Gov Unit 3 Notes

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Government Unit 3
Amendments 11-27
 There are 17 other amendments not included in the
Bill of Rights
 The rest of the amendments have been added from
 The most important of these amendments deal with
civil rights and voting.
Amendments 11-27
 11th- Lawsuits against states (1795)
 Federal courts are not to be used when a citizen of another
state sues the state
 Must use state court
 Foreign countries cannot sue a state in federal court
Ex. Norway suing Delaware in the Supreme court cannot happen
Amendments 11-27
 12th The President and Vice President are elected
together. (1804)
Kept them from being from two different parties and arguing
Also says that the House of Representatives picks if there is a
Amendments 11-27
 13th Abolishes slavery/ involuntary servitude (1865)
 Ended slavery and slavery as a result of debt
 Gives Congress right to make laws to enforce this
 Exception- Prisoners doing manual labor as a part of their
-Note: Guaranteed slaves freedom but not any rights
Amendments 11-27
 14th Rights of Citizens (1868)
 Gives people, born or naturalized in the United States,
citizenship and the rights that come with it.
Naturalized- becoming an American citizen by conforming to our
laws and standards
Amendments 11-27
 15th Right to vote (1870)
 Gives citizens the right to vote
 Cannot be denied based on race, color or if you were a slave
 Gives Congress the power to enforce
 Grandfather laws, poll taxes and voter test were still allowed
Note- Does not given women the right to vote
Amendments 11-27
 16th Grants Congress the power to tax income (1913)
 Was to help pay for government expenses
 17th Provides election of Senators by the people
Use to be elected by the state legislature
Now citizens of that state elect senators
Amendments 11-27
 18th Sets up Prohibition
 Bans the sale, production and consumption of alcohol
 Only amendment repealed (21st)
 Was abandoned due to the increase of organized crime
Amendments 11-27
 19th Grants women the right to vote (suffrage) 1920
 During WWI, women were working I the factories and were
unable to vote
Amendments 11-27
 20th Changes the beginning dates for presidential
and congressional terms (1933)
Was a result of travel being faster and politicians could get to
Washington DC quicker
 21st Repeals Prohibition (1933)
 Prohibition only lasted for 14 years
Amendments 11-27
 22nd Places a limit on the number of terms a
president may serve for (1951)
Result of FDR being elected to 4 terms (although he died
during the 4th)
 23rd Grants residents of Washington DC the right to
vote in presidential elections (1961)
Washington DC is not a state and therefore they once could not
Amendments 11-27
 24th Prohibits poll tax (1964)
 A tax required to vote (predominantly in the South)
 Outlawed a method for trying to prevent blacks from voting
(most blacks were below the poverty line)
 25th Sets policies for presidential succession and in
case the president is incapacitated (1967)
Vice-president takes over and then nominates his new vicepresident
Puts the vice-president in charge if the president is in surgery
or incapacitated due to disease
Amendments 11-27
 26th Lowers the voting age to 18 (1971)
 Result of the Vietnam war
18 year olds were able to get drafted but unable to vote for or
against the war
 27th Placed limits on Congressional pay raises (1992)
 Congress can raise its pay but it cannot go in affect until the
following term
Essential Questions
 Why do you think it took three amendments to give
freed slaves all of their rights?
 Why would they make Congressional pay raises not
go in effect until after the next election?
 Why did WWI help women to get the right to vote?