systems engineering competencies and approaches

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Managing the systems lifecycle: systems engineering competencies and approaches

Professor Michael Henshaw Loughborough University, UK

1  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



  

Competency in Systems Engineering System lifecycles Standards

 ISO15288 the systems engineering lifecycle standard 2  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Bio Fuels for cars

Increase Bio Fuel Production

Systems Thinking for Energy

Negative Behavioural Change

Example from Geoff Robinson, of Atkins, Keynote at ieee SoSE 2010

Food shortages CO 2 Processing De forestation

3 Systems Thinking: Understand complex problems Explore wider set of options  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


INCOSE Competency Framework

Systems Thinking

Systems concepts Super system capability issues Enterprise and technology environment

Holistic Lifecycle View

Determine and manage stakeholder requirements Systems design Architectural design Concept generation Design for...

Functional analysis 4  Loughborough University, 2012 Interface management Maintain design integrity Modelling and simulation Select preferred solution System robustness Systems integration and verification Validation Transition to operation

Systems Engineering Management

Concurrent engineering Enterprise integration Integration of specialisms Lifecycle process definition Planning, monitoring and controlling MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



Typical stages of lifecycle management

Initiation Execution Planning & Design Monitoring & Control  Loughborough University, 2012 Closing MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Holistic lifecycle view

6      

Whole life costs Maintaining performance, safety, security, etc.

Retaining knowledge of the system Upgrades Risks over time Disposal

 Loughborough University, 2012 Image: Hunt Emerson MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


A System

Definition of a system

 A system is a construct or collection of different elements that together produce results not obtainable by the elements alone.  The elements, or parts, can include people, hardware, software, facilities, policies, and documents; that is, all things required to produce systems-level results. ......... (Rechtin, 2000).

INCOSE definition (first part)

7 Image: AP  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Systems Engineering and the Systems Life Cycle Standard

1. Systems Eng. and systems thinking

Required by Mindset and approach for

2. System Life cycles 3. System of interest


1. Standards

Enables mgt of Is an appropriate Applies std.

5. Tailoring


4. ISO15288 -scope -structure -use

Constrains illustrates

7. Limitations 6. Case studies 8  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Standards - why they are important


The need for standards and Systems Engineering

 Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Standards: Benefits and Applicability


    Safety Interoperability Quality Upgradeability 


 Business      Trade Technical Engineering Finance Etc.

10  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



Application to project phases

SAE DIN BSI Manufacture IEC ASTM Design ISO API – Application Programming Interface ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM – American Society for the Testing of Materials BSI - British Standards Institution DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung eV IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission ISO - International Standards Organization ITU – International Telecommunications Union SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers 11  Loughborough University, 2012 Construction API ASME Operation ISO ITU From ‘Why Standards are Important’, IHS Whitepaper,

MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



12   


 A regulation is a legal requirement and compliance is, therefore, compulsory. A regulation is usually developed by Government and specifies


must be done, but without specifying


it must be done.


 A code is a standard (developed by an appropriate body) and adopted by a Government entity. Compliance is compulsory.


 A specification of best practice developed by experts and based on consensus. It is recognised by an appropriate standards development organisation. Compliance is voluntary.

Based on ‘Why Standards are Important’, IHS Whitepaper,

 Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Part 4 – ISO 15288

  

Origin of ISO 15288 Application and characteristics of the standard Basic content of the standard

13  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 14

Origin of ISO 15288

Systems context

Space systems Increasing complexity Complex manufacture Software

 Loughborough University, 2012 Emerging Standards

Military and civilian std. in US Std. In EU Software std.

ISO 15288 (2002) ISO 15288 (2008)

MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Characteristics of 15288 (1)

15  


 Although described as applicable to service systems, the language and approach is strongly product based


 Standard is a comprehensive list of processes for life cycle management, but none is specified in detail   Cannot be used without tailoring High-tech. Organisations recognise the standard, but don’t usually seek rigid compliance  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Characteristics of 15288 (2)


 As an outline framework from which organisation engineering and project management processes may be derived  As a checking procedure for extant processes   Level of compliance can indicate areas for process improvement Compliance is seen as meritorious, but not essential 16  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Significant INCOSE Publications based on 15288

 

INCOSE Handbook

 INCOSE 2010 systems engineering handbook, version 3.2. San Diego, CA, USA: International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2

INCOSE UK Systems Engineering Competency Framework

 INCOSE UK 2010 17  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



18 Enterprise Enduring General across all projects Organisation  Loughborough University, 2012 Long term Single project Project Enterprise Short term


