Hala -Kholood

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Transcript Hala -Kholood

‫أي شيء في العيد‬
‫أهدي إليك يا مالكي‬
Discussing prices and shopping lists are interesting to HLL
especially since they hear about them from their family and see
them in their community ( made up mainly of immigrants) and
from media they watch or see at home via satellite channels.
HLL who come from middle eastern families who live in the
US or abroad are motivated to learn about traditional and
cotemporary practices in shopping the “Arabic Way”.
⌘ Demographic diagnosis: arab americans high school age
⌘ 3 lessons- 5 classroom periods
⌘ HLL needs and goals : necessity of customized
curriculum with specific HLL strategies of
t e a ch i n g / l e a r n i n g.
⌘ Goals include but not limited to maintaining the home
language as well as improving levels of proficiency in all
modes of language with focus on the exclusive meaning
and purpose of shopping for a holiday gift, while
maintaining cour tesy to various celebrations for various
community faiths within the unit theme, learning
o b ject ives, a n d r es o ur ces fo r m a t er ia ls a n d a ct ivit ies.
Step 1: teaching context:
⌘ lessons that target cultural practices that the students engage in within their community
which also connects to practices in their family’s homeland
⌘ Focus on practices that are tightly connected to their self-identity through increasing
awareness of belonging and identifying to more than one culture
Step 2: incorporating best practices through
⌘ materials that will anchor the unit to further the theme and objectives appropriate for the
student population. HLL will discuss how to incorporate the principles and practices .
step 3: differentiating instruction for hl learners and using formative assessment
instructional strategies, activities, and assessments
1- SIOP strategies
2- hands-on activities in presentational and intrapersonal communication
3- actfl’s OP scale of assessing from novice-mid to advanced high
Step 4: including L2 learners in Mixed Groups
⌘ Group activity planning would emphasis the heterogeneous group in the classroom. All
planning would implement differentiated instruction the whole class and within the divided
groups as well. Unit will include at least ne activity for mixed classes.
⌘ Project presentation includes:
pre-requisites: help students to be able to participate comfortably in this unit according to the
range of variation among them(hll)
. Students will hold a mimic mini market and role pay people, customers, and business owners on a day of the
by the end of the unit, I ( student) will be able to:
engage in conversation, using (list arabic vocab and key terms)
express their feelings and emotions and exchange their opinions
u s i n g c o m m o n s h o p p i n g e x p r e s s i o n s i n a r a b i c . ( Vo c a b t e r m s )
understand and interpret spoken language on the topic of shopping
( interpersonal) listening activity
use shopping expressions /seek and provide information using
relative nouns and inter rogation tool ter ms : how much, what is,
w h y, e t c … . .
E m p l o y a d j e c t i v e s a n d v e r b s w i t h a c u l t u r a l l y a p p r o p r i a t e w a y. (
Also, g rammar time tenses -verb conjug ating)
demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between
traditional arab shopping and their cultural values ( complete
double bubble map with key terms-)
I will be able to:
1- recognize the design of the arab market
2-identify The names and types of different local stores
that his/her family visit
3- read/view authentic material and answer
comprehension questions through summarizing
4- compare and contrast the arab market with the
american market
L A N G UA G E O B J E C T I V E S :
ask and answer questions about shopping using question
terms : XXXXXXXX
describe family activities using simple past tense
describe their eid gift using I like, I prefer, and basic
make a shopping list using arabic numbers and arabic
currency names for costs
employ singular and plural nouns to describe the gifts
Formative : thinking map – venn diagram- check list- exist
ticket- centers summative assessments: performed based assessment (
interpersonal – written presentational
- written test)
listen to the new vocabulary on your DVD and write down 10
Pick up 10 new words and use them in useful sentences.
R e a d t h e n e w w o r d s a n d c l a s s i f y t h e m i n t o g r o u p s . Yo u a n y
w a y y o u w a n t ( e . G . : Ve r b / n o u n / a d j e c t i v e ) .
Pick up 10 new words and use them in a paragraph.
3 level concept map from the reading
T/F culturally appropriate practices
fill in the blanks
cross out the word the word that doesn’t belong to the group
and substitute it with the right word.
F I N A L P R O J E C T: M a r k e t P r e s e n t a t i o n G r a d e d b a s e d o n O r a l
Proficiency Measuring Rubric.
