EWM Monitoring & Evaluation Requirements

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Networking & Support
Investing in your Future
6th October 2011
What is Covered?
Current state of play (EWM Year 1 & 2)
Monitoring Requirements
Information & Publicity Requirements
• EWM 2010-2013 is a funding
initiative to support a programme
of positive actions to foster
greater gender equality
• Strategic Aim –
To advance the role of women in
the Irish economy and in
decision making at all levels in
accordance with the National
Women's Strategy 2007 – 2016
EWM 2010-2013 is funded by the European
Social Fund (ESF) through the Human
Capital Investment Operational Programme
2007-2013 and the Department of Justice
and Equality
Human Capital Investment Operational Programme
2007 – 2013
Pobal is managing the implementation of
the initiative in collaboration with the
EWM 2010 - 2013
3 Strands / Aims & Objectives
Strand 1: Access to Employment
Strand 2: Developing Female
Strand 3: Career Development for
Women in Employment
EWM Target Groups:
• newly unemployed women
• women returning to work
• long-term unemployed women
• women early school leavers
• women in employment
• women in business
• women in leadership/management roles
• women experiencing multiple
Age Profile: Women 18 years and over
EWM Year 1
• Following an open call for applications in
June 2010 – total of 41 projects funded up
until 30th June 2011 to deliver practical,
customised developmental supports
• Projects received funding of up to
• Further funding dependent on the
availability of funding and the
achievement of pre-agreed annual targets
EWM Year 2
• Existing projects had the opportunity to
apply for funding under EWM Year 2
• Tight timeframe for EWM funded groups
to submit Year 2 proposals
• 40 projects funded up until 30th April
2012 to continue existing projects in line
with original proposals
• Further funding post April 2012?
EWM Monitoring Requirements
• All projects are required to complete the
following reports:
 ESF/HCIOP Annual Progress Report
(calendar year)
 End of Year Project Report
(project/funding year)
 Pobal Financial Returns (6-monthly)
• Site Visits - Number of projects randomly
selected for Department Site Visit or Pobal
Verification Visit which includes monitoring and
financial verification checks
ESF/HCIOP Annual Progress Report
Projects are required to report on Performance
Indicators, which include:
• Project Outputs
 No. of project participants (All strands)
• Project Result (post project)
 No. of women taking up employment/ further training
(Str 1)
 No. of women who have moved to early stage
entrepreneurship (Str 2)
ESF Annual Progress Report contd/...
Performance Indicators also include:
• Project Impact (1 year post project)
 No. of women still in employment/education (Str 1)
 No. of women still engaged in entrepreneurship (Str 2)
 No. of women who have advanced their careers (Str 3)
• Project Participants
 Collation of data contained in the individual
‘Questionnaire to Gather Participant Data for the
European Commission’ which is completed by each
project participant
ESF Annual Progress Report contd/...
Projects are also required to provide qualitative
information, which relates to:
• Project Progress
 Details of individual project achievements and
 Any Reports/Studies/Publications completed
• ESF/HCIOP Report is completed on a calendar year basis.
Projects currently submit information to Pobal on Word/
Excel Templates
• Data for the 2011 report to be submitted in Feb 2012
• Exploring possibility of each project completing an annual
online survey to gather this data
End of Year Project Report
• End of Year Project Report is completed
at the end of each funding year (Year 2
report due in May 2012)
• Requires projects to undertake an
annual review on progress against
Project Plan in relation to:
Completed actions/outputs
Project achievements / challenges
Beneficiary Targets
Information & Publicity
• Clear acknowledgement to be given to the support of
the European Social Fund under the HCIOP and the
Dept of Justice and Equality (as per Grant Contract)
• Acknowledgement required in all aspects of publicity,
promotional and information
• Projects must adhere to the ESF ‘Information and
Publicity Guidelines’ – available on www.esf.ie &
• Failure to comply with the Guidelines may result in
the loss of funding
• Relevant logos must be used on all publicity
materials and activities
Use of Logos
• Logos must be used in the following order of priority:
 Horizontal - Ireland EU Structural Funds logo on left, ESF logo in
centre, Department of Justice and Equality logo on right
 Vertical - Ireland EU Structural Funds at top, ESF logo in centre,
Department logo at bottom
 ESF tagline “Investing in your future” should be placed underneath
the logos and centred
• Optional logos: own organisation, Gender Equality & Pobal
• Logos available from Pobal website
• Publications/material must contain the relevant logos with
an accompanying text:
This project is funded under the Equality for Women Measure 20102013, with funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) through the
Human Capital Investment Operational Programme 2007-2013 and the
Department of Justice and Equality
• Project Level Evaluation - Evaluation costs
are ineligible
 Evaluation should form part of the normal
programme activity for projects
 Annual Project Plan require projects to outline
an Evaluation plan, which includes developing
an evaluation baseline
• Programme Level Evaluation - No
evaluation budget provided at programme
 No Monitoring & Evaluation Framework in place
to enable evaluation of programme outcomes
Investing in your Future