PARCC-ELA Presentation - Harding Township School

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The Common Core and
PARCC Assessment
What is the Common Core?
Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards
How Are the CCSS Different?
 Include rigorous content and application of
knowledge through higher-order thinking skills
 Provide performance-based collaborative activities
and assessments
 Integrate literacy across content areas including
Science and Social Studies
 Place stronger emphasis on informational text,
research, and media skills
Instructional Shifts in ELA
 6 Shifts in ELA
 Read as much nonfiction as fiction
 Learn about the world by reading
 Read more challenging material closely
 Discuss reading using evidence
 Write non-fiction using evidence
 Increase academic vocabulary
ELA Shift 1:
Read as Much Non-Fiction as Fiction
Students Must...
Parents Can…
Read more non-fiction
Supply more non-fiction
Know the ways non-fiction can be put
Read and discuss more non-fiction with
your child
Enjoy and discuss the details of nonfiction
Have fun with non-fiction in front of
ELA Shift 2:
Learn About the World by Reading
Students Must…
Parents Can…
Build proficiency in Science and Social
Studies through reading
Supply series of text on topics of
Handle “primary source” documents
Find books that explain
Get “smarter” through text
Discuss non-fiction text and the ideas
ELA Shift 3:
Read More Complex Material Carefully
Students Must…
Parents Can…
Provide more challenging text that
students WANT to and can read
Read material at comfort level AND
work with more challenging text
Know grade level/reading level
appropriate text
Unpack text
Read challenging text with student
Handle frustration and keep pushing
Show that challenging text is worth
ELA Shift 4:
Discuss Reading Using Evidence
Students Must…
Parents Can…
Find evidence to support their
Talk about text
Form judgments
Demand evidence in every day
Become scholars
Read aloud or read the same book and
discuss with evidence
Discuss authors’ point of view
ELA Shift 5:
Discuss Reading Using Evidence
Students Must…
Parents Can…
Make arguments in writing using
Encourage writing at home
Compare multiple texts in writing
Write “books” together and use
Write well
ELA Shift 6:
Academic Vocabulary
Students Must…
Parents Can…
Learn the words that they can use in
college and career
Read often and constantly with your
Get smarter about using
“language of power”
Provide multiple books on the same
Talk to your children about reading
Listen to your children read
Play word and rhyming games with
your children
New Standards = New Test
 PARCC tests are aligned to the new Common Core
State Standards now in place in K-12 schools
 In most states, the outgoing tests were NOT linked to
these more rigorous reading, writing and math
 The CCSS are designed to better prepare students for
college and the workforce
Why New Assessments Now?
 Current state assessments were not designed to:
 Assess and signal whether students are on track for success in
college or careers
 Produce timely, actionable data for students, teachers and
 Test key skills, such as critical thinking and ability to problem
Online Tests for an Online Era
 PARCC tests are computer-based and more engaging
and innovative than outgoing paper and pencil state
 PARCC is flexible; can be administered on a variety
of devices that schools can use for instruction
 Some PARCC features: highlighting, customizing
colors, text to speech, captions for audio
What is PARCC
 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College
and Careers
 ETS is the developer
 Pearson is the assessment provider
 Content will include ELA and Math
PARCC Priorities
 Determine whether students are college and career ready or on
 Connect to the Common Core Standards
 Measure the full range of student performance, including that of
high and low achieving students
 Provide educators data throughout the year to inform
 Create innovative 21st Century, technology-based assessments
 Be affordable and sustainable
How Will PARCC Be Different
 Students: Will know if they are on track to graduate
ready for college/careers
 Teachers: Will have earlier access to data to plan for
learning and instruction for the following year
 Parents: Will have clear and timely information about
student progress
 States: Will have valid results that are comparable
across borders
How Will PARCC Be Different
 For Teachers and Schools:
 Computer-based testing will boost student engagement and
 More efficient than pencil-paper
 Timely data during the year will aid instruction, professional
 Tests will assess the full range of student performance
 Tests will measure student growth at all levels as well as
measuring proficiency
PARCC Assessments
 PARCC assesses two formal times during the school
year: 75% and 90%
 Performance Based Assessments (PBA): EBSR,
 End of Year Assessments (EOY) –EBSR and TECR;
questions designed in a way that they will draw
students into deeper encounters with the text and
will result in more comprehension of the topics
 EBSR – Evidence Based Selected Response:
Combines a selected response question with a second one
that asks students to show evidence from the text
 TECR – Technology Enhanced Constructed
Response: Uses technology to capture student
comprehension of texts in an authentic way that have
been difficult to score by machine (e.g. drag and drop,
shade text, move items to show relationships)
 PCR – Prose Constructed Response: Requires the
evidence that students have understood texts they have
read and can communicate that knowledge.
