The Diary of Anne Frank (the play)

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Transcript The Diary of Anne Frank (the play)

TSWBAT analyze a play in order to understand a
significantly historical event.
Bellwork: Monday, 12/2/13
Take out a sheet of paper and head it appropriately.
Title it “Holocaust KWL Chart & Notes.”
Under the “K,” write 3 things you know about the
Under the “W,” write 3 things you want to know
about the Holocaust.
Notes on the Holocaust & the play
 The play is based on the
novel, "Diary of a Young
Girl," published in 1947.
 Anne's Diary begins in
1942. Anne is 13 years
old-3 weeks before she
goes into hiding.
 Germany, WWII (19381945)
 Hitler ruled Germany
 Allied powers (U.S., U.K.,
France, and Soviet
Union) vs. Axis Powers
(Germany, Italy, Japan)
Notes on the Holocaust
and the play
 Holocaust: Germany's deliberate
attempt, under Hitler's rule, to
exterminate all Jews in Europe...
 Killed over 6 million Jews.
 Weapons: Starvation, Torture,
 Hitler wanted to rid Germany of
everyone not of the Aryan race (blond
hair, blue eyes)
Notes on the
Holocaust and the
 SS = Hitler's personal
elite body guards, did
most of killings
ordered by Hitler
 Gestapo = Branch of
the SS
 Star of David: symbol
of Jewish Faith
 Nazi = Anti-Jew
 Swastika = Nazi
“Remembering Anne
Frank…” by Anonymous
1. What is a Nazi?
2. What Religion are Anne and her family?
3. List the members of Anne's family. (Mother, father, sister)
4. List three rights Hitler took away from Jews in Germany.
5. What outward symbol(s) were Jews required to display?
6. How old was Anne when she began her diary?
Questions from the article, continued:
7. Describe a concentration camp and what occurred there.
8. Why did the Franks go into hiding? Where did they go?
9. Who is MIEP? How did she risk her life for the Franks?
10. How long were the Franks in hiding?
11. When, where, and how did Anne die?
12. Who was the only occupant to survive concentration camps?
13. What did he do after the war to make Anne famous?
14. When and how did Hitler die?
15. List an interesting fact about the publication of Kitty.
16. What was the final outcome of WWII for Jews? (# of losses,
Monday, 12/2/13
Explanation of Unit
Portfolio Checklist & Grading Rubric
Homework Assignment:
Complete reading the article and answer
the questions.
Bellwork: Tuesday, 12/3/13
1. Take out a sheet of paper, head it correctly, and
title it “A Tragedy Revealed: A Heroine’s…”
2. Turn to page 443 in the literature textbook.
3. Read and answer the QUICKWRITE section.
If you could interview survivors of the Holocaust
who knew Anne Frank, what would you ask them?
Jot down some of your questions.
“A Tragedy Revealed” A Heroine’s Last Days”
by Ernst Schnabel (pp. 443-460)
 indomitable adj.: unconquerable. Anne Frank’s spirit was indomitable.
 annihilation n.: complete destruction. We still mourn the Nazi annihilation of
six million Jews.
 refuge n.: place of safety. The Franks found refuge for two years in the Secret
 reconciliations n.: acts of making up after arguments. After the arguments in
the Secret Annex came the tearful reconciliations.
 inexplicable adj.: incapable of being explained. There were inexplicable sounds
coming from the building.
 dispirited v. used as adj.: sad and discouraged. The residents were often
dispirited during their long confinement in the Secret Annex.
 premonition n.: feeling that something bad will happen. When the lamp
crashed, the residents of the Secret Annex had a premonition that they would be
 emaciated v. used as adj.: extremely thin, as from starvation or illness.
Anne’s emaciated face showed suffering and hunger.
 raucous adj.: loud and rough. They were frightened by the raucous shouting
outside the window.
 clamorous adj.: loud and demanding. They heard the clamorous voices of the
Gestapo in the stairway.
Page 460 Questions
2. Fill in the L column of your KWL chart. Then, choose one or
two interesting facts that you learned, and discuss them with a
3. Choose two quotations from the people Schnabel
interviewed, and write the question you think he asked to get
each response. Are any of these questions similar to ones you
wrote in your Quickwrite notes?
4. This writer wanted to discover what happened to Anne Frank
after her arrest. But he certainly had other purposes in writing
this factual article. What do you think his purposes were? What
would you say is the main idea of the article? Find at least one
passage in the article that supports the main idea.
The Diary of Anne Frank
 Turn to page 364 in your
Page 364:
Literary Focus & Reading Skills
 Theme: the general idea or insight about human existence
that is revealed in a story, poem, or play. It’s what the
writer is saying about life.
 Resources: maps, timelines, historical photographs, and
written entries
 Primary Source: firsthand information
Background: Literature and Real Life (pp.
Timeline: (pp. 367-368)
Turn to page
1. Anne Frank
2. Margot Frank: her
older sister
3. Mr. Frank: their
4. Mrs. Frank: their
5. Miep: worker in
Mr. Frank’s
business; Dutch
6. Peter Van Daan
7. Mr. Van Daan: his
8. Mrs. Van Daan: his
9. Mr. Dussel: a
10. Mr. Kraler:
worker in Mr. Frank’s
business; Dutch
The Diary of Anne Frank
(the play)
Read Act I, Scenes 1 & 2.
