TUSD Special Education TTIP Presentation

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Transcript TUSD Special Education TTIP Presentation

TUSD Special
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act
Established by the government to ensure that children with
disabilities have instruction that meets their unique needs.
This is a federal law that requires public schools to provide a
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children with
disabilities. IDEA regulations require schools to conduct
activities to find and diagnose children with disabilities from
ages 3 to 21. It is also required that schools provide a
complete educational evaluation to children to determine if
they need special education services.
Individuals with Disabilities Education
What does an IDEA Special Education include?
For eligible students, schools must develop an Individual
Education Program (IEP) that acts as a kind of
educational map of the child’s needs and sets goals for
improvement. The IEP includes a description of Specially
Designed Instruction (SDI) that will be provided to help
the child reach his educational goals. If the child also
needs related services to reach goals, the IEP describes
what those will include. These must be reviewed
annually and the child must be re-evaluated every three
Individuals with Disabilities Education
What are the requirements for SPED
To the greatest extent appropriate, students are to be placed, or
educated, with their non-disabled peers in the Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE). However, if a child needs more intensive
services, and a smaller class would be most appropriate, schools
are required to provide that. In rare situation where students
must be served in special schools, at home, or in hospitals,
schools must continue to provide educational services.
So, what does this all mean?
• Gen Ed teachers are required
by law to attend IEP
• Gen Ed teachers are
responsible for the education
of the special needs
student(s) within their class
• Referrals to SPED may be
initiated after Gen Ed
interventions and PSP/SST
procedures have been
Help me help them!
PSP/SST Process
(Problem Solving Process/Student Success Team)
This is not a Special Ed. function! However, most sites
have the School Psychologist and RSP teacher on the
WHAT TO BRING:District Assessment results
Running records (i.e. grade book)
Work Samples
THE GOAL: is to help students be successful in the
general education classroom.
POSSIBLE OUTCOMES: more interventions, 504 plan,
referral for SPED assessment.
It is important to take
the time to go through
the student’s cum and
to keep a good record
system of assessment
scores and work production.
Make sure the plan includes specific strategies
that the teacher can implement and really address
the concerns. Which in turn can give the student
strategies to independently be successful.
Again, make sure
you go through
the students cum.
It’s important to
invite the
parties if the
student is in
Foster Care.
Remember, with all the fill ins on this form, they
may not cover all the concerns you have. Use this
space and cover everything about the kiddo, even
if it’s a minor concern.
You must consider
multiple evaluation
information when
looking at eligibility.
Disciplinary records
Assessment results
This information
can come from
teachers, and
other adults
involved in the
student’s life.
Now rate the major life
activity and give
Who? At the Middle & High
School it should be the counselors
and/or the Vice Principal. At the
Elementary Level it should be the
Principal or Designee.
Make sure that any disagreement with the
information presented is recorded. Try to
record the rationale behind the disagreement.
The form at your site may not have this box
included. But you will have to take that
information from the Eligibility form and put
the impairment and major activity involved
on this form.
This page will have ideas of intervention and supports to guide the
student’s success in the Gen. Ed. classroom. However, PLEASE REMEMBER
Again, it is very important to record any and
all disagreements.
Examples of Accommodations & Modifications
Breaks between tasks
Large Print Textbooks
Books on Tape
Cue expected behavior
Textbooks for home
Graphic organizers
Daily home/school feedback to student/parent
Additional time
Answers to be dictated
Have contingency plans
Review Sessions
Study sheets
Use proximity control
Rest Breaks
Teacher outlines given
Use of peer supports and mentoring
Peer note taker
Agenda book or checklist
Have parent sign homework
Spelling errors ok
Open book/notes test
Use positive reinforcement (rewards)
Allow outlining instead of writing an essay
Projects instead of a written report
Alternative book/materials on the topic
Highlight important words/phrase in reading
Shorten length of assignment/test
Pass/no pass option or grades based on IEP
Film/video in supplements in place of reading
Use negative reinforcement (consequences)
Post rules with consequences
Implements behavioral academic contracts
Write contract for student behavior
Implement self recording of behavior
Knowing that YOU will be a teacher in the life of a student,
how do you hope to succeed? (share at your table)
Now we will end our session with a video:
Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion