start with lower dosage Caution with toxic metabolites

• Ex: meperidine and propoxyphene Slide 18

Other Factors that Affect Drug Metabolism


Hepatic congestion from heart failure


Slide 19

Mean Age in years


Volume of distribution (L/kg)


71 17.1

Based on the above table, which of the following statements correctly explains the change in volume of distribution for amitriptyline (a lipophilic drug) with increasing age?



An increase in the percentage of lean body mass with age A decrease in the unbound fraction of highly protein bound basic drugs C.


An increase in the unbound fraction of highly protein bound basic drugs An increase in the percentage of fat body mass with age

Slide 20


 Most drugs exit body via kidney  Reduced elimination  drug accumulation and toxicity  Aging and common geriatric disorders can impair kidney function Slide 21

The Effects of Aging on the Kidney

  kidney size    renal blood flow ~1%/year after age 50     number of functioning nephrons renal tubular secretion  Result: Lower glomerular filtration rate • • ~35% in healthy individuals between ages 20 and 90 Accumulation increased risk of toxicity » Ex: lithium, aminoglycosides, captopril, NSAIDs Slide 22

Serum Creatinine does NOT reflect Creatinine Clearance

• •  lean body mass  production lower creatinine


 glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Result: In older persons, serum creatinine stays in normal range, masking change in creatinine clearance (CrCl) Slide 23

How to Calculate Creatinine Clearance

• Measure:  Time-consuming to be accurate  Requires 24-h urine collection  8-h collection may be accurate but not widely accepted • Estimate:  Cockroft and Gault equation  MDRD Slide 24

Cockroft and Gault Equation

(Ideal weight in kg) (140 - age) _________________________ x (0.85 if female) (72) (serum creatinine in mg/dL) Slide 25

An elderly person with a serum creatinine in the normal range may actually have a decreased creatinine clearance because they have: A. Increased creatinine production and an increased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) B. Increased creatinine production and a decreased GFR C. Decreased creatinine production and a decreased GFR D. Decreased creatinine production and an increased GFR

Slide 26


• Definition Time course and intensity of pharmacologic effect of a drug 

Impairment varies considerably from person to person

All organ systems are affected

Kidneys, liver, GI, CNS, CV, GU

Slide 27

Altered Pharmacodynamic Mechanisms

Change in receptor numbers

Change in receptor affinity

Postreceptor alterations

Age-related impairment of homeostatic mechanisms

Slide 28


Changes are significant, yet idiosyncratic

 

Decrease in weight and volume of brain Alterations in cognition

Increased sensitivity to medications

Ex: benzodiazepines, opioids, anticholinergics, NSAIDs

Slide 29


Cholinergic blockade results in

Sedation, confusion, and reduced ability to recall

• Ex: TCAs, diphenhydramine, antispasmodics, antipsychotics 

Benzodiazepines can cause severe CNS depression

 

Leads to falls and hip fractures Use caution and small dosages

Slide 30


Decreased baroreceptor responsiveness

Results in orthostatic hypotension

• Ex: Antihypertensives—use caution and counseling Slide 31


Urinary incontinence

  

15 to 30% of community-dwellers 50% of nursing home residents Enlarged prostate, urine retention

• Ex: anticholinergics Slide 32

Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults (Beers Criteria update)

Fick DM, et al. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:2716-2724.

48 medications or classes to avoid in older adults

20 diseases/conditions and medications to avoid in older adults with these diseases

“Medications to be used with caution in the elderly: a statewide clinical recommendation on potentially inappropriate medications” guideline.php

Inappropriate Drug Therapy based on Beers’ Criteria

Authors Setting Prevalence of Inappropriate Prescribing

Goulding MR 2004 Zhan et al. 2001 Ambulatory care visits Community dwelling elderly 7.8% of visits 21.3% of patients Simon SR, et al. 2005 Elderly in managed care Golden et al. 1999 Nursing home eligible NM Medicare Advantage plans 2009 New Mexico Medicare patients 28.8% of patients 39.7% of patients 21.5% of patients

Slide 34

Beers’ Criteria: Independent of Diagnosis Analgesics

 

Meperidine (long t 1/2 metabolite, CNS) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  

Indomethacin (CNS) Ketorolac-immediate and long-term use (GI bleeds)* Non-COX selective NSAIDs, longer t 1/2 -long-term use (GI bleeds, renal failure)*

 

Propoxyphene Pentazocine (CNS)

Slide 35

Beers’ Criteria: Independent of Diagnosis Psychiatric


 

Amitriptyline/doxepin (anticholinergic) Daily fluoxetine (CNS)*


Long-acting benzodiazepines-chlordiazepoxide, flurazepam (sedation/fractures)

Doses of short-acting benzodiazepines

Meprobamate (addiction/sedation)


Thioridazine (CNS/EPS)*

Mesoridazine (CNS/EPS)*

Slide 36

Beers’ Criteria: Independent of Diagnosis Cardiovascular

Ticlopidine (no better than aspirin)

Disopyramide (negative inotrope/anticholinergic)

Amiodarone (QT interval/torsades de pointes)*

Methyldopa (bradycardia/depression)

