Great Teachers=Great Rewards Forum Presentation

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Transcript Great Teachers=Great Rewards Forum Presentation

• Tailored to the Catholic schooling needs and circumstance.
• Promote excellence in teaching and allow schooling authorities and
schools to make decisions that best suit their local communities.
The use of the funding should be aligned with the School Renewal
Teacher Performance and Development Framework
to support both school initiatives and the development of professional
Funding will be directed to school based
projects that :
1. improve teaching and learning
2. recognise and promote the development of high performing
3. promote and support great teachers especially in the areas of early
years, students with disability, learning difficulties and Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander education, family and community
4. promote partnerships across schools, authorities, sectors and
providers to enhance and provide professional excellence
5. develop excellence in mentoring and coaching
6. development of aspiring leaders
Reporting and Accountability
1. The initial report would:
summarise the projects
outline practicalities of timelines and expected outcomes to provide a
framework for ensuring the successful completion of the programs/activities.
2. A final report to QCEC annually (mid-September) that summarises
the outcomes achieved or in progression.
3. A process for sharing best practice will be developed by QCEC.
Indicative funding
2015 Indicative amounts
April 2014
Exemplar College
August 2014 August 2015
Allocation Allocation
$537,600 588,700.00
This amount will contain an allowance of
up to 1.5% of received funding for administration
Total 2015
2016 Indicative amounts
Total 2016
Allocation amount)
$631,800 $1,220,500
Ideas: School
• Build the capacity/guidelines for effective community engagement practices
that lead to constructive collaboration:
• particularly in those communities with high Indigenous or other culture
• That clarifies cultural sensitivities and preserves dignity and respect.
• Physical design of learning areas and outdoor environment.
• University partnership with teachers as researchers.
• Investigation of best practice in evidence – based assessment of teacher
performance and development.
• Attract ‘Great Teachers’ to rural and remote areas.
Ideas: Pastoral
• Whole of school approaches to behaviour management and
• Whole of school approaches to cyber safety.
• Developing a whole of school approach to classroom management.
• Early intervention and prevention of learning difficulties.
• Teacher health and wellbeing.
Ideas: Curriculum
• Establishing Catholic identity in teaching across all curriculum areas.
• Catholic perspectives in Australian Curriculum.
• Leading department/year level in embedding collaborative practices in planning, developing
assessment, pedagogical coaching, making and validating judgements about student
achievement in sustained ongoing practices.
• Leading action learning that employs technologies to raise student voice and activate their
• Better data informed analysis to inform improvements to teaching and learning.
• Creativity in pedagogical practices.
• Student engagement in learning.
• Brain research.
• Implementing Inclusive practices within the classroom.
• Developing higher order thinking.
• Effective assessing and reporting practices to inform student learning and teachers’
instructional practice.
Ideas: Discussion
• Take a moment to consider possibilities for your Authority/school
• Share with others at your table
• Plenary sharing of 1 or 2 per table.
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