Ch. 24-31 Review

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Chapters 24-31

Chapter 24

 What instruction has Mr. Jaggers’ received about Pip’s career?

 4 x 5  Jaggers was testing Pip  Tour of Jaggers’ office  “two odious casts”  2 famous criminals  1 male, 1 female  Casts made right after they died

Chapter 25, Wemmick’s Home

     Aged Parent  Deaf and funny Jaggers has never seen Wemmick’s home Wemmick keeps his home life separate from the office Asks Pip to keep it a secret, as well Change in Wemmicks’ disposition as he neared the office

Chapter 26

    Enables us to get a better perception of Jaggers Jaggers takes a liking to Drummle (“the spider”) Housekeeper, Molly  Page 213  Very nervous around Jaggers Wrists  Scars seem to be part of a secret that Jaggers and Molly Share

Chapter 26

 Pip lives extravagantly  Boasts of his great prospects  Discussion about loaning money  Angers Drummle  Does Drummle remind you of another character?

Chapter 27

 Letter from Biddy  Describe how Pip felt when he learned of Joe’s upcoming visit to London  What does this show you about Pip’s character? Is he changing? Is he the same?  Who is “the Avenger?”

Chapter 27

 Who travels with Joe to London?

 How has this character “had a drop?”  Joe brings a message from Ms. Havisham

Chapter 27

 Joe refers to Pip as “Sir” throughout his visit and seems noticeably nervous and uncomfortable.

 WHY??

 “Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man’s a blacksmith, and one’s a goldsmith…You and me is not two figures to be together in London…God bless you, dear old Pip, old chap, God bless you!”

Chapter 28

 Pip feels badly about how Joe left London the previous day…BUT…  2 Convicts would be traveling to the dockyards in the same stage-coach Pip was taking to the marshes.  A familiar face  The man does NOT recognize Pip  However, we now know who was responsible for the two one-pound notes.

Chapter 29

 Pip’s return to Satis House  Pip believes Ms. Havisham intended him and Estella to be together  Pip says this about Estella,  “I loved her simply because I found her irresistible…I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness…”  Thoughts?

Chapter 29 Changes at Satis

 Of course Ms. H. remains the same  Pip anxiously awaits for Estella at the gate, when SURPRISE!!

 It’s ‘ole Orlick!

 He’s able to intimidate others and it’s easier than being a blacksmith  “an elegant lady whom I had never seen.”

Estella Returns

 Estella’s eyes  She was even more beautiful  Under Estella’s gaze, Pip “slipped hopelessly back into the coarse and common boy again.”


 “You must know that I have no heart… I am serious; if we are going to be thrown much together, you had better believe it at once.”  What can we learn about Estella from this statement? Look beyond the text.

 Maybe she’s not at heartless as we all thought.

What is Love?

 According to Ms. Havisham:  Blind devotion  Unquestioning self-humiliation  Utter submission  Trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world  Giving up your heart and soul.

 Do you agree?


 “I never thought there was anything low and small about me keeping away from Joe, because I knew she would be contemptuous of him. It was but a day gone, and Joe had brought tears into my eyes; they had soon dried—God forgive me!—soon dried.

 Estella was the reason behind Pip’s bad decision.

 What does this line reveal about Pip as an adult?

Chapter 30

 Pip voiced his concerns to Jaggers about Orlick working at Ms. Havisham’s  Pip confesses to Herbert that he loves Estella  Herbert’s reaction  Pip yearns to know just what his “expectations” are and if Estella really is one of them  Does Herbert believe Pip was “designed” for Estella?

 Herbert’s secret

Chapter 31

  “On our arrival in Denmark”  Not really; Hamlet is set in Denmark The play is awful  The ghost of Hamlet’s father coughs constantly  He carried his lines around with him  One boy changed roles throughout the play  Coffin was “an empty black box with the lid tumbling open”  When the prince asked questions, the audience answered

Chapter 31

 Pip and Herbert leave immediately after the play, hoping to avoid Wopsle  Feeling sorry for him, Pip invites Wopsle to supper  Pip goes to bed miserable