ALMA Construction

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National Radio Astronomy Observatory
NRAO Users Committee Meeting – May 20-21, 2008
ALMA Operations
Chris Carilli (NAASC Head)
John Hibbard (ARC Manager)
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
Response to UC Questions
• “What are the plans for the NAASC?
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NAASC Staffing
NA ARC Operations:
(2) ARC Head & Admin. Asst.;
(12) Astronomers/Scientist – proposal functions, AoD, documentation, user support;
(5) DB Manager, developers, techs – archive functions;
Total NA ARC Ops: 19 employees
Full Science Support:
• (3) NAASC Head & business support
• (5) Advanced User Support: workshops, schools, algorithm development (3
astronomers, 2 astronomical programmers)
• (7) ALMA Postdocs & Fellows;
• (2) Pre-doctoral students;
• (5) EPO (International, Chilean, U.S.)
• (6) Office of Chilean Affairs
Additional NAASC: 19 + 9 students/postdocs
ALMA Technical Support:
(12 FTE) Engineer/tech – hardware M&R
(17.5 FTE) Programmers – software M&R
Total Technical support: 29.5 FTE
Total NAASC: 67.5 + 9 students/postdocs
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
• 2008 Start of Antenna Integration and Verification (AIV) work at OSF.
• early 2009 Three antenna array at high site. Start of Commissioning
and Science Verification (CSV).
• late 2010 Start of early science operations.
• late 2012 Start full science operations.
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NAASC Activities 2008
Hiring (2 CSV, EPO, CASA Developer, JAO positions in Chile)
Update NAASC plan to AOP Vers. D
Participate in CSV at ATF and OSF
Test ALMA user software systems (observing tool, CASA, pipeline).
Support CASA development: establish CASA helpdesk; hire CASA developer. First
tutorial associated with beta release held Oct. 2007 in Socorro. Next will be at
Synthesis Imaging Summer School in June 2008 in Socorro.
Proto-Archive implementation plan (deploy 2009Q1 in C’ville to receive CSV data)
Participate in Chilean ops planning through SciOps IPT
Finalize the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with our Canadian partners.
Hire EPO specialist, and review/revision of ALMA web pages
Working visits to other Science centers: compare and coordinate (“Lessons Learned”
visits to STScI, SSC; extended visit to SSC)
ANASAC: Address key issues in NAm ALMA ops through formal charges
Third Science Workshop:
Continue science talks at North American institutions
AAS townhall presentations
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
Sept 25-27 2008
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NAASC Staffing 2008
• Full time staff: C. Carilli (AD), J. Hibbard (ARC manager), C.Brogan
(CASA subsystem scientist)
• Two 50/50 appointments made with UVa -- A. Evans, R. Indebetouw
(community outreach, CASA user support)
• Support 3 FTE CASA programmers
• Support 0.5 FTE business support, 40% admin assist, 25% postdoc
New Hires
• CSV hires (2): First to start June 2008 (A. Remijan),
second offer made
• CASA developer hire: Offer made/declined. Postdoc in Fall?
• ALMA EPO officer: to start Aug 2008 (J. Stoke from STScI)
• Jansky Fellow: to start Sep 2008 in CV (B. Kent)
• H. Liszt Q4 (75%)
• T. Hunter Q4 (25%)
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
Organizing for FY2009
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
Response to UC Questions
• “What are the plans for the NAASC? How
will it relate to the proposed Array Science
Center in Socorro and what are the plans
for that facility?”
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NAASC & NM Ops & GBT Ops
• “Towards Integrated NRAO Operations” (see summary by
D. Frail)
• Share what can easily be shared (CASA development
between ALMA & EVLA; PST between EVLA/VLBA/GBT;
• Develop new functionality closely associated with specific
facility, but with a view of sharing when appropriate
(Archive, helpdesk)
• Keep tasks that require intimate connection with telescope
closely associated with that telescope (technical feasibility,
observing modes, helpdesk “level 2”)
• As processes, idiosyncrasies and workflow are
understood, use E2E to deploy sharable tasks across the
Users Committee Meeting
(helpdesk triage & level 1, sb verification)
May 20-21, 2008
Response to UC Questions
• “We had endorsed the ALMA Users Grant
Program through NSF and request an
update on the status of this”
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
User Grants Program
ANASAC Endorsed $6M/yr user data analysis grants program
 Grants tied to successful observing proposals
 Bottom-up and top-down analysis for amount (ANASAC): would provide
average of $2500/hr for US astronomers, with support ranging from grad
student, through postdoc, salary, and resources for complex programs
 Strongly endorsed by Decadal Report for all new NSF facilities
Broad Community support:
Future of Radio Astronomy Committee, McCray/AUI, Letter to NSF
Bally and colleagues open letter to AAS president
ANASAC letter to NSF and NAS
Users committee report to NRAO
AURA initiative?
Not included by NSF in NAASC budget recommended to NSB
 NSF Response: Establish a high-level committee to consider user grants with
observing time on new, large ground based facilities
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NAASC Community Support
Reworked NAASC budget to include:
• page charge support
• support for data reduction trips to the NAASC
• support for students working with ALMA data, similar to
the GBT and VLBA student support program (ramping up
to a total of 12 students per year).
• The NAASC will support 4 Jansky Fellows, who may
choose to be stationed at U.S. Universities.
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008
NRAO Users Committee Meeting
May 20-21, 2008