‫ا ل د و ال ر ‪ ،‬و ا ل م ا ل ‪ ،‬و ا ل د ي ك و ر ‪ ،‬و ت ز ي ي ن ‪ ،‬و ا ل ض ي و ف ‪ ،‬ل ز ي ا ر ة ‪ ،‬ز ي ا ر ة و ا ل ز و ا ر ‪،‬‬
‫و م ر ك ز ت س و ق ‪ ،‬ب ا ئ ع ‪ ،‬ح ز ب ‪ ،‬ا ح ت ف ا ل ‪ ،‬ا ح ت ف ا ل ‪ ،‬و ا ل ه د ا ي ا ‪ ،‬و ا ل ع م ال ء ‪ ،‬و ب ي ع ‪،‬‬
‫وشراء‪ ،‬ومكلفة‪ ،‬ورخيصة‪ ،‬الدينار‪ ،‬الجنيه المصري‪ ،‬أنا وسادة‪ ،‬ألعاب‬
‫ا ل ك م ب ي و ت ر و ا أل ق ر ا ص ا ل م د م ج ة و ا ل ه و ا ت ف ا ل م ح م و ل ة ‪ ،‬و ب ط ا ق ا ت ا ل ع ي د ‪ ،‬و ا ل ن ب ا ت ا ت ‪،‬‬
‫ا ل ق ر ن ف ل ‪ ،‬ا ل ز ن ا ب ق و ا ل و ر و د و ا ل ي ا س م ي ن ‪ ،‬و إ ن ا ء ‪ ،‬ب ا ق ة م ن ا ل ز ه و ر ‪ ،‬ب ق ال و ة ‪،‬‬
‫م ع م و ل ‪ ،‬و ا ل ش و ك و ال ت ة ‪.‬‬
‫‪D O L L A R , M O N E Y, D E C O R A T I O N , D E C O R A T E , G U E S T S , T O‬‬
‫‪V I S I T , V I S I T , V I S I T O R S , S H O P P I N G M A L L , S E L L E R , P A R T Y,‬‬
‫‪C E L E B R A T E , C E L E B R A T I O N , G I F T S , C U S T O M E R S , S E L L , B U Y,‬‬
‫‪E X P E N S I V E , C H E A P, D I N A R , E G Y P T I A N P O U N D , I P A D ,‬‬
‫‪P L A N T S , C A R N A T I O N , L I L I E S , R O S E S , J A S M I N E , VA S E ,‬‬
‫‪B O U Q U E T O F F L O W E R S , B A K L AWA , M A M O U L ,‬‬
Lesson-2 Eid Celebration
I will be able to
content objectives:
design a greeting card with the arabic calligraphy on the eid
identify three different writing styles of arab eid greetings
language objectives:
write common greeting on the eid in arabic
demonstrate an understanding on the arabic calligraphy
greet each other in arabic
⌘arabic calligraphy video .
calligraphy brushes, one per student
KWL chart (what do you know about the arabic calligraphy
show examples of different arabic calligraphy
show a sample of arabic greetings and ask students to discuss the
difference between arabic dialects on the eid g reetings.
Divide students into the same small groups and distribute the eid card
envelopes. Students need to decide to whom do they want to send the
eid card? What kind of arabic eid greetings card do they want to write
Arabic calligraphy video .
Calligraphy brushes, one per student
KWL chart (What do you know about the Arabic calligraphy
Show examples of different Arabic calligraphy
Show a sample of Arabic greetings and ask students to discuss
the difference between Arabic dialects on the Eid
class discussions
homework to practice the writing of arabic
write eid card with arabic greetings
student will
design a greeting card with the arabic calligraphy on the eid
identify three different writing of arab eid greetings
write common greeting on the eid in arabic
demonstrate an understanding on the arabic calligraphy
an explanation of how the unit meets the five requirements specified in
part (A) of this handout and the rubrics/discussion questions in the
a p p e n d i c e s. We r e c o m m e n d t h a t e a c h r e q u i r e m e n t b e a s s i g n e d t o a
specific presenter.
final project : students will form 4 groups and role play
mimicking a pretend “arabian market(souq) where a lot of
bargaining skills are needed. Sale items will emphsis eid gifts
exchanged during holidays celebrating ramadhan, adha,
Assessment and evaluation: students will be assessed according
to their levels and the objectives set forth for the lesson by
(for mative): thinking maps, daily discussions, pair role playing,
p e e r i n t e r v i e w, s h o r t q u i z z e s , w r i t t e n r e s p o n s e s t o a u t h e n t i c
videos; homework activities: for example: make and print out
flyer ads from local and online sources; print arabic and US
currencies from online resources; make lists of matching items
role play activities: make group oral presentations based on a
rubric generated by the instructor with student input.
An explanation of how the unit meets the five requirements
specified in part (A) of this handout and the rubrics/discussion
q u e s t i o n s i n t h e a p p e n d i c e s. We r e c o m m e n d t h a t e a c h
requirement be assigned to a specific presenter.
O n t h e b a si s o f t h e a b ove, i d e n t i f y a r e a s o f n e e d i n t h e H L ( e. G.
B a s i c v e r b c o n j u g a t i o n s, o r t h o g r a p h y, l i t e r a c y, e t c . )
….AND ….
Milad majeed-Eid MubarakMerry Christmas