Troop 361 Troop Junior Leader Training (TJLT)

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Transcript Troop 361 Troop Junior Leader Training (TJLT)

Troop 361
Troop Junior Leader Training (TJLT)
Holy Spirit Youth Room
Purpose of TJLT
Troop Organization/Leadership Positions
The Patrol Method
Building the Team
Conflict Resolution
Adult Leaders - Who Does What
Troop Progress
What Is Expected of Me
Program Planning (if we have time)
Purpose of TJLT
• The purpose of TJLT is to give you the
resources you need to do your job
• TJLT will introduce you to your new job, to
troop and patrol organization, and it will
give you some leadership tools to use in
performing your new job.
Why Do We Need Leaders?
• Thoughts?
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists; not so good when people obey and
acclaim him; worst when they despise him. But a good leader who talks little when his work
is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say ‘we did it ourselves’”
- Chinese philosopher Sun-Tsu
• What is a leader?
– A leader is someone who can get people to work together
• How does a leader get people to work together?
– A real leader uses certain skills and respect for other people to get
the job done
The 6 key skills for junior leaders are:
Representing the group
Setting the example
Sharing Leadership
• Learning to be a good leader takes work and patience (study, practice,
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling
Good Leaders
• If others think of you as the boss, you’re
probably not leading.
• If others think of you as one of the guys and
everything you set out to do is getting done,
you’re probably a good leader.
• Good leaders influence others to want to
learn, help, work, and participate
• Good leaders understand sacrifice, and lead
by example
Skills and Techniques of Successful
Scout Leaders
They ask a lot of questions
They make a lot of suggestions
They don’t give too many orders
They use the Scoutmaster and Assistant
Scoutmasters as resources
• They took Troop Junior Leader Training
– That’s why you are here today!
Teenagers get bossed around enough
Scouting ought to be different
Leadership Styles
Leadership Basics
Have a good attitude
Act with maturity
Be organized
Look the part
Be willing to do anything you ask of others
Be fair
Shared Leadership
Scouts and adults must share leadership in a Boy Scout troop for the troop to
run smoothly
There must be mutual trust between the boy leaders and the adult leaders
BSA Troop 361 Organization
Patrol Leader
Den Chief
Patrol Leader
Grant Holbrook
Patrol Leader
Patrol Leader
Jeff Cox
Patrol Leader
Dylan Baumann
Patrol Leader
Chris Foeller
Jonah Smythe
Shark APL
Ryan Soprano
Kevin Ogden
Raccoon APL
Daniel Frack
Scorpion APL
Timothy Fuerst
Junior Assistant
Nick Gervais
Assistant Senior
Patrol Leader
John Bozeman
Zach Elder
Tim Fuerst
John Horack
James Wesley
OA Troop
Kevin Bozeman
Daniel Frack
Jason Cox
Anthony Soprano
Taft Havron
Chaplain Aide
Troop Guides
Bobby Copeland
Wolf Patrol
Malcolm Berry
Wolf APL
Miles Grigorian
Youth Leadership Positions
The Troop's Youth Leaders
The troop is actually run by its boy leaders. With the guidance of the Scoutmaster and his assistants, they plan
the program, conduct troop meetings, and provide leadership among their peers.
Junior Leader Positions
Senior patrol leader - top junior leader in the troop. He leads the patrol leaders' council and, in consultation
with the Scoutmaster, appoints other junior leaders and assigns specific responsibilities as needed.
Assistant senior patrol leader - fills in for senior patrol leader in his absence. He is also responsible for
training and giving direction to the quartermaster, scribe, troop historian, librarian, and instructors.
Troop Historian - collects and maintains troop memorabilia and information on former troop members.
Librarian - keeps troop books, pamphlets, magazines, audiovisuals, and merit badge counselor list available
for use by troop members.
Instructor – Coordinates the troop guides in the teaching of skills to troop members.
Chaplain Aide - assists in troop religious services and promotes religious emblems program.
Patrol leader - gives leadership to members of his patrol and represents them on the patrol leaders' council.
Assistant patrol leader - fills in for the patrol leader in his absence.
