Developing JSF Pages Using ADF Faces

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Developing JSF Pages Using ADF Faces

ADF Faces Rich Client Components

• Over 150 components • Ajax enabled • Pluggable look and feel • Accessibility & internationalization • The usual components plus: – Charts, gantt, pivot, calendars, coverflow • Built in advanced functionality: – Drag and drop framework – Dialog and pop-up framework – “Active Data” - Dashboards / push updates (comet) – Templating and declarative components

ADF Faces Components

Common Components

• Input and output components • Fields, sliders, selectors • Navigation components • Links, buttons, menus • List selection components • Dropdown, LOV, shuttle • Data collection components • Table, tree, carousel • Others • Progress bar, calendar

Operation Components

• Instead of writing JavaScript • Validators • Convertors • Behaviors • Drag and drop • Listeners • Export • Print • More…

• 50 graph types • Flash or PNG rendering • Interactive: • Zoom • Scroll • Time selector window • Line and legend highlighting/fading • Animation


Layout Components

• Arrange your page using areas • Relative positioning • Advanced layouts • Change page layout at runtime

Using Facets

• Facets are: • Placeholders for subcomponents • Similar to detail elements • Used to specify subordinate elements like header or footers • Displayed with the component

Partial Page Rendering

• PPR uses AJAX technology.

• Update the page without refreshing the whole page.

• Select a value from a list and filter a result table by that value.

• Scroll through a results table.

• Expand a tree control.

• PPR in ADF Faces is mostly transparent: • Expand a tree node.

• Nothing special needs to be done.

• Explicit PPR attributes: • partialSubmit: Used by command components • autoSubmit: Used by input items or lists, and so on • partialTriggers: Used by all components

Declarative Partial Page Rendering (PPR) Partial Page Rendering: • Enables redrawing only a portion of a page • Can be enabled declaratively or programmatically