Collection 3- narrator and voice

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Transcript Collection 3- narrator and voice

Collection 3:
Truth and Consequences
Point of View
are three main points
of view used in stories:
 First
Person (I, Me, We)
 Second Person (You)
 Third Person (He, She, They,
Them, It)
Narrator and Voice
 When
one reads a story, one hears
somebody telling that story.
 That person is the narrator.
 The events of the story are
influenced by the narrator and a
good reader should take that into
Omniscient Point of View
Omniscient means “all knowing.”
 The narrator is not a character in the
 It usually uses 3rd person, i.e. “he, she, it,
they, them” when describing the
 The narrator knows what each character
is thinking and what his/her motivations
Limited Point of View
The storyteller focuses on the
perspective of one character.
 The narrator describes what this
character thinks and feels.
 The narrator does not know what the
other characters are thinking and feeling.
 Still told using 3rd person.
Persona is the “narrator” in a first person
 This is a story told using I, Me, or We.
 A persona usually has a Limited point of
 In other words, the reader only knows
the persona’s thoughts and emotions.
Credible Narrator
is a narrator whom
the reader can trust to tell
the story accurately.
Unreliable Narrator
 This
is a narrator whom the reader
cannot trust.
 The narrator may have a problem
perceiving the world.
 The narrator may be purposely
lying to deceive the reader.
 The narrator may have incomplete
information about the other
writer’s use of
language and overall
style of telling a story.
writers choice of
specific words to
describe the characters
and setting.
methods the author
uses to vary the
sentence construction
and complexity.
speed at which
new events and
characters are
introduced in a story.
Surprise Ending
the story concludes in
an unexpected yet logical
The ending changes the
readers perspective about
the characters and/or setting.