Zookeeper at Facebook

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Vishal Kathuria
Zookeeper use at Facebook
Project Zeus – Goals
Tao Design
Tao Workload simulator
Early results of Zookeeper testing
Zookeeper Improvements
◦ For location of the name node
◦ Name node leader election
◦ 75K temporary (permanent in future) clients
◦ For mapping of regions to region servers, location of
ROOT node
◦ Region server failure detection and failover
◦ After UDBs more to HBase, ~100K permanent clients
◦ Mapping of user to Prometheus web server within a cell
◦ Leader election of Prometheus web server
◦ Future: Selection of the Hbase geo-cell
◦ Leader Election
◦ Leader election of scribe aggregators
Future customers
 Sharding
 Leader Election
◦ Search
“Make Zookeeper awesome”
◦ Zookeeper works at Facebook scale
◦ Zookeeper is one of the most reliable services at
Solve pressing infrastructure problems using
◦ Shard Manager for Tao
◦ Generic Shard Management capability in
Project is 5 weeks old
Initial sharing of ideas with the community
◦ Ideas not yet whetted or proven through prototypes
Shard Map
Based on ranges instead of consistent hash
Stored in ZooKeeper
Accessed by clients using Aether
Populated by Eos
 Dynamically updated based on load information
Scale requirements for a single cluster
24,000 Web machines
◦ Read only clients
6,000 Tao server machines
◦ Read/Write clients
About 20 clusters site wide
Shard Map is 2-3 MB of data
◦ Read the shard map of local cluster after connection
◦ Put a watch on the shard map
◦ Refresh shard map after watch fires
Follower Servers
Leader Servers
◦ These servers are clients of the leader servers
◦ Also read their own shard map
◦ Read their own shard map and of all of their
Shard Manager - Eos
◦ Periodically updates the shard map
3 node zookeeper ensemble
◦ 8 core
◦ 8G RAM
Clients – 20 node cluster
◦ Web class machines
◦ 12 G RAM
Using Zookeeper ensemble per cluster model
◦ 40K connections
◦ Small number of clients joining/leaving at any time
◦ Rare updates to the shard map – once every 10
◦ Zookeeper worked well in this
Cluster Powering Up
◦ 25K Clients simultaneously trying to connect
◦ Slow response time
 It took some clients 560s to connect and get data
Cluster powering down
◦ 25 K clients simultaneously disconnect
◦ System Temporarily Unresponsive
 The disconnect requests filled zookeeper queues
 System would not accept any more new connections or
 After a short time, the disconnect requests were
processed and the system became responsive again
Rolling Restart of ZooKeeper Nodes
Startup/Shutdown of entire cluster
◦ With active clients
◦ Without active clients
◦ No corruptions or system hangs noticed so far
Client connect/disconnect is a persisted
update involving all nodes
The ping and connection timeout handling is
done by the leader for all connections
Single thread handling connect requests and
data requests
Zookeeper is implemented as a single
threaded pipeline.
◦ All reads are serialized
◦ Low read throughput
◦ Uses only 3 cores at full load
Non persisted sessions with local session
◦ Hacked a prototype to test potential
◦ Initial test runs very encouraging
Dedicated connection creation thread
◦ Prototyped, test runs in progress
Multiple threads for deserializing incoming
Dedicated parallel pipeline for read only