Faculty & Collaborators - Rice University -

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16th Annual Meeting of the
Rice University Consortium on
Processes in Porous Media
Rice University
April 23 2012
Consortium Members
Baker - Hughes
CESI Chemical
Conoco Phillips
Core Labs*
Exxon Mobil
Kinder Morgan
* In-kind contributions
Oil Chem*
Oxy Petroleum
Saudi Aramco
Water Standard
Faculty & Collaborators
George J. Hirasaki
Clarence A. Miller
Walter G. Chapman
Ken Cox
Lisa Biswal
Michael S. Wong
Rafael Verduzco
Scott Wellington
Ed Billips (Chemistry)
Jim Tour (Chemistry)
Kishore Mohanty (UT)
Gary Pope (UT)
Keith Johnston (UT)
Quoc Nguyen (UT)
Kamy Sepehrnoori (UT)
Francisco (Paco) Vargas
• Arne Graue (U. Bergen)
Staff & Visiting Scientist
Maura Puerto (retired Exxon)
Amir Amini (PhD, Rice)
Jerimiah Forsythe (PhD, LSU)
Yingcheng Li (SINOPEC)
Current Ph.D. Students
Jose Lopez
Neeraj Rohilla
Guangsheng Gu
Sumedh Warudkar
Sayantan Chatterjee (defended PhD)
Kun Ma
Leyu Cui
Aparna Raju Sagi
Sai Panuganti
Hadi ShamsiJazeyi
Aarthi Muthuswamy
Charles Conn
AmirHosein Valiollahzadeh (2012)
Undergraduate Students
Yezi Dong
Ying Zhang
Deema Altaher
Ivan Tanakov
Tianlong Wang
Rachel Liontas
Ann Ofulue
Tae Hyun (David) Yun
Insoo Ro
Kelsey Wolak
Erte Xi
Jenny An
Tianlong Wang
Rahul Kaveeshwar
Alex Chiu
Kevin Huang
Jiayu Lucas Lu
Leela Christian-Tabak
Ph. D. graduates in oil & gas industry
•Robert Szafranski (1997), Exxon-Mobil
•Sho-Wei Lo (1999), Shell
•Dicksen Tanzil (2001), BRIDGES to Sustainability
•Gigi Qian Zhang (2001) Baker Hughes
•David Ting (2003), Shell
•Alejandro Pena (2003), Schlumberger, Bakersfield
•Jason Chen (2005), Marathon
•Leslie Zhang (2005), Schlumberger, Houston
•Mark Flaum (2006 ), Schlumberger - Sugarland
•Busheng Li (2006), Shell
•Wei Yan (2006), Bectel, IPS
•Vivek Anand (2007), Schlumberger - Sugarland
Ph. D. graduates in oil & gas industry
Shunhua Liu (2008), Oxy
Gaurav Bhatnagar (2008), Shell-Westhollow
Doris Gonzalez (2008), Schlumberger- OilPhase
Clint Aichele (2009), Conoco Phillips
Tianmin Jiang (2009), Schlumberger
Francisco Vagas (2009), The Petroleum Institute
Arjun Kurup (2009), Schlumberger (Saudi Arabia)
Robert Li (2011), Shell - Bellaire
Elton Yang (2011), Chevron – Richmond
Michael Rauschhuber (2011), Chevron - Richmond
Processes in Porous Media Consortium
• Focus Areas
NMR well logging
Wettability alteration & low IFT EOR
Foam mobility control
Emulsion separation
Asphaltene deposition
Gas hydrate
• Core competency
– Formation evaluation
– Enhanced oil recovery
– Flow assurance
• Products
Preprints for publications
Computer code (upon request)
Department of Energy
• Detection and Production of Dynamic,
Heterogeneous Methane Hydrate Systems
• 2007-2012
• Hirasaki and Walter Chapman
• Jerry Dickens, Brandon Dugan, and Colin
Zelt (Earth Science)
• Priyank Jaiswal (Oklahoma State
• Kishore Mohanty (UT)
Department of Energy
• Novel CO2 Foam Concepts and Injection
Schemes for Improving CO2 Sweep Efficiency
in Sandstone and Carbonate Hydrocarbon
Formations (2010-2013)
• Quoc Nguyen, UT
• Keith Johnston, UT
• George Hirasaki, Rice
• Lisa Biswal, Rice
• Cost-share with Consortium
• Preparing pilots with Marathon & Oxy
Department of Energy
• Post-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture
• Faculty
– George J.Hirasaki
– Michael S. Wong
– Ken R. Cox
– Ed Billips (Chemistry)
• PhD and Post-doc
– Sumedh Warudker
– Jeremiah Forsythe
Proprietary Research
Shell – High temperature & salinity surfactants
IOC – EOR, Middle East
National Oil Company – EOR (with UT, CSM, Stanford)
Kinder Morgan – Surfactant EOR in Carbonate
ADNOC – CO2 Foam & Asphaltene, with UT & PI
Manuscripts on: Website:
Wettability Alteration of Clays in Solid Stabilized Emulsions
Low IFT, Wettability, & Foam in Heterogeneous Systems
Viscosity of Live BItumen from NMR
Methane Hydrate in Heterogeneous Systems
Separation of Produced Emulsions from Surfactant EOR
Effects of clay wettability and process variables on diluted bitumen emulsions
Analytical Theory for Sulfate-Methane Transition to Gas Hydrate Saturation
Surfactant Systems For EOR In High-temperature, High-salinity Environments
One-Third Rule for Hydrocarbons
Surfactant Titration Manual
Acid Number Titration Manual
Kaolinite Zeta Potential
NMR Response of Liquids and Natural Gas Mixtures
Characterization and Rheology of Emulsions from Deepwater Fields