(pages 370-381)
Homework: Tuesday, 12/3/13
Copy the sentences for each
vocabulary word from page 444 and
pages 364-365.
Study these spelling words and
vocabulary terms for tests on Tuesday,
December 17, 2013.
Bellwork: Wednesday, 12/4/13
Take out your portfolios and title a new sheet of
paper “Journal Entry #1.”
Read and Answer the following:
Pretend you had one hour to prepare to go into hiding.
You can NEVER return to your home. You cannot carry
a suitcase; it would be obvious you were going into
hiding. It is winter; therefore, it is VERY cold outside
and there is limited food where you are going. What
items would you take with you? How would you
disguise these items and how would you carry them?
Vocabulary Terms
(The Diary of Anne Frank)
 conspicuous adj.: noticeable. The Nazis required all Jews to wear a
conspicuous yellow Star of David on their clothing.
 unabashed adj.: unembarrassed. Anne’s unabashed comments
sometimes embarrassed her mother.
 loathe v.: hate. Anne loathed having her mother treat her like a baby.
 indignantly adv.: with anger caused by something felt to be unjust.
Anne indignantly claimed she had not been rude.
 fortify v.: strengthen. Mr. Dussel took pills to fortify himself.
 zeal n.: great enthusiasm; devotion to a cause. The Maccabees
showed great zeal in their fight against tyranny.
 tyranny n.: cruel and unjust use of power. The Maccabees’ fight
against tyranny and oppression two thousand years ago still
inspires people today.
Vocabulary Terms,
 gingerly adv.: cautiously. Peter held Anne’s gift gingerly, afraid it might
jump out and hit him.
 ostentatiously adv.: in a showy way. Peter held his coat ostentatiously to
pretend he was hiding his cat there.
 appalled v. used as adj.: horrified. Dussel’s alarming news was met with a
moment of appalled silence.
 disgruntled v. used as adj.: displeased; annoyed. Mr. Dussel, disgruntled,
listened to the conversation.
 inarticulate adj.: unable to speak. Peter was so furious at Dussel that he
became inarticulate.
 forlorn adj.: abandoned and lonely. Dussel felt forlorn when Peter and
Anne both closed their doors on him.
 animation n.: liveliness. Anne’s animation could both delight and annoy
her family.
 remorse n.: deep feeling of guilt. Mrs. Frank felt remorse for her angry
Vocabulary Review
I/O Circle
Multiple Intelligence
Cardstock Activity
(Picture Activity)
MI Body Smart
Picture/Word Smart
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Play
Read Act I, Scene 3. (pages 381-394)
Homework: Wednesday,
WRITE your spelling/vocabulary terms
(#s1-20 ONLY) 5 times each.
Complete the Reading Check Section (Scenes 1-3).
Use Bubble Maps to describe each of the 10
“By the end of Scene 3, we have met all ten
characters who appear in the play. List those
characters, and choose two or three adjectives to
describe each one.”
Bellwork: Thursday,
Take out your Character descriptions from
Take out your paper labeled “Journal Entry 1.” Draw
a line under your response and title your paper
“Journal Entry 2.”
COPY the following prompt and complete the
statement with your own feelings.
 After seeing pictures of concentration camps and
learning a little about the Holocaust and Anne
Frank, I feel…
Numbered Heads Together
page 395
Review of Act I, Scenes 1-3
1. A flashback interrupts a story to take you back to
earlier times and events. Most of this play is told in an
extended flashback, framed by the opening and
closing scenes. Where in Scene 1 does the flashback
begin? What do we learn about the characters and their
basic situation before the flashback begins?
2. When does Anne begin to understand what going
into hiding will mean? Describe some of the ways life
in the Secret Annex is different from life outside.
Numbered Heads Together
3. Sounds from outside the Secret Annex play an
important part in the play. Some remind us of ordinary
life in the city. Others punctuate the scene with
reminders of the danger outside. List four of the
sounds heard so far. Which sounds are pleasant?
Which are threatening?
4. List the conflicts that have developed among the
characters by the end of Scene 3. Why are these
conflicts dangerous for the people in the Secret Annex?
What other conflicts do you predict might arise?
Quiz: Act I, Scenes 1-3 (pp. 370-394)
Answer the following in COMPLETE
sentences. Remember TTQA. Cite textual
evidence to support your responses.
(20 points each for a total of 100 points)
1. How old was Anne when she began her diary?
2. What is the W.C. that is referred to in the Hiding
3. Who brings supplies to the group in hiding?
4. What is Anne's nickname for her father?
5. What animal is in hiding with the families?
Homework: Thursday,
Study your Spelling/Vocabulary
Words #s1-20.
Write one sentence for #s 1-10
using each word correctly.
You may refer to a dictionary or
online resources for example
Answer the following and label it Journal
entry 3:
If you had to live in hiding and could not
make a sound from 9am-6pm every day,
except Sunday, and had no electronic toys
to entertain yourself, what would you do?
Write 4 things you would do to occupy
your time.
Vocabulary Sentences
Take out your sentences from last
night’s homework assignment.
We will view, read, and critique
your example sentences.
The Diary of Anne Frank
(the play)
Read Act I, Scenes 4 & 5. (pp. 396-409)
Homework: Friday, 12/6/13
Study your Spelling/Vocabulary Words (#s 1-20).
Draw a Venn Diagram.
Compare and contrast Peter and Anne by
identifying 3 similarities and 3 differences.
Make sure you color-code the Venn Diagram.