Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia

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Michael F. McNamara, DO
Sanford Maternal Fetal Medicine
No disclosures
Platelet Disorders in Pregnancy
Gestational thrombocytopenia
 Idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP)
 Thrombotic thrombocytopenia (TTP)
 Alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT)
Gestational Thrombocytopenia
Dilution effect
 Increase of platelet destruction
 No therapy needed
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia
1-3 / 1000 pregnancies
 Pregnancy not usually altering disease
 Therapy
 Steroids
 Splenectomy
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia
Purpura (TTP)
TTP/HUS, may be confused with pre
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Neurologic changes (headache, lethargy)
Thrombotic occlusions in multiple small
Therapy plasma exchange, platelet
Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
Also known as Neonatal Alloimmune
Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)
 0.2 -1 per 1000 deliveries
 Low fetal platelets due to maternal
 Index case usually affected
 Antenatal diagnosis often by ultrasound
with findings of intracranial hemorrhage
Case Study
25 year old female
 Gravida 5, para 2
 Two previous term vaginal deliveries
 Petechiae, bruising, platelets < 10,000
 Counseled on further pregnancies, need
of treatment
Case Study
Presented at 14 weeks gestation
 Genetic counseling, history reviewed
 Same paternity as previous infants
 Father of baby not available for testing
Case Study
Diagnostic testing (platelet antigen)
 Maternal
 Blood HPA 1b/1b
 Amniotic fluid HPA 1a/1b
Case Study
Preventative therapy
 IVIG 1 gram / kg weekly
 Prednisone 1mg /kg daily
Case Study
Antenatal Course
 Gestational diabetes
 Severe headaches with IVIG therapy
 Elevated liver enzymes due to percocet
use secondary to headaches
Case Study
Antenatal steroids at 33 weeks gestation
 Elected cesarean for delivery with tubal
 Vaginal delivery if umbilical cord
sampling performed with normal fetal
platelet count
 Delivery at 37 weeks, uncomplicated
 Female infant 5 lbs, 4 oz
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia
Also know as Neonatal Alloimmune
throbocytopenia (NAIT)
 Incidence 0.2 -1 per 1000 Caucasian
 Maternal antigens against fetal platelets
Platelet antigens classified at HPA 1a
(PLA1) and HPA 1b (PLA2)
 97% adults phenotype HPA 1a (positive
for 1a)
 69% adults homozygous HPA 1a (1a/1a)
 28 % adults heterozygous HPA 1a
 3 % adults homozygous HPA 1b (1b/1b)
Affected pregnancies
 Most serious complication
 Intracranial hemorrhage 10-20 % of
 25-50 % cases diagnosed prenatally
 Ultrasound findings of intracranial
hematoma, porencephalic cysts
Antepartum Preventive Therapy
Extremely High Risk
 Previous baby ICH in second trimester
High risk
 Previous baby ICH in third trimester
Moderate risk
 Previous baby with thrombocytopenia but no
Recurrence risk up to 100%
 Thrombocytopenia is severe and
happens earlier in subsequent
 Previous ICH is risk factor for severe
thrombocytopenia in next pregnancy
 Low platelet count goes lower in
subsequent pregnancies without
treatment in utero
NAIT – antenatal therapy
IVIG – very uncommon for ICH with IVIG
treatment (11/411 for 2.7%)
 Prednisone (additionally) – no better
than IVIG alone
 Umbilical cord sampling – procedure /
bleeding risk
 Platelet transfusions – unknown efficacy
IVIG Mechanism of Action
Provision of missing immunoglobulins or
neutralizing antibodies, restoration of
immune function, and/or suppression of
inflammatory and immune-mediated
 Increase the effect of regulatory T cells,
contributing to the maintenance of
immunologic self-tolerance
 Prevention of reticuloendothelial uptake of
autoantibody-coated blood cells (eg,
platelets, red cells) through blockade of
macrophage Fc-receptors
Case Study #2
Preconception Counseling
 Gravida 3, Para 3 with recent neonatal
demise from ICH delivered at 38 weeks
 Low platelet count
 Paternal 1a/1b
 Maternal 1b/1b
Case Study #2
Pregnancy #4, amniocentesis
 Fetus - male1b/1b, normal pregnancy
 Pregnancy #5, amniocentesis
 Fetus – male,1a/1b, affected
 IVIG, prednisone, cord sampling
 Cesarean at 37 weeks gestation
Case Study #2
First two pregnancies vaginal deliveries
with no complications
 Oldest is a male, second oldest female
 Recent testing of the female (now an
adult), 1b/1b
Case Study #2
Platelet antigens classified at HPA 1a
(PLA1) and HPA 1b (PLA2)
 97% adults phenotype HPA 1a (positive
for 1a)
 69% adults homozygous HPA 1a (1a/1a)
 28 % adults heterozygous HPA 1a
 3 % adults homozygous HPA 1b (1b/1b)
 83% chance of having a baby with 1a/1b
NAIT cause of neonatal
 Index case possibly severe problems
such as ICH
 Decrease complications with in utero
therapy, IVIG, prednisone