Poll Day Monitoring System

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Transcript Poll Day Monitoring System

Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Objective :
 Is to be able to build a smart report engine which will allow the poll to
be managed via the SMS .
 Computerized tracking of the election process with the critically
important objective of being able to take timely action in real time.
 It is an ‘Event based management system’ – from the time of dispatch
till the time of deposition of election material after return of parties.
 polling parties are distributed in remote locations, so the challenge is
to get the information timely
 Events can be of predetermined nature ( eg. polling party dispatched,
arrived etc.) or of non-predetermined nature (eg. Incidents of
violence). Both types of events need to trigger action on getting
recorded into the system.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Why sms ?
 SMS is a very easy and convenient technology that can
be used for a wide range of applications. Although it
has the widest reach of all the mobile technologies
 Incorporates Time delay option, i.e. the recipients
phone being busy does not matter to the sender of
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
SMS Gateway Services from NIC makes it easy to stay connected with all mobile service
operators. We have a wide range of mobile communication solutions including Web
SMS and SMS API Interfaces. The SMS Gateway should be reliable, fast, cost effective
and covers almost all operators in the India.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Process of SMS based monitoring system
 Step 1:- Mobile Registration.
RO (Returning officer)
ARO (Assistant Returning officer)
SO (Sector officer) and Assistant Sector Officer
PO (Presiding officer) and Any one polling Officer of the
polling party
 Step 2:- Send Events & Time based reports.
 Reports by Presiding Officer/polling Officer
 Reports by RO/ARO/SO
(if PO does not carry mobile phone with them or
Mobile Phone of PO, for some reasons beyond
control, fails to send SMS)
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
SMS format SMS is designed in such a format that the message
received by the system(sms gateway) through the
sender(RO/ARO/SO/PO) could be automatically
interpreted and updated into the database .
 Keyword –’ poll’- (All sms format will start with this keyword)
(Note: first syntax ‘poll’ is case sensitive for sending SMS format)
Example:- poll <space> other part of the message.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Step 1 :
Mobile registration - SMS format
For RO
Date of Registration- P-7 day
SMS syntaxpoll<space> S01<space>01<space>001<space>RO<space>3 digit access code
(Instruction : First 3 digits state code then space and put 2 digits District No. after that 3 digits AC No. where RO will
Registered and after that specific the keyword RO,RO-Returning officer. if one RO caters more than one AC then he has
to register different mobile numbers for different AC. And last 3 digit authentication code provided by district level.)
Eg. poll S09 01 001 RO 856
Date of Registration- P-7 day
poll<space> S01<space>01<space>001<space>RO<space>3 digit access code
(Instruction : First 3 digits state code then space and put 2 digits District No. after that 3 digits AC No. where RO will
Registered and after that specific the keyword RO,RO-Returning officer. if one RO caters more than one AC then he has
to register different mobile numbers for different AC. And last 3 digit authentication code provided by district level.)
Eg. poll S09 01 001 ARO 856
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Step 1 :
Mobile registration - SMS format
For Registration of Sector Officer and Assistant Sector Officer
Date of Registration- P-7 day
SMS syntaxpoll<space> S01<space>01<space>001<space>001<space>SO<space>3 digit access code
(Instruction : First 3 digits state code then space and put 2 digits District No. after that 3 digits AC No and Put Sector
No. where SO will Registered and after that specific the keyword SO(Each Sector within an AC should be given a
running serial number starting from 01).Please note there should not be more than 1 AC under a Sector. SO-Sector
Officer and last 3 digit authentication code provided by district level.)
Eg. poll S09 01 001 001 SO 856
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Step 1 :
Mobile registration - SMS format
For PO : Registration of Presiding Officer and any one Polling officer of
all Polling Party
Date of Registration- P-2/P-1 day
SMS syntax
poll<space> S01<space>01<space>001<space>001<space>PO<space>3
digit access code
(Instruction - First 3 digits state code then space and put 2 digits District No. after that 3 digits AC
No and Put PS No. where PO will Registered and after that specific the keyword PO.(if it is an
auxiliary polling station then it will be 3 digits followed by A or B; 001A for example) RR may
arrange for special counter at DC for this registration or registration may be done from the
counter where from polling materials will be distributed. RO’s representative at these counters
will get the registration done by the Presiding officer and any one of the polling officers of each
polling party. It means Presiding Officer/Polling Officers will register their mobile in presence
of RO’s representative present at the counter and RO’s representative will also note down in a
register the mobile numbers of the presiding officer and polling officer that have been
registered against the assigned AC & Polling Station Nos. and last 3 digit authentication code
provided by district level.)