Troop guides – advisor, guide and teacher to the new Scouts.
Quartermaster - responsible for troop supplies and equipment.
Scribe - the troop secretary.
Cover PD’s
Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC)
• The PLC, not the adult leaders, is responsible for planning and
conducting the troop's activities. The patrol leaders' council is
composed of the following voting members: senior patrol leader,
assistant senior patrol leader, patrol leaders, troop instructor, and troop
• The troop's activities are selected and planned at the annual program
planning conference. The troop's yearly plan is then submitted to the
troop committee for approval. The troop committee either approves the
plan or makes alternative suggestions for the patrol leaders' council to
consider. At its monthly meetings, the patrol leaders' council organizes
and assigns activity responsibilities for the weekly troop meetings. The
troop committee interacts with the patrol leaders' council through
the Scoutmaster.
The Patrol Method
“The Patrol Method is not a way to operate a Boy Scout Troop, it is the only way.
Unless the patrol method is in operation you don’t really have a Boy Scout Troop.
- Robert Baden Powell
Sharing leadership within the group
– Being a good follower is also part of being a good leader
Setting goals as a group
Sharing the work
– Duty roster (save, rotate, share) – very important
Solving problems as a group
The Patrol method gets the job done!!
Patrol Leader Responsibilities
Take a leading role in planning and conducting patrol meetings and activities
Encourage patrol members to complete advancement requirements
Represent the patrol as a member of the PLC
Set a good example by living up to the Scout Oath and Law
“Scouting is a game for boys under the leadership of boys under the direction of a man”
-Robert Baden-Powell
National Honor Patrol Requirements
Have a patrol name, flag, and yell. Put the patrol design on
equipment and use the patrol yell. Keep patrol records up to date.
Hold two patrol meetings every month.
Take part in at least one hike, outdoor activity, or other Scouting
Complete two good turns or service projects approved by the PLC.
Help two patrol members advance one rank.
Wear the full uniform correctly at troop activities. (at least 75% )
Have a representative attend at least three PLCs.
Have eight members in the patrol or experience an increase in patrol
This should be a goal for each patrol!
How to Train - EDGE
• Explain-The trainer explains how something is
Demonstrate-After the trainer explains, the
trainer demonstrates while explaining again.
Guide-The learner tries the skill while the
trainer guides him through it.
Enable-The trainee works on his own under the
watchful eye of the trainer. The trainer’s role in
this step is to remove any obstacles to success,
which enables the learner to succeed
Building the Team
• To build a team and have true team work
you must do the following:
Share leadership
Deal with conflict
Trust your team
Conflict Resolution
• What are conflicts?
• To resolve conflicts try using:
– Empathy – listening and understanding
– Invention – trying different methods
• When you are able to resolve conflicts you gain
respect and everybody wins!
• Scouting is a safe haven and it is the leaders (boys
and adults) job to keep it that way
– Physically
– Emotionally
Adult Leaders –Who Does What
Scouts should work within their patrols. Patrol Leaders should be able to answer
most questions or direct scouts to Troop Guides (TG), SPL, ASPL or other boy
Some specifics
– Toten Chip & Fireman Chit – training by TG, ASM or SM signed by SM or ASM
– Scout skill requirements through First Class – training by TG, ASM or SM signed by
– Scoutmaster Conference
• Scout – SM Preferred or ASM
• Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class – ASM or SM
• Star, Life, Eagle – SM
– Merit Badges – PL can have a supply of blue cards or see Mrs. Gillespie
SM signs approval to begin
See librarian if you want to use the troop copy of the MB Book
See Mr. Blaylock or Mr. Edmondson to find a counselor
MB Counselor signs off requirements
SM approves
Mrs. Gillespie records
Fees – Collected by Mr. Fuerst
Troop Equipment – Mr. Oliver
Boards of Review are scheduled by Mrs. Gillespie or Mrs. Joly
Eagle Projects - Mr. Foeller
Troop Progress
Evaluating the last 6 months (good and bad)
Brain storming what we should do over the next 6 months
Ideas for discussion
– How are we going to help the new scouts?
