PitE / SNRE GSI Application Process Information Session

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Transcript PitE / SNRE GSI Application Process Information Session

Kelly Campbell– PitE Department Administrator
 GSI Timeline Review
 Application process demo
 Selection Criteria
 Making a good 1st impression
 GSI Requirements
 Benefits
 GEO Agreement
 Graduate Teacher Certification via Rackham
GSI Timeline
 Feb 18: PitE Info Session
 Feb 18: Positions go-live on umjobs.org
 March 9: Application materials due by 5:00 pm
 March 24: 1st round of offer letters issued
 March 31: Offer acceptances due
 April 1: Second round of offer letters (if necessary)
 Aug 26 & 27: CRLT Orientation session (tentatively)
 Sept 3: PitE Orientation/start of classes
Application Process - Demo
 PitE positions are listing on umjob.org
 http://www.umjobs.org
 Login using uniqname and Kerberos (UM) password
 Combine cover letter, resume and transcripts (graduate)
into a single pdf. If you have letters of recommendation
or other transcripts, please email them to Kelly Campbell
([email protected])
 Once a file is uploaded, it cannot be modified or replaced
 Important – provide your top 4 course preferences via
email [email protected] (by 3/9)
Selection Criteria
 Relevant disciplinary background
 Experience or interest in teaching across disciplines
 Strong teaching and organizational skills
 For field courses: relevant practical skills as shown in the
 Academic standing, progress toward degree, and remaining
semesters up to the maximum terms of support allowed.
 More information, visit:
 http://www.lsa.umich.edu/pite/people/gsiinformation/selec
Making a Good 1st Impression
 Read the job description(s) carefully
 Show how you are the best candidate for the job
 Address how you are uniquely qualified
 Tailor your resume/cover letter to each position
 Proofread! Simple mistakes can be costly
 If first time, consider using Career Center Resources
GSI Requirements
 Orientations and Training – CRLT/PitE Orientations
 Attend a minimum of two CRLT seminars and/or GSM
‘brown bag’ sessions
CPR/First Aid Certification required for the following
courses: Environ 422, 430, 436
Register for at least 6 credits
Register for NRE 600 (1 credit course); 1st time only
Complete a Mid-term Evaluation
Complete a Final Evaluation
GSI Benefits
 Tuition Waiver
 25% or greater = 100%
 23.7% or less = pro rata waiver
 Benefits
 25% of greater – full medical and dental
 less than 25% – full medical, dental 50%
 Dependent coverage available
 More info, visit UM HR benefits page:
Graduate Employees Organization (GEO)
 Terms and conditions of GSI employment are
governed by agreement between UM and GEO
 Current agreement runs through 5/1/2017
 Copy of the agreement can be accessed using the
following url:
 http://hr.umich.edu/acadhr/grads/AHR%20GEO%20bo
 GEO rep will be on hand during the PitE orientation
UM Graduate Teacher Certificate
 Offered through Rackham
 Benefit – document professional development as a
college-level instructor
 May be included on your CV/résumé
 Does not appear on UM transcript
 For more information, visit:
 http://sitemaker.umich.edu/um.gtc/description
Good Luck!!