Transcript King Arthur

 Putting
the main idea(s) into your own
 Including only the main point(s)
 Are significantly shorter than the
 Take a broad overview of the source
The Gist: A few steps to a
Note the name, source (if applicable), and author of the article or
Read the article, notating as you go
Fill out the 5 W’s and H:
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why
 How
Using this information, formulate your summary
Do Now: Grab notebooks to
take notes on King Arthur
What do you know?
With a partner, write down as much as you can
about these words or questions….
Holy Grail
Knights of the Round Table
Question: Which legendary character or characters
are all of these terms associated with?
Was King Arthur real?
 Probably
based upon a Celtic king who lived in
southwestern England during the 6th century
 Led
his warriors against invading armies of
 Grew
 The
famous in his own time for his war efforts
legend grew as the story was passed from
generation to generation
Sir Thomas Malory
In the 15th century, Sir Thomas Malory combined the legends
into a book Le Morte d'Arthur.
Malory's work became the definitive version of the story of
King Arthur
King Arthur: Based on a 6th Century Warlord
King Uther / Single
Arthur’s Story Unfolds . . .
Asks Merlin for help
Tricks Igraine
is born
Merlin takes
Igraine and Uther’s
baby (Arthur)
Married to the Duke
Morgan Le Fay
Sir Kay: Foster
Sir Ector:
Foster Dad
Knights of the Round Table
Arthur married Guinevere and established his court at his castle at
The legendary Round Table was a wedding gift from his father-inlaw
It was a magical table that could expand to accommodate fifty, one
hundred, or even one hundred and fifty knights
Whenever a new knight joined Arthur's court, his name appeared
on the back of one of the seats at the table
Knights of the Round Table
The Knights were men of courage, honor, dignity, courtesy, and
They protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought for kings, and
undertook dangerous quests
The emblem of the knights was worn around their necks
The Order's dominant idea was the love of God, men,
and noble deeds.
Sir Lancelot is the most well-known knight
Helps with the transport of Arthur to his foster parents after his birth
Is portrayed as an advisor or guide to Arthur
Has mystical powers
The Sword in the Stone
This is an excerpt from Le Morte d’ Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory (p. 755)
Confronted: faced
Inscription: something inscribed or engraved, as on a coin or monument
Oath: solemn promise or declaration; vow
Ignoble: not noble in birth or position
Tumultuous: wild, noisy
Realm: kingdom
Coronation: act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign
a timeline showing the main
events that take place in the story
 Make
 You
do not need to use dates, just
events in chronological order
 Try
to include all major characters
 Based
on your timeline, write a
summary of the story
The Tale of Sir Launcelot
du Lake
The Literature of Romances
 Romances
first appeared in the Middle Ages
(500 AD and lasted until 1400 AD)
 Developed
in France then spread rapidly
throughout Europe
 The
stories are called romances because they
were first told in Old French, which is a
Romance language (derived from Latin,
language of the Romans
Romance Literature
 Usually
stories about heroes and knights
 Stories
were passed along orally by story
singers and story tellers
 By
the 14th century, the stories had been
written down
 These
stories celebrated chivalry, the code of
behavior the medieval knight was supposed to
Code of Chivalry
Knights were to be brave, honorable, loyal, pious, and generous to foes
Help the weak and protect women
Knights went on quests to prove his courage
The most famous is the quest for the Holy Grail
The Knight’s Armor
Knights who are illustrated in tournaments usually
carry a very small shield, while those in war often
carry a larger one
The knight's shield came to take on symbolic
It identified him and his family
It was also a way to identify a person because it was
hard to see the person’s face
Diverted: amused; entertained
Fidelity: loyalty, devotion
Oblige: compel by moral, legal or physical force
Champion (v): fight for; defend; support
Adversary: opponent; enemy
Sovereign: king; ruler
Wrath: great anger
The Knight’s Shield
Colors and designs on the shields were symbols
They stood for morals and values of the family
After you read…
On pg. 768, complete 2, 3, 5, and 7.