The Long Beach Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America

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Transcript The Long Beach Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America

The Long Beach Area Council
of the
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 75 welcomes you to the
Adventure of Boy Scouting!!!
About Troop 75
Troop Schedule / website
How Boys advance – the program
Advancement – Tenderfoot to First Class – Star to
Rank Advancement Procedure
Parental involvement
What does it cost?
Is this Troop for me?
The Boy Scouts of America in Short
Venturing – A program for 14-20 year old
boys and girls focusing on developing
leadership qualities while having fun in
a high adventure environment
Boy Scouting – A program for 11-17 year
old boys focusing on developing
character and good citizenship while
having fun in the outdoors
Cub Scouting - A program for 1st-5th
grade boys focusing on developing
character and good citizenship while
having fun in a safe environment
How is the Troop organized?
Troop 75
Organization Chart 2007 - 2008
Chartered Organization
Bethany Lutheran
Chartered Organization
Ingrid J.
Troop Committee
Jeff O.
Dr. Glenn .J
Troop Committee
Karen F.
Troop Committee
Adel S.
Troop Training
Gary H.
Troop Committee
Mario B.
Patrick F.
X Patrol
Jeff O.
Steven R.
Flying Eagles
Troop Eagle
Richard B.
Liger Patrol
Paul K.
Gary H.
Phoenix Patrol
Mario B., Ken B.
Ron C.
Troop Outings
Steven R.
Wolverine Patrol
Dr. Glen J.
Bill S.
Hawk Patrol
Doug B.
Patrick F.
What is Troop 75’s Mission?
Help young men realize their potential
Become good citizens
Learn the responsibilities of leadership
Grow and support their home church and faith
To offer a “Quality” program (not about quantity)
Troop 75 Schedule - Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
Located at Bethany Lutheran Church
4644 Clark Ave, Long Beach, CA
1st Tuesday - Troop Meeting
All patrols in attendance
2nd Tuesday – Parent’s Meeting
Activity plans / information disseminated to parents
3rd Tuesday - Troop Meeting
4th Tuesday - Patrol Meeting
Patrol planning and activities
3rd Thursday – Troop Committee Meeting
Committee members meet to run the Troop
Recruitment contact – Patrick Farquhar – [email protected]
(562) 867-1559
How Does it all Work?
The Boys
This is a “boy run” troop – they decide:
Troop leadership – SPL, ASPL, etc. (6 month cycle)
what activities to engage in
plan some of those activities with coaching of parents / Patrol
The Boys are divided up into Patrols of 6-8
each patrol selects a name
each patrol needs to hold one activity every 6 months
select their Patrol leaders and Assistant Patrol leaders
The Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders participate
in the six (6) month planning
Patrols may be reconstituted on a yearly basis
All first year scouts are placed into a new patrol
Scouts obtain Eagle or “age out”
The Path to Eagle - Ranks
Completed as a Patrol w/ Patrol Advisor guidance
2nd Class
1st Class
Merit Badge and Leadership Requirements
Rank Advancement Procedure
Complete all requirements in Scout Handbook for that specific
rank (each section must be signed by Scoutmaster, any Assistant
Scoutmaster or any Patrol Advisor, except step 2)
Have the section on “living the scout oath and law” signed by the
Patrol Advisor for the patrol that the scout is in.
Be current on all troop dues. The scout must contact the troop
Treasurer and have the Treasurer contact the Scoutmaster to
inform him of the scout’s current dues status.
Make sure that you have participated in at least one event on the
7/14 plan since your current rank and have participated in at least
7 events of the 14 in the 7/14 plan within the last 12 months
The scout completes a rank advancement check sheet
The scout contacts the Scoutmaster in order to set up a
Scoutmaster’s Conference (these are held on set nights each
month) and brings the check sheet with him
Rank Advancement Procedure
Present yourself (scout) to the Scoutmaster in order to set up a
Scoutmaster’s Conference in a full class-A uniform (sash
optional). The scout’s Scout Handbook must also be present.
Contact a minimum of three parents (non-uniformed and not
related to the scout) in order to schedule a Board of Review.
Present yourself to the Board of Review (must be presented to
the Board by another scout who is also in full class-A uniform) in
a full class-A uniform (sash optional). The scout’s Scout
Handbook must also be present.
Contact the troop Advancement Chairman to inform him of the
date of completion of the Board of Review, who participated on
the Board, and the decision of the Board
When the scout passes the Board of Review, that scout is officially that
rank, although the presentation of rank will occur at the next
scheduled Court of Honor.
Rank Advancement Opportunities
Orientation campout for new Scouts (March)
Patrol meetings
Summer camps (week long)
Circle X, Cherry Valley or other
Sea Base
Winter Camp (January)
Merit badge meetings for the Troop
Shotgun, Citizenship in the World, Financial Management,
Public Speaking, Personal Management etc.
Parent Participation / Involvement
Parental Involvement is essential for rank advancement
Parent Participation is expected
Completing training offered by Council
Participating in Fundraising events
Lead / assist with planning / running at least one (1) Troop event yearly
Bethany Day
Soup supper
Court of Honors (quarterly)
Volunteering for open Committee positions (learning by assisting)
Patrol Advisor(s) / Assistant
Training, Program helps, etc…
BSA does NOT stand for “Baby Sitters of America”
The Troop holds two (2) fundraising events each
Popcorn sales through Long Beach Council
Nut sales through the Troop (November – December)
Net profits are split between the Troop and the
50 % of profits go to the Troop
50% of profits go to the boys’ Scout bank
What is the cost and what does it
It costs $1.00 to Cross Over (BSA transfer fee) from Cub
Dues are $4.00 / month – collected at the Troop meetings
by the Scribe.
$25.00 yearly Troop fee (due in March)
Offsets Troop expenses – Awards ceremonies, outing
expenses, registration etc.
$10.00 yearly equipment fee (due in March , waived at
Cross Over)
Used to buy / replace equipment used for camping – tents,
easy ups, etc..
Initial buy-in for a boy is $26.00 plus monthly dues