– Monday Meetings/Program
• Plan ahead, and follow through
Call and remind people every week
Mini PLCs after each meeting
• Reestablishing the link between outings and program
Using program helps
Make the meetings active and less like a lecture
Start on time/finish on time
Room set up – front table and patrol tables (who has jobs each meeting?)
Patrol Meetings/Patrol Reports
Game/Activity – assign this to a patrol for each meeting
Sharp openings and closings – big improvement, but let’s continue the trend
Patrol reorganization (do we need to?)
Adult leader reorganization/new roles and responsibilities
PLC topics/training
What do YOU need?
My Vision of Success
• That everyone associated with Troop 361 subscribe to the
ideals of Scouting expressed in the Scout Oath and Law
• That each boy grow to the best of his ability and advance
in rank by developing:
– scouting skills
– leadership skills
– character
• That Troop 361 be a place where people respect others,
respect property, and strive to be courteous in all they do
• That Troop 361 be a place to belong and have fun
• That Troop 361 continues to have quality adult leaders
• That Troop 361 boy leaders buy-in to ownership of their
troop, and set the standard for being “boy led”
My Goals
• To have trained leaders – adults and boys
• To have a program that is created by the boys
• To be successful at integrating new scouts into the
• To have every scout achieve their goals for rank
• To have a good program at every meeting and
• To have fun!
What About You?
• Review position descriptions
– Read your description card
• Why should I be a leader?
• What does success look like?
– Write down your definition
• Set Goals
– Write them down
What is Program Planning?
• Review next 12 months
– Critical to determine long lead activities
• High Adventure: Philmont, Seabase, Northern Tier, and AT
• Summer Camp
• Anniversary activities: Civil War, Lewis and Clark
– Prevents repeating
• Detailed for six months
– Plan resources: MB Counselors, Equipment, and
– Set firm dates
• Plans in place for meetings and campouts for six
Questions to Ask When Planning
• What Merit Badges do I wish to earn?
• What requirements does my patrol need to
• What places would I like to visit?
• What activities would I like to do?
Don’t Forget High Adventure
• We have a trip to Northern Tier reserved for June
of 2009!
What about 2010?
National Jamboree?
Sea Base?
• How do we work high adventure training into our
program plans?
– Practice for those who are attending
– Include those who are not old enough in the plans
How to Plan
• Get input from all scouts
– Survey
– Patrol corners or meetings
• PLC creates a plan
Select and schedule activities
Select locations and dates
Determine the cost of activities and develop a budget
Determine equipment needed
Determine if special training or leadership is needed
• PLC presents plan to troop for approval
• SPL presents plan to Troop Committee for approval
Just Do IT!
• Tonight’s task is to make a list of…
– Merit badges you’d like to earn
– Places you’d like to go
– Activities you’d like to do
• And…
– Form those thoughts into a survey that can be
completed by your patrols at the next troop meeting
• At a PLC meeting soon we can evaluate the results
and make a 12 month plan for our troop
How Much Does It Cost?
• Do we have all the equipment we need?
• How much do our activities cost?
• A Scout is Thrifty!
– Can we find a cheaper way to do things?
– Can we raise some of the money to pay for our outings?
– Do we take good care of the equipment we have?
• Fundraisers
Popcorn (about $800)
Wreath sales (about $500)
Car washes (about $100-$200 per car wash)
Other ideas?
• The troop should help to pay for the activities they plan
Organizing an Outing
• “Boy led” isn’t really “boy led” if the adults do all the
work for the outings
• Let’s try something new
– SPL assign a patrol for planning of each outing (3-4 months prior)
– PL asks adult leaders for help in planning (3-4 months prior)
– PL assigns tasks to boys and adults (2-4 months prior)
• Boys call about fees, availability of facilities, etc.
• With help of SM or ASM, PL finds leaders for activities
– MB counselors
– Trained/certified high adventure leaders
• SM or ASM makes arrangements for reservations, travel, permits,
permission slips, collection of fees
– Signup, permission slips, and collection of fees done ahead of time
• 2-3 weeks prior to outing
• Helps in planning for reservations, travel, meals, etc.
– SPL reviews planning and success of outing at PLC so all can learn