SEND Reform in West Berkshire - Briefing for

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SEND Reform in West
Briefings for parents, schools and
practitioners July 2014
What will be covered
Overview of SEND Reforms and underlying
principles – Jane Seymour
 The new Education Health and Care
assessment process & EHC Plans – Jane
 Conversion of existing Statements to EHC Plans
– Nicola Ponton/Tina Norton/Lucy Baker-Smith
The Children & Families Act 2014
Reform of systems and processes for meeting
needs of children with SEN & Disabilities
(SEND) arise from Children & Families Act 2014
 Takes effect 1st September 2014
 Detail is contained in the “SEN & Disability Code
of Practice: 0 to 25 years”, June 2014
 There are also several sets of regulations which
accompany The Children & Families Act
Key principles of SEND Reforms
Child and family at the centre of assessment,
planning, decision making – “person centred”
 More choice and control for families
 More flexible and creative solutions,
personalised to the individual
Key principles of SEND Reforms
High aspirations for young people with SEND
 Effective collaboration between agencies
 Holistic, joined up planning
 Focus on outcomes including long term life
Life outcomes for young people with
Paid employment, wherever possible
Living as independently as possible
Optimum physical and mental health
Friends and relationships
Being part of community
Overview of SEND Reforms
School Action & School Action Plus replaced by
one SEN category - SEN Support
 Local Authorities must publish a “Local Offer”
setting out all services available for children with
SEND and their families
 Statementing process replaced by Education
Health and Care Assessments/ EHC Plans
 Families have right to request a Personal Budget
as part of EHC Plan
Overview of SEND Reforms cont.
LAs have responsibility for young people with
SEND up to age 25 – FE Colleges come within
same legislation as schools
 Young people with SEND over compulsory
school age have legal rights previously held by
 Information, advice & guidance services (Parent
Partnership) must be offered to children with
SEND as well as their parents
Overview of SEND Reforms cont.
Information, advice & guidance services must
cover health and social care as well as SEN
 Children and young people must be offered
advocacy service where needed
 Increased requirements on LAs to offer
disagreement resolution and mediation services
 More joint commissioning of services across
education, social care and health
EHC Assessment Process
A new process for EHC Assessments has been
developed with parents, schools and other
 This will replace the statementing process from
1st September 2014
 The criteria for EHC Assessment are essentially
same as for statementing
 Process will be led by EHC Assessment
Coordinators (3 new appointments)
EHC Assessment Process – how will
it be different?
Much more involvement of child and parents
throughout whole process
 Holistic assessment and plan – covering
education, health and care needs and provision
 EHC Plan will look and feel very different from a
Statement – more accessible and user friendly
 Must be completed in 20 weeks (currently 26)
EHC Assessment Process
Parent / school requests EHC Assessment
 Parent is sent “We want to tell you…” pack and
offered support to complete
 Covers 6 areas: communication, learning,
behaviour & emotions, health, everyday life,
family & community
 Information requested from school (if not a
school request)
 Decision re whether EHC Assessment needed
EHC Assessment Process
If decision is not to proceed, SEN
Manager/Assistant Manager meets family with
school and other professionals to plan support
 If EHC assessment agreed, Assessment
Coordinator allocated to family
 Assessment Coordinator meets family and
reviews “We want to tell you…” document to
ensure child and parents’ views fully
represented, including desired outcomes
EHC Assessment Process
Assessment Coordinator agrees with family what
assessments are needed by which professionals
 Professional reports requested – 6 week
 Assessment Coordinator ensures all
professionals providing reports liaise with one
another to avoid duplication and do joint visits /
assessments where appropriate
EHC Assessment Process
Assessments are completed
 Assessment Coordinator discusses reports with
parents and offers meeting if needed
 EHC Panel considers reports and allocates
indicative budgets
 EHC Planning meeting held involving family,
school & other professionals - chaired by EHC
Assessment Coordinator
 Assessment Coordinator drafts EHC Plan
EHC Assessment Process
Draft EHC Plan issued, including any direct
payments if requested / agreed
 Draft EHC Plan must be issued within 16 weeks
of EHC request (no school named at this stage)
 Further discussion with parents if needed
 Final EHC Plan issued (with school named)
 Whole process must be completed within 20
Personal Budgets
A “personal budget” is the total resource spent
on a young person, some of which may be given
as a “direct payment” (cash)
 Families will be able to request a direct payment
for the education, health and/or care aspects of
the EHC Plan
 Direct payments are already given in some
cases for families to purchase social care
provision (children’s and adults’ services)
Personal budgets
Criteria for SEN direct payments are being
developed – requests will be considered case by
 Health are also developing processes for health
Personal Budgets / Direct Payments – will only
apply to children who meet Continuing
Healthcare Criteria
EHC Plan
“Xxxxxx’s Plan” + photo (if child / parents wish)
 Contents page
 One page profile at beginning – what others like
about me/ what is important to me/ how best to
support me/ my hopes for the future
 Strengths, difficulties & desired outcomes –
communication, learning, behaviour & emotions,
health, everyday life, family & community (in
table format)
EHC Plan
Area of need
1. Communication
2. Learning &
3. Behaviour and
4. Health
5. Everyday life
6. Family &
EHC Plan
What needs to
Who is
Start date
EHC Plan
Name of educational placement
 Type of placement
 EHC Funding including any Direct Payments
 Review arrangements
 Signature
 Appendices
EHC Plans
Will specify health and social care provision as
well as SEN provision
 Only SEN provision is subject to appeal to SEN
 Parents must consider mediation before going to
 Parents can go to mediation about health and
care aspects of EHC Plan or follow normal
complaint processes if in disagreement
Reviews of EHC Plans
Will be subject to Annual Reviews which will be
carried out by schools on behalf of Local
Authority (as now)
 Annual Reviews of EHC Plans from Year 9 must
consider transition to adulthood
 Young person can have an EHC Plan in FE
College, (or apprenticeship or traineeship) but
not in Higher Education