Mikroekonomie I.

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Transcript Mikroekonomie I.

European Union
International integration
Three pillars
Ing. Tomáš Siviček, PhD.
Lecture 2 – Content:
Theoretical approaches to international integration:
free trade areas,
customs union,
common market,
internal market,
economic union,
monetary union,
political union.
The three pillars as defined in Maastricht mix of
supranational and inter-governmental forms of European
Economics of the European
Integration; Chapter 2
Economic integration in the EU
EU is more integrated than Switzerland
EEC as a first step of a gradual process into a
unified economic area.
Economic integration as a means of achieving the
„finalité politique“.
The Treaty of Rome (1957)
Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community
Treaty Establishing the European Community (since 1993 –
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Lisbon
A fountainhead of EU economic integration
Economic integration in the EU
Goals of the Treaty of Rome:
 Common market;
 Elimination of ALL trade barriers (free trade area)
 Common customs tariffs, common commercial policy (customs
 Freedoms of movement –person, capital, services
 Competition - institution
 Common policy – agriculture, transport
 Coordination of policies
 Approximation of laws
 European Social Fund
 Association of the overseas countries
The first stages
free trade areas
Liberalisation of trade
Individual external tariffs
customs union
Liberalisation of trade
Common commercial policy
Elimination of tariff barriers and quotas among members
External trade policy decided in common
Common external tariff
common market
Unified economic area
What is it?
 Firms/consumers – have equal opportunities to sell/buy goods
throughout the area
 Owners of capital and labour – are free to employ their resources.
Common trade policy
 To prevent „trade deflection“
Undistorted competition
 State aid prohibited: Unsubsidised firms at a disadvantage.
 Anti-compatitive behaviour: restrictive business practices, abuse of
a dominant position; „cartels“; nationality of suppliers.
 Approximation of Laws: product standards and regulations; in favour
of national firms.
 Taxes: Commission ONLY considers how to harmonise taxes.
Unified economic area
Unrestricted trade in services
 Prudential regulation of qualification vs. protectionist restriction
System for the recognition of professional education and training
(1992); mutual trust; exceptions
Labour and capital market integration
 Dicrimination based on nationality – hiring, firing, pay, working
conditions; free travel in search of work
 Right of establishment
 All restriction on capital flows shall be abolished (FDI, bonds,
interest, profits).
 Loophole – restrictions;
 1980s – Single European Act, Maastrich Treaty
Unified economic area
Exchange rate and macroeconomic coordination
 Seed of euro, Stability Pact, ECB.
 Fixed exchange rates regime – as a norm
 Risk of balance of payments crisis leading to tariffs, quotas,
competitive devaluations.
Common policy in agriculture
 Different treatment – political reasons.
 Importance of the sector – 1/5 of workers
 Importance and difference of national policies among nations –
interventionist policies
 Different competitiveness
 Goals, principles, 2-y deadline. The CAP - 1962
Ommitted integration: social policy
and taxes
Social policy – social harmonisation
 Politically sensitive
Political equilibrium vs. undue interference
Different opinions – government competencies (types); it touches
citizens’ lives
Difficult to exchange concessions.
Upward or downward harmonisation
Economic argumentation
Does European economic integration demand harmonisation of social
Harmonise-before-liberalising school
No-need-to-harmonise school
Differences = „unfair“ advantage
Wages and social policies – reflection of productivity and social preferences.
Convergence of policies as nations get richer
Ommitted integration: social policy
and taxes
Tax policy
 Directly touches lives – outcome of a political
 Weak language: Commission shall consider in
what way the policy can be harmonised in the
interest of the Common market.
Argument – not necessary for broadly applied
Commission - > Council - > unanimity
Turnover taxes, excise duties, indirect taxation...
If a tax applies only to a specific sector – it may be viewed
as unfair. (general vs. specific distinction)
Additions and changes
„Economic Good life“
Lisbon Treaty – good life more generally.
High level of employment, gender equality, competitiveness
and convergence, protection and improvement of the quality
of the environment, rising standards of living
Coordination + Policies – visa+immigration, social cohesion,
environmental, industrial competitiveness, R&D, transEuropean networks, development, health protection,
consumer protection, energy, civil protection...
Cultural diversity, peace, security, sustainable
Quantifying European economic
„work in progress“
DFFM index:
Customs union formation: 1958-68
Europessimism: 1973-86
Single Market: 1986-92
Economic and Monetary Union: 1993-2001
Quantifying European economic
Source: Baldwin, p. 59
EU structure: 3 pillars
Up to the Maastricht Treaty (1992) – integration subject to the
supranational decision making procedure (ToR).
Supranationality created problems
Federalists vs. intergovernmentalists (vanguards and
doubters): extension of integration vs. too much integration;
community method vs. creeping competences.
Integration outside of the EU structure
ToR + EU Court’s ability to interpret the ToR = unlimited transfers of
national sovereignty to the EU level
due to differences between vanguards and doubters
Schengen Accord: 1985 – 5 members signed
Prüm Treaty on police cooperation – 7 members (2005)
Problems addressed by the Maastricht Treaty
Maastricht and the 3 pillars
3 pillar structure = line between supranational and
intergovernmental policy areas
1. pillar = deep integration under the ToR
2. pillar = foreign and defence matters
Intergovernmental cooperation
Solving the problems
Intergovernmental cooperaation
3. pillar = police, justice, other „home affairs“
Subject to supranationality
Closer cooperation under roof – without forcing others to
join: it helped in further discussion of closer integration
The three pillars
1. pillar = European Community (formaly: EEC;
European Communities)
Majority of EU activity
Customs union; Internal Market (4 freedoms);
Single Market Programme (harmonisation – healthe, safety,
environmental standards and regulations)
Competition policy and control of state aids
CAP; structural policy
Based on the Treaty of Rome
EMU – Based on the Maastricht Treaty
The three pillars
Ways of supranationality
Commission can propose new laws binding to all
members (after passing in CoM and EP)
Commission has direct executive authority –
competition policy
Ruling of the European Court of Justice can alter
laws, rules and practicies in member states.
The three pillars
2. and 3. pillars – unanimity
2. pillar = Common Foreign and Security Policy
3. pillar = Justice and Home Affairs
Schengen Agreement
Britain: opt-out
Coordination of asylum and immigration policies
EU citizenship
Europeanisation = need for additional integration (transfer of
pension schemes, divorces)
Shifting to the 1. pillar: Amsterdam and Nice
The three pillars
Amsterdam Treaty – „area of freedom, security and
justice“ (AFSJ)
Cooperating agencies:
Asylum, immigration and judical cooperation in civil matters
moved to the 1. pillar
3. pillar – police cooperation and judical cooperation in
criminal matters
2.+3. pillar JHA = AFSJ
Europol (police)
Eurojust (prosecutors)
Frontex (border officials)
Schengen Information System
The three pillars
Source: Baldwin, p. 62