Performance Management and the new teachers* standards

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Transcript Performance Management and the new teachers* standards

Tuesday 3rd September 10.20 am
Some good news
 For this academic year only, if you are eligible for
assessment for post threshold (UPS1-3), you will be
assessed in the same way, using the same process that
we have been using for a number of years.
 Your line manager has more information on this
 I am presenting a twilight cpd session on Monday 16th
September for those who are eligible to apply this
academic year.
Performance Management
(Appraisal) and Pay Progression
 What are the changes we need to be aware of for our
Pay progression for main and
upper pay scale teachers
Provisions in the STPCD 2013
• All pay progression is related to
performance, as set out in each
school’s pay policy. It is no longer
based on length of service.
• Affects pay decisions made from
September 2014
• A teacher cannot have his/her
salary reduced while he/she
remains in the same post in the
same school
Upper pay scale and threshold
Provisions in the STPCD 2013
• Each school must have a pay policy
outlining the process of making a
decision on progression to and
through the upper pay range. The
current 10 post threshold standards
will be replaced with simpler criteria.
• A teacher’s application is assessed by
Evidence from performance reviews.
Whether he/she is ‘highly
competent’ in all elements of the
teacher’s standards.
Whether his/her achievements and
contribution to the school has been
substantial and sustained
Teaching and learning
responsibility payments
Provisions in the STPCD 2013
• TLR1 and TLR2 payments are
permanent while the teacher
remains in the same post
• New TLR3 payments can be awarded
for a fixed-term period. They can be
paid to teachers already receiving
TLR1 or 2 payments and they do not
have to be made pro rata for part
time teachers. TLR3 payments
enable schools to reward timelimited school improvement
projects, or one-off externally driven
• Salary safeguarding arrangements
continue to apply to TLR1 and TLR2
payments, but not TLR3s
How does this affect my appraisal?
 You will still be assessed against three criteria:
Your performance, values, behaviours and conduct
and how they compare with the Teachers’ Standards
2. Your role in school
3. Whether you have achieved your performance
management objectives
 We have developed differentiated criteria to help
identify and assess levels of performance
Implications: what happens if I fail
to meet my performance criteria?
 Between MPS1 and 6, it would mean that you
would not get that pay progression for that year
 However, once you have gone through threshold,
there is a requirement that you have to maintain
the performance expected at that level of
additional salary
 If, over a period of time, your performance had
dipped and not recovered, it would lead to the
capability procedure
What do I need to know and do?
 Become familiar with the Standards and make sure you
understand them (see hand out)
Look at the Standards Audit that is appropriate for your
current/potential level of pay together with your line
manager (see hand out). Completing the Audit could help
you both to identify personal areas for development
Use the guidance sheets of for each of the 8 Teacher
Standards to help you and your line manager to agree
evidence that you are going to use to help demonstrate that
you are meeting/have met your objective(s)
Check and discuss your role with your line manager
annually, using your job description
Check the new pay policy
Performance Management
 It is the responsibility of your line manager to know
how well you are doing throughout the year and to
provide support/advice if you may be at risk of not
meeting any of the three aspects of your work that will
be assessed:
 Your performance and conduct in relation to the
Teachers’ Standards
 Your role
 Your performance objectives
Performance Management
Therefore (s)he will meet you
several times during the year to
check that you are on track and to
acknowledge and celebrate your
effort and successes
An objective for all teachers this
 Objective 1: (See separate hand out)
 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
 The teacher/subject leader will implement strategies to
improve the performance of pupils so that (choose from
one of the following options as appropriate):
 with appropriate additional support, most pupils achieve in
line with school expectations (M2)*
 most students achieve in line with school expectations and
some exceed them (M6)*
 almost all pupils achieve in line with school expectations;
many exceed them (UPS3)*
What will success look like, what monitoring should be
done and what evidence should be gathered?
 Success Criteria:
 Effective plans are in place to support those not making the
expected levels of progress
 Pupil progress: e.g. “By the end of Key Stage (KS)…, most
students achieve in line with school expectations and…” (copy
option choice from above)
 Quality of teaching (choose from one of the following options
as appropriate):
 many, but not all, aspects of teaching over time are good
 all aspects of teaching over time are good (M6)*
 all aspects of teaching over time are good; many are
outstanding (UPS3)*
 Monitoring arrangements and evidence:
 Termly data monitoring shows the progress that pupils
are making and identifies the percentage making the
expected progress
 End of year exam results
 Scrutiny of work to show: assessment feedback is
identifying areas for improvement; evidence this
feedback is being acted upon; literacy marking
guidelines are being used consistently and regularly
 Monitoring of lesson observations to show that pupils
are making effective progress
 Advice (specific to this objective):
 The use of work record cards will enable the appraiser to
see that each student has reflected on the feedback, sought
to demonstrate that (s)he understands the feedback (by
writing down their own target for improvement). They
could also incorporate a way to show that the teacher has
monitored that the student has acted on the advice.
 The most effective feedback is often two-way, i.e. a dialogue
between the teacher and student. Learning conversations
can be one way in which both teacher and student can
demonstrate understanding of the current performance of
the student and what (s)he needs to do to improve.
NB this objective would provide
evidence that would help towards
meeting the following Teacher
Standards S1 through to S7.
And finally…
 You will find this power point and all the other
information and guidance* you need on the
NDHSStaff Drive:
 Admin/School Operational Matters/PERFORMANCE
 * including: the Professional Standards for Teachers,
the STPCD 2013, NDHS Pay Policy, NDHS PM
Objectives 2013, PM and Threshold Assessment,
Annual Review Meeting, CPD relevant to PM, Self
Evaluation Audits, Guidance on Evidence to Meet the
8 Standards and FAQs