Card Expo 2015 Agenda - Card Expo Africa 2015

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Transcript Card Expo 2015 Agenda - Card Expo Africa 2015

The agenda of CardExpo Africa 2015 features a unique blend of expert discussions, case sto-ries,
breakthrough methodologies, practical tools, hands-on application, and inspirational vi-sion.
This card conference and exhibition is not a passive event as your participation matters. Most activities
will involve live interaction in a creative process. The agenda is geared toward in-tensive relationshipbuilding, practical implementation, real-time "making" of payment solu-tions, and design-based systems.
You will learn, bond, build, and create together with your peers. You will experience a unique environment
that is designed for you to learn about eco-systems while creating one in real life.
Building upon the highly acclaimed CardExpo Africa events, this 15th annual Conference and Exhibition is
an exclusive and candid forum that gathers key players from all area of the payment around the world to
connect and share success strategies that are being implemented or are near implementation.
This event will assist you in developing the best solutions for your role in the payment world. We will have
well moderated conversations highlighting solutions for the issues confronting the payment industry.
These discussions will be part of dynamic forums in which participants can examine and seek solutions to
the challenges of developing end- to end solutions. Case studies debates, and candid perspectives will
offer valuable and authentic insights into the dynamics of the industry.
You will take away actionable solutions on how to:
Develop payment products that make adoption and usage easy
Develop solutions that solve merchant and consumer problems
Implement POS technologies that enable acceptance of multiple device types
4Mobile banking and mobile payment best practices
5Latest security, authentication and protection of consumer information
• Leading payment solutions provider value to retailers, brands and consumers
• The pros and cons of key security and authentication strategies for payment channel
• How POS technologies drive traffic and can be readily adopted by merchants and consumers
• NFC technology as part of your future mobile payments strategy
• Partner with other entities across the value chain to solve merchant and consumer problems
• Understand and duplicate the catalysts that lead retailers and brands to implement a mobile solution.
• Strategies to identify and target new customer segments
• How to implement and integrate nascent technologies into payment solutions
• Driving loyalty and frequency through case studies of end to end payment solutions .
The double A payment innovation Prize is an exciting new initiative of CardExpo Africa In 2015 up to
four Prizes will be awarded to Nigeria-based individuals or teams addressing our country’s most
pressing payment needs through social sector innovation. The Prize will provide support at N250, 000
for each of the winner. Specifically, the Prize seeks to support payment innovation. The Prize is
particularly designed for high-risk, early stage ideas being piloted or prototyped by dynamic
The Double A payment innovation prize provides catalytic funding for projects in their early stages of
development. Whether a pilot project, a new organization, or a nascent initiative, work supported by
the fund must involve a certain level of measured risk that ultimately lead to large-scale,
transformative results. The prize will further this legacy, providing funding to visionary social
entrepreneurs throughout Nigeria who are championing emerging payment sector innovations.
Differentiation from Other Innovation Programs
The burgeoning field of payment innovation is become a recognized area in philanthropy. The demand
for funding of this type, however, has increased so rapidly as many worthwhile ideas fail to find
backing from established funders. The Double A Payment Innovation Prize will fill a gap in this
marketplace, not only by providing critical capital to the payment innovation field, but also by
taking risks on projects that may be seen by others as underdeveloped or too small.
Another difference is that the Double A Payment Innovation Prize will build on the CardExpo’s
longstanding areas of interest while remaining flexible enough to allow for fresh and unexpected
thinking. Prize recipients will ideally innovate across at least two of the Fund’s three traditional
disciplinary boundaries:
• Person to person payment ( P2P)
• Person to Business( P2B)
• Business to Business (B2B)
Criteria for Selection
The Double A Payment Innovation Prize will be awarded to projects or ideas that: represent a gamechanging answer to a clearly identified payment need; demonstrate an interdisciplinary or hybridized
approach, ideally involving at least two of the three areas of interest to the Fund demonstrate the
potential to develop an actionable pilot or prototype with Prize funding; show scalable impact or
impact beyond the initial pilot or prototype hold out the promise to benefit multiple individuals,
communities or sectors through a clearly articulated theory of change.
Our 2015 Timeline
Interested individuals or teams may apply for the Double A Payment Innovation Prize from February
15 through April 30, 2015. A short application will be made accessible via this website starting on
February 15. A review of these applications will take place on 15th May 2015. Finalists will be advised
on 15th May and will be invited to present their demos at the Payment Innovation Pitches at CardExpo
Africa 2015 on 23rd – 25th June 2015 of the prestigious Eko-Hotel Towers, Lagos Nigeria. The Prize’s
awardees will be publicly announced at the event on 25th June 2015, and prize money awarded at the
gala dinner same day
Award Details
Four awardees are eligible to receive N2500, 000 for the 2015 award. These funds are intended to
allow recipients to focus their attention on their social impact idea. Awardees will also receive
ongoing, dedicated support from the Intermarc Consulting including networking opportunities at inperson convenings.
Apply Now!
You may access the online round one application for the double A Payment. Innovation Prize from
February 15 through 30th April 2015 by clicking here.
Additional Information
For convenience, you may download this one-page document containing the information presented on
this webpage. For any additional information, please contact: [email protected]
About the Prize
The double A Payment innovation Prize was established in 2014 by the founder of CardExpo Africa
Conference & Exhibition, Adeyinka Adeyemi .The Fund was capitalized by profits from Intermarc
Consulting business operations.
Frequently Asked Question
What is the 2015 application deadline?
The round one application deadline is April 30, 2015. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the
review of the applications by May 15, 2015.
What questions will be asked in the one application?
We are purposefully keeping the application short and simple. There will be approximately 14 questions,
most of which request contact and demographic information. The two questions requiring longer and
more thoughtful responses are: “What’s your innovative idea for positively impacting Africa and why is it
needed?” and “Why are you or your team uniquely qualified to tackle this issue?”
Where do I submit my application?
Starting on February 15, 2015, you may access the online round one application by clicking here. Please
note that once your application is submitted, it may not be altered.
How does the Double ‘A’ Payment. Innovation Prize define “early stage” in the context of supporting
“early stage ideas being piloted or prototyped by dynamic visionaries”?
We view the double ‘A’ Payment Innovation Prize as seed funding for high potential new ideas. Generally
speaking, our spectrum of eligibility ranges from well-considered concepts (with no organization yet
formed) to organizations that have existed for up to 3 years. Some exceptions may exist.
Is a new idea being incubated within a well-established organization eligible for the double ‘A’ Payment
Innovation Prize?
Yes, if the new idea is intended to become a stand-alone organizational entity within 1-2 years. A new
program within a well-established organization that is not intended to become a stand-alone
organizational entity is ineligible.
Where and when will the first N250, 000 grants be distributed to awardees?
25th June 2015 at the CARDEXPO AFRICA 2015 dinner holding at Eko Hotel & Suite Victoria Island, Lagos.
Are there restrictions on the use of the funds awarded with the double ‘A’ Payment Innovation Prize?
The N250, 000 payment innovation prize is awarded as unrestricted general operating support to
awardees’ nonprofit organizations or fiscal sponsors.
Can you provide more information about the in-person convenings for Prize recipients?
Intermarc Consulting (the hosts of CARDEXPO AFRICA) organizes these convenings per year. for the 2015
class of Prize recipients for the three-year duration of the Prize. These convenings will provide an
opportunity for Prize recipients to bond with and learn from one another, as well as to network with and
learn from outside community and thought leaders in the social impact space. More details will be
provided to Prize recipients.