Saturation Profiles via NMR Imaging
8:00 am — 8:10 am
8:10 am — 8:30 am
8:30 am — 8:50 am
8:50 am — 9:10 am
9:10 am — 9:25 am
9:25 am — 9:45 am
9:45 am — 10:00 am
10:00 am — 10:20 am
10:20 am — 10:40 am
State of the Consortium - Dr. George Hirasaki
Surfactant for foaming and EOR applications at high temperature - Jose Luis Lopez Salinas
SINOPEC research progress of surfactants for EOR - Dr. Yingcheng Li
Functionalized nanoparticles for EOR at high temperature and salinity - Dr. James Tour
CMC as a measure of surfactant-surfactant inter-actions -. AmirHosein Valiollahzadeh
Live oil surfactant phase behavior -. Aparna Raju Sagi
COFFEE-BREAK (Duncan Hall Lobby)
Polyacrylate as sacrificial adsorption agent for anionic surfactants - Hadi Shamsi Jazeyi
Surfactant-enhanced spontaneous imbibition in oil-wet, carbonate formations - Dr. Amir Amini
10:40 am — 11:00 am
11:00 am — 11:20 am
11:20 am — 11:40 am
11:40 am — 12:00 pm
12:00 pm — 1:00 pm
1:00 pm — 1:20 pm
1:20 pm — 1:40 pm
1:40 pm — 2:00 pm
2:00 pm — 2:20 pm
2:20 pm — 2:40 pm
2:40 pm — 3:00 pm
3:00 pm — 3:20 pm
3:20 pm — 4:00 pm
Viscoelastic surfactants and foam in porous media - Aarthi Muthuswamy
Pore-level visualization of foam in micromodels for enhanced oil recovery - Dr. Lisa Biswal
Estimation of parameters for simulation of steady state foam in porous media - Kun Ma
Cationic surfactant adsorption on natural carbonate minerals - Leyu Cui
LUNCH (Duncan Hall, Room #3092)
Pore structure of vuggy carbonates and rate dependent dynamic adsorption - Neeraj Rohilla
Modeling shallow pore water chemistry above gas hydrate systems - Sayantan Chatterjee
Gas hydrate/ free gas distribution due to salinity change - Guangsheng Gu
Post-combustion carbon capture using “Waste heat” - Sumedh Warudkar
Amine-functionalized ceramic materials for enhanced gas absorption - Dr. Jerimiah Forsythe
Reservoir compartmentalization and tarmat using gravity induced asphaltene - Sai Panuganti
Directions for future research
Optional lab tours
Lab Tours
Carbon Capture &Asphaltene
EOR Formulation
EOR Flooding
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Mohammad Delshad Aramco Services Company
Teruhiko Hagiwara
Aramco Services Company
Justin Debord
Baker Hughes
Geoffrey Leonard
Baker Hughes
Vaithilingam Panchalingam Baker Hughes
Ramakrishna Ponnapati Baker Hughes
Lirio Quintero
Baker Hughes
Mark Williams
Baker Hughes
Jan Beetge
Champion Technologies
Tieying Gong
Champion Technologies
Mike Jackson
Champion Technologies
Charles Hammond
Champion Technologies
Varadarajan Dwarakanath Chevron
Choongyong Han
Les Munson
Hao Sun
Vishal Bang
Marcos Briceno
Jonathan Kwan
Bill O'Brien
Alexander Vyssotski
Core Laboratories
Robin Gupta
Lisa Lun
Loan Vo
Owen Hehmeyer
Yu Bian
James Ogle
Allan Ye
Guy Biesmans
Luis Salazar
Olina Raney
Independent Consultant
Maghsood Abbaszadeh Innovative Petrotech Solutions
Jiansheng Chen
Marathon Oil
Basak Kurtoglu
Marathon Oil
Hung-Lung Chen
Marathon Oil Company
DUY Nguyen
Paul Berger
Oil Chem Technologies
Fernando Rodriguez
Antonio Villavicencio PEMEX
Sonia Embid
Jose Guitian
Manny Dahanayake
Michael Wong
Rice University
Amir Amini
Rice University
Sibani Lisa Biswal
Rice University
Walter Chapman
Rice University
Sayantan Chatterjee
Rice University
Charles Conn
Rice University
Leyu Cui
Rice University
Jerimiah Forsythe
Rice University
Guangsheng Gu
Rice University
Jose Lopez-Salinas
Rice University
Kun Ma
Rice University
Clarence Miller
Rice University
Aarthi Muthuswamy Rice University
Sai Panuganti
Rice University
Maura Puerto
Rice University
Neeraj Rohilla
Rice University
Aparna Raju Sagi
Rice University
Hadi ShamsiJazeyi
Rice University
Ivan Tanakov
Rice University
James Tour
Rice University
Wei Lu
Rice University
Chih-Chau Hwang
Rice University
Yi Chen
Rice University
AmirHosein Valiollahzadeh Rice University
Rafael Verduzco
Rice University
Sumedh Warudkar
Rice University
George Hirasaki
Rice University
Clarence Miller
Rice University
Ming Han
Saudi Aramco
Ali Yousef
Saudi Aramco
Vivek Anand
Mark Andersen
Mark Flaum
Leslie Zhang
Lukasz Zielinski
Andrew Clarke Schlumberger Cambridge Research
Jeffrey Paulsen
Schlumberger Doll Research
Kirk Raney
Jeff Southwick
YingCheng Li
Sinopec Shanghai Research
Institute of Petrochemical Technology
Sayeed Abbas
The Dow Chemical Company
Aaron Sanders
The Dow Chemical Company
Tom Burghart
Charles Thomas
Philippe Cordelier
Danielle Morel