European IPR Helpdesk

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3 rd panel “IP Management in EU-funded collaborative research projects” Jörg Scherer CEO Eurice GmbH , European IPR Helpdesk

EURICE – H2020 Innovation Support Initiatives

European IPR Helpdesk

 Information and training on Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) •

EEN - Enterprise Europe Network

 Information and consulting to support SMEs in the field of cooperation, technology transfer and strategic partnership •

Fit for Health 2.0

 Focusing on research-intensive, high technology SMEs, the project offers targeted support measures, covering the entire innovation cycle of research projects.

EU research funding – Outcome of FP7 impact assessments

• Less than 50% of industrial partners use the publicly funded applied research projects strategically • Only about 22% of SMEs participating in EU research programs are strategic innovators • Most academics engage with industry to further their research rather than to commercialise their knowledge • Results are not exploited because projects were not designed for exploitation

Horizon 2020: Coverage of the full innovation chain Societal challenges Industrial leadership Excellent science

Basic Research Demonstration Technology R&D Prototyping Large scale validation Pilots Market uptake

Horizon 2020: Expectations on IP and exploitation management

Expectation on sound IP management in H2020/ COSME differs according to: • • • • Specific Programme (i.e. SME instrument, Joint Undertakings with strong industrial participation) • Applicability of results/Technology Readiness Level (TRL) • Participation of SMEs/Industry Financing Instrument (i.e. Innovation actions/SME instrument) Size of consortium/International partners Stage of proposal/maturity of project implementation • Specific requirements called for in the work programme/topic description

Why is it important to consider IP in H2020?

 The Rules for Participant establish best efforts commitment of participants to exploit their own results.

 IP and exploitation issues are subject to evaluation regarding impact and feasibility of the proposal.  A convincing outline of IP management and exploitation strategies on individual and consortium level within the proposal is a relevant matter.

 Results of research and development activities require further and often substantial investments to take them to market, which is appealing if the results are well protected through intellectual property.  Properly managing IP in the projects, helps participants to avoid future conflicts among the consortium.

• • • • • • •

Horizon 2020: IP downstream route

Understanding the scene (Terms, Rules, Model Agreements, etc)

Setting the scene (Which IP provisions are negotiable?) Getting to know the individual interests, motivations and expectations of individual partners regarding IP management and exploitation Strategies and Plans to capture, manage and exploit results of H2020 projects on consortium level Developing the right innovation management structures Definition of appropriate activities and tasks to implement innovation-related activities Exploitation pathways, route to market, business models

Routes for exploitation in H 2020

• • • • • • • Use for further research Developing and selling own products/services Spin-Off activities Cooperation agreement/Joint Ventures Selling IP rights/Selling the (IP based) business Licensing IP rights (out-licensing) Standardisation activities (new standards/on going procedures)

European IPR Helpdesk

Website Awareness Raising

Training Newsletter


Helpline Bulletin Publications

All of our services are offered free of charge.

Website & Publications

• News • Events • Model Agreements • Fact Sheets • Case Studies • Bulletin • Glossary • FAQs

Sample Publications

Guide to IP in Horizon 2020

First-line support

User-friendly service provided in English


Personalised answers to individual questions within three working daysWide range of IP topics: IP protection, IP management and exploitation, revision of agreements, etc.

Understandable for non-legal experts and business oriented


“Capacity building“

• Practical and comprehensive

training approach

Individual organisation of on-location training events in cooperation with multipliers/ intermediaries •

Training Catalogue

Web-based training sessions

3,000 participants in training activities in 2014 !!!


New training modules focusing on the management of results/IP generated in Horizon 2020 collaborative projects addressing particularly academia-industry collaboration • IP & Innovation Management in proposal preparation phase (“Impact and innovation in H2020 – a guide for proposers) IP Management framework – A credible strategy to market – Operational methodologies/processes in the project implementation • Practical Management of IPR, Impact and Exploitation during the project (“Maximising impact – Exploitation of H2020 results) Capturing and assessing the IP – Finding business opportunities/strategies – Realising exploitation routes Delivered in on-site workshops + Webinars (Further information to be found on EU IPR Helpdesk website)

Other IPR Helpdesks

The China IPR SME Helpdesk supports European Union (EU) small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in or relating to China, through the provision of free information and services.

The MERCOSUR IPR SME Helpdesk offers free of charge, first-line support on IP and IPR matters that aims to facilitate the expansion of European SMEs already established at, or working with entities in Mercosur and Chile as well as those potentially interested in establishing commercial and R&D activities and ventures in these countries.

The ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesk supports European Union (EU) small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to manage, protect and enforce their Intellectual Property (IP) rights in or relating to ASEAN, through the provision of free, first-line advice, information and training.


Cooperating with stakeholders involved in IPR and promotion of innovation in order to foster synergies (EEN, WIPO, EPO, OHIM, National Patent Offices...) • Liaising with European business associations and other stakeholders with the purpose to foster partnerships and reach more SMEs • Networking through LinkedIn and Twitter

EU IPR Helpdesk Ambassador Scheme

Intensified cooperation with the

Enterprise Europe Network

Appoint Network members as local “ambassadors” of the EU IPR Helpdesk to thus foster a network of contact points across Europe  Aiming to increase the outreach of the EU IPR Helpdesk towards European SMEs at regional and local level in particular

Many thanks for your attention !!

Contact Information: Jörg Scherer Tel.: +49 681/95 92 33 60 Fax: +49 681/95 92 33 70 [email protected]

Eurice GmbH Science Park 1 66123 Saarbrücken Germany