Introduction and Looking forward - National Association for Public

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Transcript Introduction and Looking forward - National Association for Public


Data Acquisition, Classification and Evaluation Branch Division of Vital Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics

Karen Knight, Branch Chief Vital Statistics Cooperative Program Call November 8, 2014


• A little about Karen & first few months at CDC • About Data Acquisition, Classification and Evaluation Branch • Priorities of Division of Vital Statistics • DACEB Strategies • Collaboration with Jurisdictions / NAPHSIS • Questions / Request for Input

Introduction – State to NCHS

2013 - 2014

North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics Raleigh, NC Rest!


First impressions

• Staff dedication & very helpful to me! • Electronic systems for everything!

• Great ideas to share • System successes and challenges • Security!!

Division of Vital Statistics, NCHS

Data Acquisition, Classification and Evaluation

Karen Knight

Information Technology

Rajesh Virkar

Delton Atkinson


Mortality Statistics

Bob Anderson

Reproductive Statistics

Amy Branum

Data Acquisition, Classification and Evaluation Branch

Statisticians Sarai Ibrahim

Part-time Admin

Karen Knight

Branch Chief

Vital Statistics Specialists Medical Evaluation and Classification

Data File Flow

MSB Death




Reports generated for internal review & feedback sent to jurisdictions


Preparation of file for closeout ITB Multiple race coding / other prep


Birth, Fetal & Linked Birth/ Infant Death

DACEB, Statistical Team

Statisticians David Justice,

Cross-branch Collaboration

Jenny Justice,

Statistical Team Lead

Kryn Krautheim

IT Liaison

Adrienne Rouse,

Medical Statistician

Laci Banks-Walker Brenda Green Margaret Jamison

DACEB, Statistical Team, cont’d

Phyllis Chappell Web site updates / Reports Other Statistical Staff Demetria Simmons, Data Entry / Record Control Catherine Forbes Data Entry

DACEB, Vital Statistics Specialists

Senora Davis Connie Gentry Chrissy Jarman,

Team Lead

Denise Little Susan McBroom Pam Stephenson

DACEB, Medical Team

Matt Rowe


Medical Specialists

Holly Lambert, Senior

Medical Technicians

Mia Jones, Senior

Kathy Fowler

IT Specialist

DACEB, Medical Team – Medical Classification Specialists

Rosalyn Anderson Cynthia Harris Barbara Holly Lambert Senior MS Porterfield Eldora Shuler Smith Connie Banks James Herndon

DACEB, Medical Team – Medical Records Technicians

Mia Jones Senior Technician Ida Delaney Bernice McMorris Brandy Roberson Betsy Thompson

Division of Vital Statistics Priorities

Based on Annual Quality Performance Review with Dr. Frieden • • • • First priority is to increase timeliness of publications Includes availability of “near real time” mortality data for surveillance • Improving system functionality and efficiency, focusing on medical systems • • • Meeting targets for return of Medical Codes to states Electronic codes – Target is 24 hours (currently < 24 hours) Manual codes – 2014 target is 15 days (currently 14 days) 2015 target is 10 days Improving partnerships with jurisdictions & other partners Improving organizational efficiency

Division of Vital Statistics, NCHS January 29, 2014 Performance-to-Date and 2017 Targets


Percentage of birth records received within 10 days of the event

50 40 30 20 10 0 22 23 19 24 Actual Target 2010 2012 2014 2016 Priority: Increase Data Use by Decreasing Lag Between Event and Receipt of Birth Record 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 7

Percentage of demographic death records received within 10 days of the event

9 13 Actual Target 2010 2012 2014 2016 Priority: Increase Data Use by Decreasing Lag Between Event and Receipt of Death Record 25 20 15

Number of months after data year for release of the preliminary and final natality file (Annually)

Actual 20 18 Preliminary Target (Actual) 12 10 5 11 10 9 0 2010 2012 2014 2016 Priority: Increase Data Use by Improving Timeliness of Release of Natality Data

Number of months after data year for release of the preliminary and final mortality file (Annually)

25 20 15 10 21 11 10 Actual Preliminary Target (Actual) 5 0 2010 2012 2014 2016 Priority: Increase Data Use by Improving Timeliness of Release of Mortality Data

100 90 40 30 20 10 0 80 70 60 50 10,6 2011

Percent of U.S. Mortality Records Received Within 10 Days of the Date of the Event by Year

17,6 14.0

2012 Years Target 2013 29,9 2014 (Jan-Oct)

Draft FY15 DACEB File Production Milestones Birth • 2014 Preliminary………………….February 13, 2015 • • 2014 Contract closeout………….March 15, 2015 2014 Final…………………………..May 15, 2015 Death • 2013 Final………………………….. October 22, 2014 - Completed • • 2014 Preliminary………………….March 15, 2015 2014 Contract closeout………….May 15, 2015 • 2014 Final…………………………..August 3, 2015 Fetal Death • 2013 Final…………………………..December 31, 2014 • • 2014 Contract closeout………….May 15, 2015 2014 Final…………………………..September 15, 2015

DACEB Internal Strategies

• Document and streamline internal processes • Partner with Rajesh’s IT team in system improvements & reports • Develop & implement medical mortality data quality assessment program • Develop additional data quality assessment tools • Complete restructuring efforts • Increase effective communication and teamwork • Identify improvements to communication and collaboration with jurisdictions

Collaboration with Jurisdictions

• Through

Vital Statistics Improvement Project with NAPHSIS

• Technical Assistance is available! • Coordination of Corrective Action Plans • Communications • Timely feedback to jurisdictions • Communication of our closeout dates – we need your help!

• Let us know how we are doing!

• Reengage around Corrective Action Plans • Intent is to help jurisdictions meet contract deliverables • Rethinking annual meeting VSCP requirement

Reasons for CAPs

• Revisions – 5 not revised for natality; 9 not revised for death; 13 not revised for fetal death • STEVE certification – fully implemented by fewer than half of the jurisdictions. Affects our production timelines • Lack of quality assurance program • Ongoing timeliness • Contract closeout timeliness – Most cannot meet the contract deliverables

CAP Process

• Over the coming months, DACEB will be initiating CAP requests/updates for jurisdictions out of compliance with one or more items.

• CAPs will be submitted to Larry Nielsen at NAPHSIS for review, with final versions to your DACEB team (Vital Statistics Specialist, Statistician and Medical Specialist), with a copy to me and Larry.

• Format for the plan and updates will be specified in the request.

• Quarterly updates expected, with some exceptions.

Focus is on improvements, not punishment! Larry, my staff and I are available to help brainstorm strategies for CAPs.

If you know you will need a CAP or update, please reach out to us!

Annual In-person Meetings

• Travel budget cut – Opportunity to improve annual meetings • Feedback • Meetings too short to be helpful • • Reports provided at the meeting provide no additional information than what is available on VSCP web site Would rather engage in problem solving • One Alternative Plan •

Your feedback needed!

Facilitated group sessions, based on contract deliverables, e.g., revisions, STEVE, timeliness, quality • • Focus on discussing barriers and sharing solutions Jurisdictions with success in an area provide success stories to others struggling

Your feedback requested

• Barriers to meeting timelines and ongoing updates • Our communication and how we can improve • How we can help through the CAP process – what wording will help you get what you need in your jurisdiction?

• What would best serve you in an in-person meeting?

Call me with your ideas or if I can be helpful!

Karen Knight

Chief, Data Acquisition, Classification and Evaluation Branch Division of Vital Statistics National Center for Health Statistics Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 919.541.4414

[email protected]
