Eng.Omar Abdo

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Transcript Eng.Omar Abdo

Omar Mahmoud Abdo
ICT Consultant
Ministry Of Transport
Energy consumption
• Construct new roads
• Increase existing infrastructure capacity
– Uses intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
• Reduce Traffic
– Travel demand management
– Alternative transportation
Construction Is
Part of the
Increase Existing
Infrastructure Capacity
• An alternative to expensive new highway construction is the
implementation of strategies that promote more efficient
utilization of transportation infrastructures.
• These strategies are known as the Intelligent Transportation
Systems (ITS), which aims to reduce travel time, ease delay
and congestion, improve safety, and reduce pollutant
Highway Capacity
Remaining Effective Capacity
Special events and disasters further restrict capacity
Weather: fog, rain can all restrict capacity
Work zones: major cost is delay imparted to the traveler
Incidents: more delay is caused by incidents than
by recurring peak period congestion.
Incidents can comprise 50% of peak period congestion.
1 min delay in clearance = 4 to 5 min of traffic backup.
Highway Capacity
Remaining Effective Capacity
 Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) involve the collection and
processing of data:
o to provide information.
o to advise or control the actions of:
• Travellers.
• Drivers.
• fleet operators.
• network managers.
o using computers with multi-media communications and
other technology.
o No longer able to keep building new roads to
accommodate predicted demand
o Need new ways to improve capacity
o Need to ‘lock in’ capacity provided by new /
improved road schemes
o Drivers want more information and more
reliable journeys
 10% of delays result from road works, 25%
from incidents
o ITS can advise of congestion and help manage
road works and incidents
o Safety improvements result
• ITS is a tool to implement transport (and other) policy
– Not an end in itself
– Not a cure-all solution
• ITS can be beneficial
– On its own
– Supporting other measures
• Flexibility to respond to changing priorities
• Analyzing
- sensing & analyzing environment
- detecting changes, perceiving problems
• Making decisions
- acting rationally, choosing options to solve
• Learning
- using experience to make improvements:
identifying new problems & decision making
• Better management / more efficient operation
• Sharing data – collect once, use many times.
• Standardising equipment and protocols – using the
best IT can offer.
• Reducing cost / achieving operational targets
• Dealing with information overload - highlighting
what is important.
• Presentation in a digestible format and there when
you need it.
• Coordinating effort – knowing what is happening
and who is dealing with it.
‫تقاطع القناطر شرق‬
‫تقاطع القناطر غرب‬
‫تقاطع روض الفرج‬
‫تقاطع السويس‬
‫تقاطع األوتوستراد‬
‫تقاطع المنيب‬
 110 Km length.
 33% of traffic volume (Heavy Trucks).
 Higher rates of fatalities compared to similar
size roads .
 Daily Traffic volume is 140,000 vehicles
 22 legal exits and entries in every direction
and a lot of illegal exits and entries.
 Average Speed is 10 Km/Hour (The Road
Design Speed is 90 Km/Hour)
 143 Bridges
 487,000 tons of emissions
Both directions
Displaced concrete
1. Incident detection and rapid response
• Coordination of emergency services
• Rapid removal of debris
• Temporary lane control and traffic management
• Real-time traffic information and VMS
2. Enforcement activities
• Overloaded trucks
• Speed limit violations
• Left lane truck violations
3. Access control
• traffic and pedestrians, microbuses
The aim is to improve traffic flow and Improve Road Safety.
The aim is to deliver a system that can be expanded on for all Egypt
It will deliver the foundations on which the System will grow
It will dictate Standards and Interfaces to allow peripheral equipment to
be specified outside this contract and connect with the ‘System’.
• Such Standards can be used by All Parties involved in ITS in Egypt.
• It will deliver a managed solution that maintains the investment value
whilst allowing the growth of an indigenous knowledge base.
• It will provide a visible solution to the motorists and support the security
needs of the community whilst enhancing the driving experience on the
We need to know the dynamics of the network – information
We need to know what is happening on the network – vision
We need to identify problems on the network – smart vision
We need to deal with transgressions – detect and enforce
We need to influence and inform travel patterns – inform
We need to manage highway dynamics – control
• A number of RADAR based, multi lane traffic detectors
• Mounted on poles surveying all lanes of carriageway
• Positioned mid link on all sectors of CRR , 26 July Avenue and
some key internal arterials
• Providing flow volumes, classification and occupancy values
• A small number of Roadside Weather Stations
• Providing information on temperature, wind speed,
precipitation, visibility and fog.
