Power Point Slides Session #5

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Coalition of Forces
The Hittites
The Gibeonite Deception
• Gibeon is a confederation
of towns north of
Jerusalem. (see 9:17)
• They have heard of Israel’s
victories against Egypt,
Amon, Heshbon, Bashan,
Jericho, and Ai.
• Instead of waiting to be
destroyed they devise a
plan to gain the trust of
The Gibeonite Deception
• They took worn-out sacks for their donkeys
• They took worn-out wineskins, sandals, and
• All their provisions were dry and crumbly
• They met with Joshua at Gilgal
• They pretended to be from far away and to
have traveled great distances in order to
make peace with Israel. When in reality they
are next door neighbors.
The Gibeonite Deception
• Joshua and the leaders of Israel are taken in
by the Gibeonite Deception (9:14)
• They make peace with them and make a
covenant with them to let them live.
• Their BIGGEST mistake is that the “did not
seek counsel from the LORD” (9:14)
• Why do you think they don’t seek counsel
from the LORD?
The Gibeonite Deception
• The Lord strictly forbids making any covenant
with any peoples in Canaan. (Exodus 34:12)
• Instead of inquiring of the LORD through the
Urim and Thummim, the men of Israel trusted
in their own judgment.
• They bought into the deception, and made a
forbidden covenant/treaty with them.
• And because they “swore” an oath they
couldn’t back out of the treaty otherwise a
curse would come upon Israel.
The Gibeonite Deception
• Israel DISCOVERS the deception and is not
happy. (9:16 – 18)
• Israel MUMMURED – why?
• They were probably upset because they
violated the rules of Deuteronomy 7 and over
their inability to take control of these cities
and their plunder.
• This blunder will come back to haunt Israel
when Saul ignores the OATH taken here and
attacks the Gibeonites (2 Samuel 21:1-14)
The Gibeonite Consequence
• Israel questions their leaders and it REVEALS
that they had not intentionally disobeyed the
LORD or brought shame on Israel. (9.22-24)
• The punishment for their deception was
servitude of the lowest class in the house of
the LORD and to the people of Israel.
• This curse is believed to the be the fulfillment
of the curse of Noah on Canaan (Genesis 9:25)
• The Gibeonites would be slaves to the people
and to the tabernacle. It would be a constant
reminder that Canaanite worship was over.
The kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish,
Eglon all make a pact to join together and strike
Gibeon. (10:1-6)
Gibeon Plea for Help
• And the men of Gibeon REQUESTED Joshua
and Israel to come their rescue (10:6)
• So Joshua assembled all the people of war, all
the mighty men of VALOR.
• YAHWEH spoke: Do not fear them, for I have
given them into your hands. Not a man of
them shall stand before you. (10:8)
• As ISRAEL marched all night to Gibeon they
attacked in the morning and the LORD “threw
into panic” all the enemy forces. (10:9-10)
As they fled before
Israel, the LORD
threw down large
stones from heaven
on them as far as
Azekah, and they
died. There were
more who died
because of the
hailstones than the
sons of Israel killed
with the sword.
(10:10 – 11)
Joshua said “Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in
the Valley of Aijalon.” And the sun stood still, and
the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance
on their enemies. (10:12 – 13)
The Day The Sun Stood Still
God’s power had been so ordered that the sun
retained its course and motion; but when
Joshua prayed in his distress and commanded
the sun to stand still, the sun stood still at
Joshua’s word. Ask the astronomers how
great a miracle this is! But what is the reason?
No other than that God does the will of those
who fear Him and subordinates His will to
ours, provided we continue to fear him
- Martin Luther
Five Amorite Kings Executed
• The five Amorite Kings fled and hid at
Makkedah = town in the western foothills near
• Joshua orders a large stone to be rolled in front
of the cave essentially locking the kings in the
cave while the armies pursue and defeat the
remaining enemy forces (10:18 – 21)
• The kings then were brought out from the cave
and the feet of the Israel placed upon their
necks (10:22 – 24)
Five Amorite Kings Executed
• And Joshua said, “Do not be afraid or dismayed;
be strong and courageous. For thus the LORD
will do to all your enemies against whom you
fight” (10:25)
• The five kings were hanged to death during the
day and then eventually brought down, placed
in the cave, and they set large stones against the
mouth of the cave.
• Being hanged on a tree symbolized a “curse
from God”
Put Your Feet On Their Necks
• This was a humiliating gesture that symbolized
that the kings were completely under the
power of the victors
• This symbolism is used elsewhere in Scripture
to show the LORD’s rule
• See Psalm 110:5; Malachi 4:3; 1 Corinthians
15:25 – 28; Ephesians 1:22; Colossians 2:14 –
So Joshua struck the whole land, the hill country
and the Negeb and the lowland and the
slopes, and all their kings. He left none
remaining, but devoted to destruction all that
breathed, just as the LORD God of Israel
commanded. And Joshua struck them…and
captured all these kings and their land at one
time, because the LORD God of Israel fought
for Israel. Then Joshua returned, and all Israel
with him, to the camp at Gilgal.
(Joshua 10:42 – 43)