Clonidine (CNS/orthostatic hypotension)*

Doxazosin (hypotension/dry mouth)*

Short-acting nifedipine (hypotension/constipation)*

Ethacrynic acid (HTN, fluid imbalances)*

Slide 37

Beers’ Criteria: Independent of Diagnosis

Antihistamines (anticholinergic)

   

Diphenhydramine (confusion/sedation) Chlorpheniramine Promethazine Hydroxyzine

Stimulant laxatives, long term use: e.g., bisacodyl (bowel dysfunction)

Cimetidine (CNS, confusion)*

Chlorpropamide (hypoglycemia/SIADH)

Slide 38

Beers Criteria Considering Diagnosis

Heart failure-disopyramide (negative inotropic effect)

Gastric or duodenal ulcers-NSAIDs and aspirin >325 mg (exacerbate existing ulcers or produce new ulcers)

Epilepsy-clozapine, chlorpromazine (may lower seizure threshold)

Insomnia-decongestants, theophylline, methylphenidate (CNS stimulants)

Slide 39

Beers Criteria Considering Diagnosis

Depression-long-term benzodiazepines (exacerbate depression)*

Syncope or falls-TCAs and short to intermed acting benzodiazepines (may produce syncope/additional falls)*

Chronic constipation-CCBs, anticholinergics, TCAs

Slide 40

Alternatives to Beers criteria

Stefanacci RG, Cavallaro E, Beers MH, Fick DM. Developing explicit positive beers criteria for preferred central nervous system medications in older adults. Consult Pharm. 2009 Aug;24(8):601-10.

Slide 41

STOPP and START Criteria

Screening Tool of Older Persons’ Prescriptions (STOPP)

Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START)

 Gallagher P, Ryan C, Byrne S, Kennedy J, O’Mahony D. STOPP and START. Consensus validation. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2008;46:72-83. Slide 42


 Age alters pharmacokinetics (drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination)  Age alters pharmacodynamics  ADEs are common among older patients  Successful drug therapy means:  Choosing the correct dosage of the correct drug for the condition and individual patient  Monitoring the therapy Slide 43

References/Additional Reading

Cusack BJ. Pharmacokinetics in older persons. Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. 2004;2:274-302.

Fick DM, et al. Arch Intern Med 2003;163:2716-2724. (Beers’ criteria)

Gallagher P, et al. STOPP and START. Consensus validation. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2008;46:72-83.

Golden AG, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 1999;47(8):948-53.

 

Goulding MR. Arch Intern Med 2004 164(3):305-12.

Levy HB, et al. Ann Pharmacother 2010;44:xxxx.

 

Simon SR, et al. J Am Geriatr Soc 2005;53(2):227-32.

Stefanacci RG, et al. Consult Pharm. 2009;24(8):601-10.

Zhan C, et al. JAMA 2001;286(22):2823-9.

Slide 44

Case: AB 81 year-old female Problem List


CVA X 6 2.

Carotid stenosis 3.

Right endarterectomy in 6/05 4.

Osteoarthritis 5.

Chronic constipation 6.

Diabetes 7.

Peripheral neuropathy 8.

Coronary artery disease 9.

Hypertension 10.

Hypothyroidism 11.

Hypercholesterolemia 12.

Osteopenia 13.

Urinary incontinence 14.

Recurrent pyelonephritis 15.

Atrophic vaginitis 16.

Reactive airway disease

Slide 45




levothyroxine 75 mcg daily lovastatin 10 mg, 2 tablets at bedtime 3.



clopidogrel 75 mg daily nitroglycerin SL tabs 0.4mg prn amlodipine 10 mg daily 6.




furosemide 20 mg daily potassium 10 mEq, 2 tablets twice daily clonidine 0.2 mg, 2 tablets twice daily metoprolol 50 mg twice daily 10.

Novolin 70/30, 25 units qam, 15 units qpm 11.

glipizide extended release 10 mg twice daily 12.

conjugated estrogen vaginal cream twice weekly 13.

gabapentin 300 mg tid for neuropathy in feet 14.

amitriptyline 10 mg at bedtime 15.

hydrocodone/ acetaminophen 5/325 mg, 1 tab every 4-6 hours prn pain (uses 3-4 tabs/day) 16.

alendronate 70 mg po weekly 17.

tolterodine (Detrol LA) 4 mg qhs 18.

albuterol MDI with chamber once weekly

Slide 46

Medications (continued)








docusate 100 mg bid mineral oil prn constipation glycerin suppositories prn constipation (uses about 2x/week) aspirin 81 mg daily diphenhydramine 25 mg at bedtime for sleep (uses 3-4 x/week) calcium 500 mg with vitamin D bid glucosamine 2 caps qd

Slide 47

    

Vital Signs:

BP 168/63 HR 79

RR 24 Temp. 97.8˚F

Weight 177.9 lbs.

Pain 1/10

Lab Values:

Na 140 K 4.8

Cl 104 BUN 25 Scr 1.3


HbA1c 6.8%

Mean blood glucose 164.8

TSH 5.680


TC 144

  

TG 258 HDL 39 LDL 53

Slide 48