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The Great Gatsby
11th Grade English
Ms. Serra
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Jay Gatsby
Myrtle Wilson
Daisy Buchanan
George Wilson
Tom Buchanan
F. Scott
Nick Carraway
Jay Gatsby
Obsessed with Daisy and throws
extravagant parties to get her attention
that had alcohol even though it was during
He made all of his money by bootlegging
which you don’t find out until later in the
Gatsby and Daisy soon start to have an
affair and he starts to think that Daisy is
going to leave Tom so that they can finally
be together.
His entire life he is hoping that he will
rekindle the love that him and Daisy once
When Jay Gatsby gets murdered only 3
people come to his funeral, one of them
being Nick and another is his father.
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Daisy Buchanan
When Gatsby comes to town, Daisy is
overwhelmed but the amount of devotion
that he has towards her so that is when their
love affair begins because Daisy always wants
to be the center of attention.
Daisy never truly loved Tom, she only married
him because he had so much money and she
got wedding jitters so she went through with
She was driving and she hit Myrtle Wilson,
and her and Tom conspire together to give
Gatsby the blame so their name wouldn’t be
She ran over Myrtle because she was drunk
and Myrtle knew about the affair she was
having with Gatsby.
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Tom Buchanan
• Tom is a millionaire who lives in a very
wealthy area and was a very proclaimed
man and attended Yale.
• When he wants something he gets it so
when he finds out that his wife, Daisy, is
having an affair with Gatsby he is
determined to get her back.
• It is never mentioned but Tom is abusing
Daisy physically, but more so emotionally.
He does this because he wants to be know
for being the on in charge.
• Tom had an affair with Myrtle Wilson and
once she got him so mad that he hit her in
the face and ending up breaking her nose.
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Nick Carraway
Nick is the narrator of the story.
He is a people pleaser and always tries to help
He graduated from Yale with Tom and he is
Gatsby’s neighbor and always witnesses the parties
that Gatsby holds.
Daisy is his second cousin and he seeks her out
when he moves to New York City for a new job.
Nick is the one responsible for Daisy and Gatsby’s
Nick warns Gatsby to leave town after Myrtle was
hit because he knows Daisy will try to blame him.
Since Gatsby didn’t have any friends, he took care
of all of Gatsby’s arrangements after he died.
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Myrtle Wilson
• Myrtle is having an affair with Tom and she
believes that he truly loves her and he isn’t
just using her.
• She doesn’t love her husband, George, and
doesn’t like how passive he is.
• She is attracted to Tom because he isn’t
passive like George and he shows that he is
in control of their relationship and also
because he is from a better class then
• Myrtle runs out to Gatsby’s car because
she thinks Tom is driving it, and is run over
and killed.
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George Wilson
• Owner and mechanic of a garage.
• Married to Myrtle Wilson.
• He comes off like a damaged man when
he finds out his wife is having an affair
with Tom.
• He seeks out the person who was
driving the car that killed Myrtle and
found it was Gatsby. He goes to
Gatsby’s house and kills Gatsby along
with himself.
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F. Scott Fitzgerald
• Fitzgerald is the author of the book.
• The book paralleled to his life in many ways
which is one reason why he did write this
• He started writing books so he could get the
attention of a woman and knew that she
would only see him if he had more money.
Writing was his way to earn his money.
• After his book became very popular he got
the money that he wanted and he also then
married Zelda Fitzgerald.
• He showed off his money so he could get her
attention just like Gatsby did to Daisy.
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• There are many themes in The
Great Gatsby that you can take
away from the book. One of the
main themes in the book is about
the American Dream and the way to
pursue the American Dream and
how Gatsby was trying to achieve it.
• Another theme of The Great Gatsby
is to not hold someone to such a
high standard. Gatsby held Daisy to
such a high standard and she didn’t
live up to his expectations and he
ended up dead because of it.
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Review Question
• What is one way that F. Scott
Fitzgerald’s life paralleled to the
1. He showed off his money so he could
get the attention of a woman.
2. He hit someone while driving.
3. He owned a garage like George
• Just like Gatsby, Fitzgerald used his
money to get the attention of a
woman so he could be happy.
Nice try!
• Fitzgerald didn’t work in a
garage, he was a writer.
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• Fitzgerald never hit anyone with a car
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