Lesson 1 Power Point - Swedesboro

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Transcript Lesson 1 Power Point - Swedesboro

Social Studies
Unit 2
Exploration to Early Statehood
What Are We Going to Learn?
 Why did Europeans come to North America?
 How was New Jersey colony divided and settled?
 Why did the colonies want independence from
 Why and how was the new Constitution written?
 How did new forms of transportation change New
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
 Colony A settlement that is ruled by a
faraway government.
 Demand A need for a product or service by
people willing to pay for it.
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
 Supply The amount of a product that is
available and is offered for sale.
 Slavery The practice of holding people
against their will and forcing them to
work without pay
Lesson 1
 Why did Europeans come to
North America?
European Exploration
 1400s- To reach Asia faster, people
thought they could sail west across the
Atlantic Ocean
 1492- Christopher Columbus thought he
landed in Asia, however he landed in
North America.
Exploring New Jersey
 1524- Giovanni da
Verrazano- first person
to sail to New Jersey
Exploring New Jersey
1609- Henry Hudson was the
captain of a Dutch ship sailing for
North America.
He sailed into New York Bay and
up into the river that is now named
after him.
Claimed Hudson River for the
First European to encounter the
Lenape people
Question Time!
 Why did Europeans want a new
trade route to Asia?
 Europeans wanted a faster route to Asia
to trade with people there.
New Netherland
 A colony started by the Dutch in
 Included: Delaware, New York,
Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and
New Jersey.
The Dutch Fur Trade
 Dutch wanted to trade fur with the
Lenape people because they could sell
them in Europe for high prices.
 Fur was in high demand (wanted) by
people who lived in Europe.
 The Dutch traded with Lenape to
increase the Dutch supply of fur.
Troubles Begin
 The Lenape welcomed the Dutch at first.
 They traded corn and animal fur for Europeans
goods such as knives and cloth.
 They taught the Dutch how to use fire and how
to fish.
 But, the Dutch demanded more fur and when
the Lenape wouldn’t supply it, soldiers attacked
their village and they began a fight that lasted
for six years.
Dutch Settlements
 1626- The Dutch began to lay out the town of
New Amsterdam. (New York City today)
 New Amsterdam was the center of government
for New Netherland.
 People planted wheat and raised livestock in the
fertile valleys of the Piedmont Region.
 Brought enslaved people from Africa to help
work their farms. (slaves)
New Sweden
 1638- People from Sweden settled along the
Delaware River which is now Southwestern New
 Swedish people also began trading furs with the
Lenape and this upset the Dutch people.
 1655- Dutch governor took over New Sweden, but
most Swedish people stayed.
 1660- the Dutch settled in Bergen (Jersey City)
Question Time!
 Why do you think the Dutch
decided to take over New
 In order to trade with the
Lenape that the Swedish were
trading with.
The English
 Like the Dutch, the English had also
built colonies along the Atlantic
 England wanted control of the
entire coast- including New
Founding New Jersey
 King Charles II (England) gave his brother James,
Duke of York, all of the land between Connecticut
and Delaware River.
 1664- Duke of York sent warships to take over new
Netherland. Dutch surrendered.
 Duke of York gave the name New Jersey to the
land between the Hudson River and Delaware
 At first, Dutch life stayed the same under English rule.
 Over time, some Dutch began adopting English ways
of life.
 People were encouraged to move to New Jersey and
a town began forming.
 New settlers brought sickness and disease the Lenape
were not used to. They relocated to west. (Canada,
Wisconsin, and Oklahoma)
 Few remained and there is a small population of
Lenape still in New Jersey today.
Question Time!
 Why did the Lenape move
 They moved west to protect
themselves from the settlers who
were taking over their land and
spreading diseases.
Vocabulary Review
 Demand- A need for a product or service by
people willing to pay for it.
 Colony- A settlement that is ruled by a faraway
 Slavery- The practice of holding people against
their will and forcing them to work without pay.
 Supply- The amount of a product that is
available and is offered for sale.
Lesson Review
1.Why did Columbus think he could reach Asia by
traveling across the Atlantic Ocean?
 Some Europeans thought they could reach Asia
faster by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Why did Europeans comes to North America?
 Europeans came to North America to trade,
especially fur. They also came to obtain land,
and to start settlements.
Lesson Review
3. Why did the Dutch and the Lenape fight?
 The Dutch and the Lenape fought because the
Dutch wanted more fur and corn but the
Lenape wouldn’t give it to them.
4. How did the Dutch find help to work their farms?
 The Dutch found help to work their farms by
using slavery. Slavery is holding people against
their will to work for you without pay.
Lesson Review
5. How did the Lenape way of life change after the
arrival of the Europeans?
 The Lenape way of life changed after the
arrival of the Europeans in many ways.
Europeans brought disease, they demanded
more furs, they took over their land, and the
Lenape food supply was running low.