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Update to 2014/15
academy funding
February 2014
Funding updates
 Prior Attainment
 Education Services Grant
 Academy allocation protection
 Pre and post 16 allocations
 Payment profiles
 Insurance
Primary prior attainment factor
 Revised measurement means more Yr 1 pupils attract
funding – as an aggregated measure is used – this is
skewing the overall proportion
 Separate measures:
 Yr 1 – proportion not making ‘good development’
 Yr 2- Yr 5 – proportion reaching 73/78 in EYFP
 LAs can apply scaling to the proportion of Year 1 pupils
receiving funding under this factor
 Details shown in your 14/15 Funding Allocation Pack
SEN LACSEG adjustment (1)
 Only affects academies open before 1 April 2013
 LAs have a duty to provide SEN services to all academies
and maintained schools on the same basis
 This means that both academies and local authorities have
been funded for the same set of services
 This has resulted in academies receiving funding for SEN
provision that has already been paid to LAs to provide
those services
 This SEN block funding was included in your baseline when
calculating your MFG for 2013/14
 We will adjust for this overpayment in your 2014/15
SEN – LACSEG adjustment (2)
 Identified this double funding in the 2012/13 baseline:
 50% to be deducted in 2014/15
 50% to be deducted in 2015/16
 Details of the adjustment will be shown in your 2014/15
Funding Allocation Pack
 Protected within new overall allocation protection (separate
from MFG)
Education Services Grant (ESG)
 ESG rate for 14/15:
 £140 per pupil in mainstream setting
 £575 Special Academies
 £525 Alternative Provision
 No dedicated ESG protection - now included in overall
allocation protection
Academy allocation protection
 Simple per pupil protection resulting from the reduction to
academy funding caused by:
 Double funding of SEN LACSEG
 Reduction in ESG rate
 Removal of ESG protection
 An academy protection will be payable where the 14/15
allocation reduction as a proportion of the 13/14 allocation
is greater than -1%
 It applies to all academies (inc special academies and
alternative provision), free schools, UTC and studio schools
 This is shown in your funding allocation pack
Academy allocation protection
All post-16 allocation
All post-16 allocation
MFG operates GAG to GAG
ESG protection
ESG at £150
ESG at £140 and
protection goes
Protection = loss at D cannot exceed 1% of A on a per pupil basis.
Payment profiles
 From September 2014 the payment profile for academies
will be revised
 Currently academies are paid on a front-loaded basis with a
higher percentage of their annual GAG funding paid in
 The revised payment profile will distribute GAG funding to
academies in equal instalments throughout the year
Pre and Post 16 allocations
 Academies with sixth forms will have allocations with
confirmed pupil numbers sent with their pre 16 allocation
 Post 16 statement have been sent out separately without
funding amounts
 Once post 16 funding allocations are available we will send
a complete allocation, with pre and post 16
More information
 Funding allocation pack guidance
 Online presentations
 Podcasts
 Enquiries:
[email protected]
Insurance 13/14 – a recap
All academies
Ave. £25 per
pupil in basic
£20 per pupil
Top up where applicable
Application to
EFA to cover
the difference
New insurance scheme
 New voluntary academy insurance scheme from
September 2014
 Brings value for money by reducing the cost of
insurance premiums to academies
 Open to all academies, free schools, UTCs and studio
New insurance scheme (2)
 Removal of £20 additional insurance payment for all
 For those participating in the scheme the cost of £25 per
pupil is deducted from your allocation
 Further details of the scheme will follow