The Heroic Cycle: Luke Skywalker and Odysseus

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Transcript The Heroic Cycle: Luke Skywalker and Odysseus

The Heroic Cycle:
Luke Skywalker and Odysseus
Nick Staley, Parker Cahn, Nathalie Unico, Lucy
King, and Hanna Luckenbach
The Call
Luke Skywalker
 Luke Receives a desperate call
from Princess Leia begging for
help against the Empire.
 Athena convinces Zeus to let
Hermes free Odysseus from
Luke Skywalker
 Luke recruits the help of Han
Solo and Chewbacca and
obtains a lightsaber from Obi
Wan Kenobi.
 Odysseus builds his ship and
obtains supplies from Calypso
for his journey home.
Luke Skywalker
 Luke and his allies board the
Millenium Falcon and enter
the universe.
 Hermes convinces Calypso to
let Odysseus leave the island
and begin his journey home
Luke Skywalker
 The Falcon is captured by the
Death Star, and Luke must
rescue Princess Leia.
 Poseidon attacks Odysseus at
sea for blinding Polyphemus,
encounters with Sirens,
Scylla and Charybdis.
Saving Experience
Luke Skywalker
 Obi Wan Kenobi disables the
Death Star tractor beam,
allowing an escape.
 Ino gives Odysseus a veil
which will prevent Odysseus
from drowning.
Luke Skywalker
 Luke joins the Rebellion
assault team attacking the
Death Star. There is little
chance the team will destroy
the station.
 Odysseus lands on unfamiliar
land and loses hope of
returning home.
Return and Sharing
Luke Skywalker
 Luke destroys the Death Star
and decides to continue his
fight against the Empire.
 Odysseus finally returns to
Ithaca and saves Penelope
from the suitors.