CA ELD Standards - Digital Chalkboard

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Getting Started with the CA ELD Standards Slide Bank*

* These slides may be used as graphic representations of some concepts presented in the module and may be modified as needed ( see Facilitator’s Guide for more information).

Content provided by the California Comprehensive Center at WestEd

Some of the

Big Pedagogical Shifts

of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy

1. Close readings of complex informational and literary texts 2. Taking a stand and supporting it with evidence 3. Engaging in collaborative conversations about intellectually rich content 4. Using academic language and developing language awareness 5. Valuing multilingualism and cultural diversity

The CA ELD Standards


the CCSS for ELA/Literacy.

Spycher, WestEd (2013)

Key Shifts: 1999 to 2012 CA ELD Standards

CA ELD Standards, Appendix B, CDE

CA ELD Standards: Elements

Overview & Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs):

 Correspondences to the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy  CA’s EL Students  Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs)  Structure of the grade level standards

Grade Level ELD Standards:

 Section 1: Goal, Critical Principles, At-a-glance Overview  Section 2: Elaboration on Critical Principles • • Part I: Part II: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Learning About How English Works • Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills


 Appendix A: Foundational Literacy Skills  Appendix B: Learning About How English Works  Appendix C: Theory and Research  Appendix D: Context, Development, Validation

Glossary of Key Terms

Native Language Emerging Expanding Native Language:

Students come to school with a wide range of home language resources to be tapped.

Bridging Lifelong Language Learning Lifelong Language Learning:

Students who reach proficiency in English must continue to build breadth, depth, and complexity in comprehending and communicating in English in a wide variety of contexts.

The CA ELD Standards: Structure

Section 1: 2-page “ Goals, Critical Principles, and “At a Glance ” overview Section 2: Grade level standards by proficiency levels

Section 1: Goals, Critical Principles, and “At-a Glance” Overview

Goal we have for our EL students in CA Critical Principles for carrying out the goal Correspondences to the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy

Section 2: Grade Level ELD Standards by Proficiency Levels

Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Part III: Foundational Literacy Skills Part II: Learning About How English Works

ELD Standards: The Left Hand Column

Signals that language development occurs in the context of using a variety of texts and engaging in meaningful discourse Shows the “many-to-many” correspondences between the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and the CA ELD Standards Related to how we make language choices depending on: • Our purpose for using language • The text types we’re using (both oral and written) and how they’re structured • The relationship between the people using the language

Numbering of the CA ELD Standards

CA ELD Standards Appendices: Resources to Support Implementation


Appendix A: Foundational Literacy Skills

Appendix B: Learning About How English Works

 

Appendix C: Theory and Research Appendix D: Context, Development, Validation

Part III: Using Foundational Literacy Skills


Appendix A: Foundational Literacy Skills Instruction for English Learners in K-12


Appendix B: Part II: Learning About How English Works

 Provides guidance on how to apply Part II of the standards in tandem with Part I  Discusses some of the language demands of the CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy  Shows differences between everyday and academic English  Provides practical ideas and instructional strategies


Appendix B: Part II: Learning About How English Works

Appendix C: Theoretical Foundations and Research Base

Theories and research discussed in sections: • Interacting in Meaningful and Intellectually Challenging Ways • • • •


Developing Academic English The Importance of Vocabulary The Importance of Grammatical and Discourse • Level Understandings Other Relevant Guidance Documents 17


Appendix C: Theoretical Foundations and Research Base

Glossary: Your Secret Source of Knowledge about Language!

Provides definitions, explanations, and examples of key terms in the ELD Standards and the CCSS for ELA/Literacy.

Integrated & Designated ELD


Integrated ELD:

All teachers with ELs in their classrooms use the CA ELD Standards

in tandem with

the focal CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy and other content standards.

Designated ELD:

A protected time during the regular school day when teachers use the CA ELD Standards as the focal standards in ways that build

into and from content instruction

in order to develop critical language ELs need for content learning in English.

Comprehensive ELD Instruction: Three Interrelated Areas

From the draft CA ELA/ELD Framework for review by the IQC November 2013 • • • Based on Halliday, 1978 Gibbons, 2002 Schleppegrell, 2004 Learning content through English Learning to use English English Language Development Learning about how English works

What are the Proficiency Level Descriptors?

Turn to pages 8 and 9 of your print-out.

A Continuum of English Language Development Across Three Levels

Native Language Emerging Expanding Bridging Lifelong Language Learning

High Level Thinking with Linguistic Support

Emerging • Substantial Support Expanding • Moderate Support Bridging • Light Support Lifelong Language Learning • Occasional Support

Turn to pages 10 and 11 of your print-out.

Progression of Language Development in Three Modes of Communication Collaborative

Engagement in dialogue with

others Interpretive

Comprehension and analysis

of written and spoken texts Productive

Creation of oral presentations

and written texts

Turn to pages 12 and 13 of your print-out.

Progression of Knowledge of Language in Two Dimensions Metalinguistic Awareness

Language awareness and self-

monitoring Accuracy of Production

Increasing accuracy with variation

depending on context

Purpose of the Proficiency Level Descriptors

• •


what ELs know and can do


a continuum of knowledge, skills, and abilities •


targeted instruction in ELD •


local and state assessment