Eg. poll S09 01 001 001 PO 856
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Step 2:Send Events & Time based reports.
Information from the polling stations
Pre pollSafe arrival of polling party at polling
 Mock Poll and attendance of polling
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Step 2:Send Events & Time based reports.
Information from the polling stations
During pollpoll started (Latest by 7:15 am)
 9 am Report (Male,Female,Others)count.
 11 am Report (Male,Female,Others)count.
 1 pm Report (Male,Female,Others)count.
 3 pm Report (Male,Female,Others)count.
 5 pm Report (Male,Female,Others)count.
 Voters in queue at the closure of poll.
Exception reports poll Interrupted due to EVM Non-Functioning.
 poll interruption due to Law & Order problem.
 poll interruption due to other Problem.
 Problem resolved
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Step 2:Send Events & Time based reports.
Information from the polling stations
After pollFinal voter turnout.
 Safe arrival of polling party at Record
Room after poll.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
 Chief electoral officer
 Can monitor the whole sms poll monitoring system online.
 Can edit details of any polling station online if PO is getting any
problem in sending sms.
 Returning officer
 Mobile registration through SMS.
 Will get an sms if there exist any problem in any polling station.
 Assistant returning officer
 Mobile registration through SMS.
 Will get an sms if there exist any problem in any polling station.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
 Sector officer
Mobile registration through SMS.
Can send sms on behalf of any polling station if PO
is getting any problem in sending sms.
 Presiding officer
Mobile registration through SMS
Send Event and Information bases reports through
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Message to be sent on
 ‘9212357123’ – This is our virtual Destination
number for receiving whole SMS which is used in
poll day monitoring system.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Safe Arrival of Polling Party at Polling Station
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Mock Poll and attendance of polling agents
•SMS syntax
poll<space> MP<space>04
P-2/P-1 Day
Immediately after reaching Polling Station
poll<space> SAP
SAP- Polling Party Safely Arrived at the Polling station
Immediately after conduct of mock poll and before
commencement of poll
MP-Mock Poll Conducted, Last 2 digits stand for no. of
Polling agents present. As per the example polling agents
of 4 contesting candidates are present.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Poll Started
P day
Latest by 7:15 am
PS- Poll Started
Report on 2 hourly (9AM)
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
Report on 2 hourly (11AM)
P day
poll<space> 11AM<space>111,98,02
Report on 2 hourly (1PM)
1 pm
poll<space> 1PM<space>male,female,other
poll<space> 1PM<space>111,98,02
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
Report on 2 hourly (3PM)
•Date of Event
P day
•Time of Event
•SMS syntax
poll<space> 3PM<space>male,female,other
Eg. poll<space> 3PM<space>111,98,02
Report on 2 hourly(5PM)
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
5 pm
•SMS syntax
poll<space> 5PM<space>male,female,other
poll<space> 5PM<space>111,98,02
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Voters in queue at the closure of poll
P day
Closure of poll(Latest by 5.15 PM(3.15 PM for ACs where poll is
scheduled to close at 3 PM)
•SMS syntax
poll<space> Q<space>10
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Final Voter Turnout
Q – Stands for Voters in queue at the schedule time for end of
poll. 3 digits stand(s) for total number of voters in queue
After end of Poll and finalization of ballot paper Account in
form 17C and before leaving polling station.
•SMS syntax
poll<space> VT<space>male,female,other
Eg. poll<space> VT<space>454,381,002
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Safe arrival of Polling Party at RC after end of Poll
P day
Immediately after reaching RC
•SMS syntax
poll<space> SARC
SARC – Stands for Safe arrival of Polling party at RC
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
•non-predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Interrupted due to EVM Non-Functioning or
apprehension of such problem
Immediately after such type of situation
•SMS syntax
poll<space> PROB<space>EVM
PROB- Problem, EVM- Problem of Electronic Voting
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Non-predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll interrupted or apprehension of poll interruption
due to Law & Order problem
P day
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•SMS syntax
poll<space> PROB<space>LW
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Poll Interrupted or there is a chance of poll interruption
due to other Problem
Immediately after such type of situation arises
•SMS syntax
poll<space> PROB<space>OTH
PROB- Problem, LW - Law & Order Problem.
