Unit 3 Intro: POV, Flashback, Foreshadowing

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Transcript Unit 3 Intro: POV, Flashback, Foreshadowing

Narrative Devices:
POV, Flashback,
 Literary
devices and
techniques are used by
authors to develop the plot
of their stories. Some
common devices include
POV, flashback and
POV: Vantage point from which the story is
Created by narrator, the voice that tells the
1st person: a character is the narrator
◦ “I”, “Me”, “We”
3rd person limited: Narrator is not a character,
but is an outside observer
◦ Zooms in on thoughts and feelings of 1 character
3rd person omniscient: narrator is not a
character, but is all knowing
◦ Has access to thoughts and feelings of all
 Flashback
is a technique used by
authors to show readers
something that happened before
the time frame of the story. The
author jumps back in time to tell
about something that happened
“This is even worse than that time I…”
I oil my hair and brush it soft.
Then, with the brush in my lap,
I gather the hair in my hands
Pull the strands smooth and tight,
And weave three sections into a fat shiny braid
That hangs straight down my back.
I remember Mama teaching me to plait my hair
One Saturday afternoon when chores were done.
My fingers were stubby and short.
I could barely hold three strands at once,
And my braids would fray apart
No sooner than I’d finished them.
Mama said, “Just takes practice, is all.”
Now my hands work swiftly, doing easy
What was once so hard to do.
The flashback in the poem is when the
narrator remembers when one
Saturday when she was young she
remembers her mom teaching her to
braid her hair.
 The flashback contributes to the poem
because it shows how the narrator
feels good about her past and how
she feels towards her mother. It also
shows her growth of time.
 Foreshadowing
suggests events
that have yet to occur in a work of
literature. Writers use
foreshadowing to build their
readers expectations and create
suspense. Foreshadowing may
also come from the mood that an
author creates.
1. A weapon found in a drawer might
foreshadow a future crime in the story.
2. That morning on her way to work, Mary Ann
took a gun from a cabinet in the garage,
loaded it, and thrust it into her coat pocket.
What do you think the gun in the second
example foreshadows?
The second example could foreshadow Mary
Ann doing something with the gun, such as
robbing a bank, or attacking someone at her
“The roads are slick and dark on the path to
Duke’s village. People fear the drive, because
so many accidents have occurred over the
years, and individuals go missing biweekly.
Tonight, Kaulana will venture into the
unknown darkness alone.”
What do you think the author is
The author may be foreshadowing that
Kaulana is going to go missing or that he may
discover why so many people go missing.
Read pg. 306 and 307 and complete the close
read questions. Make sure to cite examples in
the text.