Fact or Fib Showdown!

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Fact or Fib Showdown is a great formative assessment strategy. Students have fun AND get feedback for learning

“Fact or Fib Showdown!”

(Kagan, 2009)

Step 1: Each person gets 2 Post-it notes.

Step 2: Write “fact” on one note and “fib” on the other.

Step 3: Hold one note in each hand – words toward your palm.

Step 4: The teacher will present a statement. Step 5: Participants decide if the statement is a fact or a fib.

(5-10 seconds of wait time).

Step 6: When the teacher says, “Showdown!” participants slap their answers down into the middle of the table.

Step 7: Compare and discuss answers .

Step 8: Teacher verifies and clarifies.

(Kagan, 2009)

If I teach a few word problems about money then I will meet the expectations of the new PFL strand.