What does the stem do?

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Transcript What does the stem do?

Parts of a Plant Elementary School Science

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Parts of a Plant

A plant has four main parts. They are the stem, leaf, flower, and root.

Click the flower to watch a video on the parts of a plant.

Parts of a Plant

Draw lines from the words to the correct parts of the flower.

Stem Flower Root Leaf

Parts of a Plant

Draw lines from the words to the correct parts of the flower.

Stem Flower Root Leaf

Plant Activity

Bring in a plant including the roots. Discuss the different types of plants. Identify each of the four main parts of the plant.

Plant Activity

Bring in a plant including the roots. Discuss the different types of plants. Identify each of the four main parts of the plant.

Answers will vary.

What does the stem do?

What does the stem do?

What does the stem do?

Provide strength Transport water Transport minerals

What does the stem do?

Store food Make new cells Keep the leaves and flowers in the light

What do the roots do?

True or False?


Take in water 2.

Anchor the plant to the ground 3.

Become seeds 4.

Provide a way to make other flowers 5.

Take in minerals from the ground True True True True True False False False False False

What do the roots do?

True or False?


Take in water 2.

Anchor the plant to the ground 3.

Become seeds 4.

Provide a way to make other flowers 5.

Take in minerals from the ground True True True True True False False False False False

Root Activity

Cut the tip off a carrot. Place the carrot in a cup of water containing red food coloring. Place the carrot in an area where it receives sunlight. After several days, remove the carrot. Place it on a cutting board and cut it from top to bottom. Observe the flow of red dye up the root system. 1.

Is the carrot the root of this plant?


What other roots do people eat?


Root Activity

Cut the tip off a carrot. Place the carrot in a cup of water containing red food coloring. After several days, remove the carrot. Place it on a cutting board and cut it from top to bottom. Observe the flow of red dye up the root system. 1.

Is the carrot the root of this plant? The carrot is the root of the plant.


What other roots do people eat? Other roots include radishes, turnips, beets, and parsnip to name a few.


The Flower

The flower is the part of the plant that is responsible for reproducing other flowers.

Click the butterfly for more on pollination.

Bees, butterflies, and other insects go from flower to flower carrying pollen. When the pollen meets the egg of the plant, a new plant is formed.

The Leaf

The leaf of the plant makes the food.

Sun + Water + Carbon Dioxide = Sugar + Oxygen O 2 Sugar/glucose CO 2 Click the plant to learn more about photosynthesis.

Which part of the plant takes in water and minerals?


stem b.

root c.


flower leaf

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