SNMP-based Network Management

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Transcript SNMP-based Network Management

Remote Network Monitoring (RMON)

Mi-Jung Choi

Dept. of Computer Science KNU Email: [email protected]


Table of Contents

• • • • •

Basic Concepts RMON Goals RMON MIB Table Management RMON MIB Groups RMON2


RMON Basic Concepts

• Extends the SNMP functionality without changing the protocol • Allows the monitoring of remote networks (internetwork management) • MAC-layer (layer 2 in OSI) monitoring • Defines a Remote MONitoring (RMON) MIB that supplements MIB-II – with MIB-II, the manager can obtain information on individual devices only – with RMON MIB, the manager can obtain information on the LAN as a whole • called

network monitors , analyzers or probes



1513 1757 2021


Sept. 1993 Feb. 1995


Token Ring Extensions to the Remote Network Monitoring MIB Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base (RMON MIB) Jan. 1997 Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base Version 2 using SMIv2 (RMON MIB2) 4

RMON Goals

• Monitoring subnetwork-wide behavior • Reducing the burden on agents and managers • Continuous off-line monitoring in the presence of failures (in network or manager) • Proactive monitoring – perform some of the manager functions (e.g., diagnostics) • Problem detection and reporting • Provide value-added (analyzed) data • Support multiple managers 5

Example Configuration for Remote Monitoring

Management console with RMON probe

Ethernet Central Site

Router Router Local management console with RMON probe Router Router


PC with RMON probe FDDI backbone Bridge Router with RMON probe Token Ring LAN


PC with RMON probe 6

Example of RMON probe with two interfaces

agent a agent b agent c Interface 1 RMON probe Interface 2 Subnetwork X Subnetwork Y agent d agent e


Control of Remote Monitors

• RMON MIB contains features that support

extensive control

from NMS – Configuration control – Action Invocation • RMON MIB is organized into a number of

functional groups

• • Each group may contain one or more


and one or more

data tables control

Control table

(typically read-write) contains parameters that describe the data in a data table (typically read-only) 8

Configuration Control

• At configuration time, NMS sets the appropriate control parameters to configure the remote monitor to collect the desired data – the parameters are set

by adding a new row to the control table


by modifying an existing row

– a control table may contain objects that specify

the source of data to be collected


the type of data


the collection timing

, etc.

• To modify or disable a particular data collection function: – it is necessary first to invalidate the control row – this causes the deletion of that row and the deletion of all associated rows in data tables – NMS can create a new control row with the modified parameters 9

RMON MIB Table Mgmt (1)

• The RMON specification includes a set of

textual conventions

and deletion and

procedural rules

for row addition • Textual conventions OwnerString ::= DisplayString EntryStatus ::= INTEGER { valid (1), createRequest (2), underCreation (3), invalid (4) } 10

RMON MIB Table Mgmt (2)

• • •

Row Addition

– is achieved by using the SNMP

SetRequest PDU

which includes instance objects and their values

Row Deletion

– is achieved by setting the status object for that row to

invalid Row Modification

– is achieved by

first invalidating the row and then adding the row

with new object instance values 11

Example Control & Data Tables



rmlControlParameter rmlControlOwner

1 5 monitor


valid (1) 2 26 manager alpha valid (1) 3 19 manager beta valid (1)



rmlDataIndex 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 rmlDataValue 46 96 85 77 27 92 86 26 12

Transitions of EntryStatus State

non existent create Request under Creation valid

performed by manager performed by agent

invalid 13


rmon (mib-2 16) statistics (1) history (2) alarm (3) host (4) hostTopN (5) matrix (6) filter (7) capture (8) event (9) tokenRing (10)



1. statistics:

maintains MAC-level utilization and error stats

2. history:

records periodic statistical samples from the stats group

3. alarm:

allows NMS to set sampling interval & alarm threshold

4. host:

contains counters for traffic from hosts on the subnetwork

5. hostTopN:

contains sorted host stats that top a list based on some parameter in the host table

6. matrix:

shows utilization and error stats in matrix for host pairs

7. filter:

allows the monitor to observe packets that match a filter

8. capture:

specifies how data is sent to NMS

9. event:

specifies events to be generated by the RMON probe

10. tokenRing:

maintains stats & config info for token ring subnet 15


• • • • •

RMON MIB monitors MAC-level subnet traffic RMON MIB2 can monitor traffic of packets at layers 3 to 7 of the OSI Reference Model Provides Network-layer Visibility

– can distinguish between local LAN and remote LAN traffic

Provides Application-layer Visibility

– can analyze traffic to and from hosts for particular applications – can determine which applications are putting the load on the net

RMON MIB2 is basically an extension of RMON MIB



rmon (mib-2 16) statistics (1) history (2) alarm (3) host (4) hostTopN (5) matrix (6) filter (7) capture (8) event (9) tokenRing (10) RMON 1 protocolDir (11) protocolDist (12) addressMap (13) nlHost (14) nlMatrix (15) alHost (16) alMatrix (17) usrHistory (18) probeConfig (19) RMON 2


RMON MIB2 Groups

11. protocolDir:

a master directory of all of the protocols that the probe can interpret

12. protocolDist:

aggregate stats on the amount of traffic generated by each protocol, per LAN segment

13. addressMap:

contains MAC and port addresses of the devices

14. nlHost:

network layer traffic stats per host

15. nlMatrix:

network layer traffic stats per pairs of hosts

16. alHost:

application layer traffic stats per host

17. alMatrix:

application layer traffic stats per pairs of hosts

18. userHistory:

periodically samples and logs user-defined data

19. probeConfig:

defines standard configuration parameters for RMON probes 18



extends the SNMP functionality

changing the protocol without • RMON can monitor information on a

whole subnetwork

• RMON is used extensively in analyzing network traffic

for problem detection and network planning

• RMON2 allows monitoring of

traffic at layers 3 to 7

in the OSI Model • RMON2 can be used to analyze network traffic more accurately even

to the application level

• Read Chapters 8, 9 and 10 19