PCR – 3 Types (March Test)
 Literary Analysis Task – Hones the student’s ability to read
complex test closely; asks students to carefully consider
literature worthy of close study and create an analytic essay
 Narrative Task – Students may be asked to write a story,
detail a scientific process, write a historical account or
describe an account of events based on the reading just
 Research Simulation Task – students will analyze an
informational topic presented through articles or multimedia.
Students will answer a series of questions and synthesize the
information in order to write two analytic essays- such as
analyze the relationship between a series of concepts or
weight two to three arguments and judge which is the most
credible or analyze data from several illustrations or graphs.
Writing Forms for PCR items
In Grades 3-8 students may be asked to analyze and produce:
Adventure, science fiction, fantasy, humorous or short stories
Fiction, prequels, sequels
Autobiography or biography
Speeches, persuasive letters and essays
Book reviews
Brochures, letters, reports and reviews
Character sketches, personal narratives
Descriptions , how-to articles and other informational text
Wiki entries, science articles
Explanations. Reports, essays
Fables, myths or legends
Scenes from plays
Students must know RAFT before writing-reason, audience, format, topic
Reading and Writing….
 Show they can read and understand complex passages
 Write persuasively
 Conduct research and present findings
 Demonstrate speaking and listening skills
Old Test vs. New Test
 Third Grade Narrative writing
prompt on an old, outgoing
state test….
Read the writing prompt
below and complete the
writing activity:
Jump out of bed! Look out the
window! It is a perfect
weather day!
Write a story about a day when
the weather seemed perfect.
 Third Grade Narrative writing
prompt on the PARCC
You have read two texts about
famous people in American
history who solved a problem
by working to make a change.
Write an article for your
school newspaper describing
how Eliza and Carver faced
challenges to change
something in America
In your article, be sure to
describe in detail why some
solutions they tried worked
and others did not
Tell how the challenges each
on faced were the same and
how they were different.
Old Test vs. New Test
7th Grade NJASK
Expository Essay
 Explain the benefits
and challenges of living
in your town or city. Be
sure to include specific
details in your answer.
7th Grade Literary Analysis
Essay for PARCC
 You have just read a passage
from The Count of Monte
Cristo as well as a scene from
the play Blessings. Think about
the similarities and differences
in how the two authors develop
the themes in each text. Write
an essay in which you identify a
theme from each text and
analyze how each theme is
developed. Be sure to include
specific details from both
Old Test vs. New Test
7th Grade Narrative Task
7th Grade NJASK
Narrative Task
You discover that you left your
cellphone at school. The building is
locked. What do you do next? Use
descriptive language and a beginning,
middle and end to guide the writing of
your story.
At the end of the passage from “The
Fast and the Furriest,” Howie tells
Kevin that he is not making a good
case. Write an original story that
describes what Kevin does next, to try
to change Howie’s mind about paying
for Cromwell’s training. In writing your
 Consider what actions Kevin might take
or say, to strengthen his case.
 Be sure to use what you have learned
about setting, characters, and plot of
the passage.
Old Test vs. New Test
7th Grade NJASK Research
 Not tested on NJASK
7th Grade Research task
 You have learned about electricity by
reading two articles; “Energy Story”
and “Conducting Solutions,” and
viewing a video clip entitle “Handson Science with Squishy Circuits.”
 In an essay, compare the purposes of
the three sources. Then analyze how
each source uses explanations,
demonstrations, or descriptions of
experiments to help accomplish its
purpose. Be sure to discuss
important differences and
similarities between the information
gained from the video and the
information provided in the articles.
Support your response with evidence
from each source.
Sample PARCC Layout
 PARCC Sample Questions……
Practice Questions
Practice Questions