Procedures : Processes Processes General/high level – slowly changing Consistency Specific/detailed – as & when required MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Generic Lifecycle

Concept stage Development stage Production stage Utilisation stage Support stage Retirement stage   

A system progresses through specific stages during its life

 In reality stages overlap

Enabling systems are required at each stage All stages should be considered at design time and lifecycle features incorporated

19  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


ISO 15288 Content

Agreement Processes Acquisition Supply Organizational Project Enabling Processes Life Cycle Model Mgt Infrastructure Mgt Project Portfolio Mgt Project Processes Project Planning Project Assessment & Control Decision Mgt Risk Mgt Configuration Mgt Information Mgt Measurement 20 Human Resource Mgt Quality Mgt  Loughborough University, 2012

System Life Cycle Processes

Technical Processes Stakeholder Req. Definition Req. Analysis Architecture Design Implementation Integration Verification Transition Validation Operation Maintenance Disposal MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Agreement Processes

 

Provides symmetric processes for supplier and customer

  Supply process Acquisition process

Largely concerned with commercial matters

 Not necessarily executed by engineers  Covers selection of or as supplier, acceptance criteria of product/service, financial arrangements 21  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Organizational Project-Enabling Processes

22 

Processes put underlying plan and resources in place

 Selection/creation of appropriate life cycle model provides underlying assumption for whole project  E.g. CADMID underpins all UK defence acquisitions  Creation and maintenance of appropriate infrastructure for project  Note that different organizations have different definitions of infrastructure (buildings, communication channels, computer networks, ...)    Business decisions about portfolio of projects (sub-projects) Skills and human resources planned Quality procedures for project  Note that these will often be defined at the organization level, rather than at the individual project level  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Project Processes

Mostly concerned with project management

 Considerable overlap between systems engineering and project management  Need to be consistent with standard project managment processes of the organization  Standard distinguishes between Project management and project support  Management: planning and assessment/control  Support: decision, risk, information, measurement, and configuration control 23  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Technical Processes

    

Focused on classic Systems Engineering aspects

 Vee-model   Stakeholder analysis and Requirements Design (architecture) Implementation and Integration Verification, Transition, and Validation Operation, Maintenance Disposal 24  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


(Typical) Vee-Model

Project Definition Concept of Operation Requirements Architecture Verification and Validation Operation & maintenance Validation Systems Verification Project test & integration Detailed Design Implementation Test, and verification Integration Time

25  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


(Typical) Vee-Model + 15288 Technical Processes

Disposal Maintenance Operation Verification and Validation Project Definition Detailed Design Verification Test, and verification Project test & integration

26  Loughborough University, 2012


MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



To some extent, ISO 15288 represents the collation of good practice

 Organisations that develop complex systems may have procedures and processes that follow 15288 implicitly  Compliance may be advised but rarely (never?) compulsory 27  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Limitations: SoS Properties - Emergence

Emergence is a phenomenon ascribable to the whole system and not to any of its individual parts. Some maintain it is only applied to something that has not been predicted, others that it may be either planned or unexpected Desirable/ predicted Desirable/ unpredicted Undesirable/ unpredicted Desirable properties are designed to emerge Systems Subsystems Components Traditional systems engineering; well understood subsystems etc.; V&V 28  Loughborough University, 2012 Systems of systems engineering; incomplete knowledge of interactions, complexity, strong emergence MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw



Managing and Engineering

  Members of the

SoS owners’ club

have partial knowledge and influence  Need to engineer for compliance (interoperability)  Standards   Manage own system (part) through control Manage other parts of SoS through influence, protective measures, collaboration, … (not at all)

If systems thinking tells us that we should make our systems behave in certain ways to maximise benefit, why don’t we do it?

From the single-

system community’s perspective, its part of the SoS capability represents additional obligations, constraints and complexities. Rarely is participation in an (sic) SoS seen as a net gain from the viewpoint of single system stakeholders.

George Rebovich, Jr., 2009  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Traditional SE versus SoSE


30 Table 1. SE versus SoSE  Loughborough University, 2012 From Neaga Henshaw and Yue, 2009 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Limitations of the Standard What worked in the past will not always work in the future.

31  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Systems Engineering

 

New publication available: Guide to the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK) at

32  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Back-up slides

33  Loughborough University, 2012 MEGS III Lecture: Henshaw


Example of use

 

Large defence related organisation has recently carried out a skills audit using the INCOSE Competency Framework This provides health check for systems engineering skills and marketing information for use with clients

34  Loughborough University ISO 15288 Lectures: Henshaw