• Used to enhance Response plans in System and
Driver information via VMS and HARS.
• A number of ‘Dome’ CCTV Surveillance
cameras at strategic locations
• Full Pan, Tilt, Zoom capabilities
• Comprehensive coverage of network
• All Video data routed to GDT Secure location.
• Machine Vision System uses Image processing techniques to
‘instrument’ the view .
• Gantry mounted overseeing all carriageway lanes .
• Collects information for flow, speed, occupancy and
classification for evaluation and the generations of real time
Automatic Incident detection alarms.
• Provides a trigger for ANPR cameras for over speeding
vehicles and for detection of Trucks using the left lane.
• Supplements other ITS sensor information.
• An ANPR Camera per lane complete with Infra Red
Illuminator to give 24/7 functionality.
• Image collection of speeding and trucks violating
traffic laws.
• High quality digital image suitable for enforcement
purposes Triggered by Smart camera for instant,
accurate image capture.
• All images routed to secure GDT facility.
• Linked to advanced Video management,
Registration and Citation processing systems
• Some speed enforcement measures cause rapid acceleration
and deceleration as drivers break in front of cameras.
• ANPR systems allow vehicles to be identified at different
positions on the network.
• Average speed between two points is measured.
• Speed across the entire length of road can be enforced.
• Free Flow Weigh in Motion using embedded
sensors Uses same camera infrastructure as
previous function to detect overweight trucks
in excess of a threshold.
• All images routed to secure GDT facility for
• Links to registration database and Video
management suite.
• LED Matrix based Variable Message
• Two Pictograms and Central Text
Portion –give visual and textual
messages in Arabic
• Used to advise drivers of situations
on highway and to implement
diversionary routing away from
incidents, capacity problems
• Driven by combinations of sensory
inputs into ITS system
• Can be used for service information,
traffic status etc in application of
response plans, strategies.
• Highway Advisory Radio System
Transmits traffic information over a
dedicated FM frequency
• Antenna placement on South
Eastern side of CRR will cover all
project area plus arterials
approaching Cairo.
• One National Frequency for all
• Primary & Secondary ITS systems in
different locations
• Robust, reliable, ‘mirrored’ systems
ensuring hi levels of redundancy
• Separate Traffic and Video
• Development of Response Plans and
Operational Protocols between MOT
and GDT to ensure swift responses can
be made.
• Joint staffing between MOT, GDT and
• Comprehensive statistical database for
off line evaluation
• Asset management database
• All Video Management under GDT control
• Combined CCTV and Smart camera automatic alarms
• Alarms and statistics from Smart Cameras relayed to Traffic
ITS applications, supplementing sensor inputs.
• Very secure, robust Video management and analytic
• Archived in a secure location.
• Links to Vehicle Registration database to facilitate issuing of
fines for traffic violators; Speeding Vehicles & Trucks in
wrong lanes.
• A Single Contract, let under FIDIC Yellow Book Terms &
• Contractor responsibility to be Design, Build, Operate and
Maintain for 5 Years.
• Contractor Services will include supply of Key Staff &
Operators whilst MOT & GDT ‘learn on the job’ with a view
to self sufficiency after initial period.
• Contractor will be responsible for periodic and on going
maintenance of the ‘System’.
• O&M Elements will contain some performance related
criteria subject to attaining realistic KPI’s
• Contractor responsibility for Detailed Design of system to meet
our needs.
• Project Management throughout Design & Build scenario
• Provision of FAT & SAT testing facilities and objectives .
• Responsible for Minor Civil works & Structures (Gantries, Poles
etc) .
• All Testing & Certification of completed works Training of
Employers staff .
• All post commissioning Documentation and drawings.
• Establishment of a Local maintenance Depot facility.
ITS is Not a cure-all solution.
ITS in support of transport &
economic policy goals.
Enabled by technology.
Tailored to the situation in
To realise full potential of the
transport network.
Capture the benefits.
Leadership and organizational
Organizations working
together, working differently.
• Dr. Ali Selim , Consultant to the Minister
• Jim Dixon ,
• Dr. Hisham Fouad ,
For Your