PROB- Problem, OTH – Other Problem
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Reports by Presiding Officer/Polling Officer
Non-predetermined nature Events
•Date of Event
•Time of Event
Problem resolved
•SMS syntax
P day
Immediately after problem is solved and poll is resumed
in case
PRES means Problem resolved and poll resumed in case there is
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
If PO failed to send sms?
Returning Officer/Assistant Returning
Officer/Sector Officer can send SMS on behalf
of that PO
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Poll Report by Returning Officer/Assistant Returning
Officer/Sector Officer
Safe Arrival of Polling
eg. poll<space>001<space> SAP
Party at Polling
Mock Poll and
attendance of polling eg. poll<space>001<space> MP<space>04
Poll Started
SMS syntax
eg. poll<space>001<space> PS
Report on 2 hourly
eg. poll<space>001<space>9AM<space>111,98,02
Report on 2 hourly
eg. poll<space>001<space>11AM<space>111,98,02
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Poll Report by Returning Officer/Assistant Returning
Officer/Sector Officer
SMS syntax
Report on 2
hourly (1PM)
eg. poll<space>001<space>1PM<space>111,98,02
Report on 2 poll<space>PS_NO<space>3PM<space>male,female,other
hourly (3PM) eg. poll<space>001<space>3PM<space>111,98,02
Report on 2
eg. poll<space>001<space>5PM<space>111,98,02
poll<space>PS_NO<space>Q<space>voters in Queue
Voters in
queue at the eg. poll<space>001<space>Q<space>10
closure of poll
Final Voter
eg. poll<space>001<space>VT<space>454,381,002
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Sl. Event
SMS syntax
11 Safe arrival of Polling Party
at RC after end of Poll.
12 Poll Interrupted due to EVM
Non-Functioning or
apprehension of such
13 Poll interrupted or
apprehension of poll
interruption due to Law &
Order problem
14 Poll Interrupted or there is a
chance of poll interruption
for any other Problem
15 Problem as mentioned in Sl.
NO. 12,13,14 resolved
poll<space>PS_NO <space>PROB<space>EVM
poll<space>001 <space>PROB<space>EVM
poll<space>PS_NO<space> PROB<space>LW
poll<space>001<space> PROB<space>LW
poll<space>PS_NO<space> PROB<space>OTH
poll<space>001<space> PROB<space>OTH
poll<space>001 <space>PRES
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
This apart, there will be provision for reporting
the above poll information from District, Subdivision end through website. This facility should
be utilized in case SMS system fails both from
Polling Station and Sector end.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
•PRO/PO must carry their mobile Phone and charger.
•After registration of mobile numbers of Presiding Officers and any one Polling Officers
of a Polling party, Subsequent reporting (like Safe Arrival, Mock Poll, Poll Start and so
on) through SMS should be sent from one mobile only.
•There is no need of sending SMS from both the mobile numbers at a time. It may
be noted that two mobile numbers for each polling station are registered taking note of
•If for some reasons one mobile fails to send SMS then only the other mobile
should be used.
•Each and every presiding Officer/Polling officer will register in a particular polling
station, then those presiding officer can update record to the registered polling station.
 Automatic
Automatic sending of SMSs to the persons who are not reporting within
scheduled / expected time limits.
Automatic sending of SMSs to police stations, magistrates etc. on receipt of
reports of events like violence etc. from polling booths, sector officers etc.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Training to Presiding officer
 How to send SMS.
 About the keyword ’poll’.
 About the different types of SMS formats.
 When to send SMS (each SMS has to be send on certain
event or time).
 Where to send SMS (each SMS has to be send on a
particular no. given by ECI of CEO office)
 What to do if getting problem in sending SMS.
 Importance of sending SMS accurately and timely.
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)
Prepared by NIC-Rajnandgaon(CG)