Welcome to Memorial High School’s Grade Nine Orientation!

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Transcript Welcome to Memorial High School’s Grade Nine Orientation!

Welcome to West High School’s Post High School Planning Session!

January 31, 2008

Steps in Successfully Pursuing Goals after High School

This Presentation…..

Slides with an “*” are in your handout packet Entire Powerpoint Presentation will be uploaded to West Website in coming weeks

Tonight’s Agenda: “Getting The Best For Your Student”

15 months until Graduation… Be Proud! Consider your student’s unique needs, dreams, and goals Course Selection for Senior Year Future Paths for School & Careers ACT/SAT/AP Post HS Admissions Requirements The Search, Tools, & The Application Process Financial Aid & Scholarships Q & A

The “Growing Up” Chart Level of Responsibility/ Independence

HIGH MEDIUM LOW _________________________________________________________________ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

AGE (For each age, plot a point where you feel the level of independence/responsibility your child has over their life should be)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0

West Graduates Do

Very Well


ACT Composite Scores: 2007 25.7


U.S Average West Average

West Graduates Do

Very Well


SAT Test Scores: 2007 1257 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1017 U.S Math/Verbal West Math/Verbal

WEST HIGH’S COUNSELORS Regent Learning Community Len Mormino (A-O), ( #1) : Rick Rosen (P-Z) Van Hise Learning Community (#2): Becky Bebber-Wells (A-Mo) Rick Rosen (Mp-Z) Highland Learning Community (#3): Sara Neuenschwander (A-G) Carol Shepard (H-Z) Ash Learning Community (#4): Sara Neuenschwander (A-H) Lucerne Rice (H-Z) ELL: Marilsa Hansen

Save Time! Use the * Counseling Dept. Website!!

http://www .madison.k12.wi.us/west/


out our favorite links.

Counseling Dept. Website has information on: ·

West’s Learning Community Setup


2005-2006 Guidance Calendar


ACT/SAT & Advanced Placement Exams


Financial Aid & Scholarships


Post High & Career Planning


NCAA Clearinghouse and approved core courses accepted from West HS


Summer Programs - 2006


College Visits 2005-2006


Helpful Internet Links


(I.E.-ACT,SAT,Princeton Review, TOEFL, etc.)

Timetable for Jr/Sr Year: *

Spring of 2007 – Senior Course Selections ACT/SAT testing College Visits and Reps (CRC) Meetings with Counselors Summer of 2007 School Visits, Work, Intern, Volunteer, Job Shadow, Travel Sept. – Dec of 2007 December of 2007 January of 2007 Senior & Parent Meetings Retake ACT/SAT?

Post-Secondary Applications Financial Aid Meetings Fill out FAFSA, Fin.Aid Forms

To Plan or Not to Plan…….

Do your research now.

Save time by using the Counseling Department Websites.

Talk to your counselor. Create a timetable Give freedom within responsibility to your student.

Consider the many options…(next slides)

Many Future Paths to Success: *

4 year colleges 2 year colleges Apprenticeships Specialty schools Military options Combo of above FACT: Many of the job openings will require training beyond HS.

Specialty Schools:


One/Two Year Programs in: Art/Design Cosmetology Media/Broadcasting Electronics More…….

Check specific entrance criteria.

I.E.- Beautician, Jeweler, Travel Agent, Media Engineer

Two Year & Technical Colleges *

(MATC/UW Colleges):

MATC (Technical College) & UW Colleges Excellent placement rates/earning power One/two yr programs “Guaranteed” College Transfer Wide variety of Majors Preparation guided by employers Increasing Enrollment from Returning 4-Year Grads I.E.- Nursing, Info. Technology, Business, Liberal Studies

Apprenticeships: *

Bldg Trades + More Call Union and/or MATC for trade of interest Apply & Test to get in $$ Earn while you learn Immediate training Progress from apprentice to journeyman Currently high demand!!!

MMSD Youth Apprentice Opportunities I.E.- Carpentry, Electrician, Nursing, Biotech, Chef, Mason, Autos, Childcare, Computers, Cosmetology, Fire/Rescue, and MORE……..

Military Options:

Training & Education benefits in return for your paid service Wide variety of programs Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, National Guard, Coast Guard Part time: Natl. Guard Don’t sign until you research all options!

Four Year Colleges: *

3000+ colleges in U.S.

Check Entrance criteria Check Major Areas of Study Research, talk to reps, and visit if you can.







-Explore Career/area of interest

Intern/Apprentice/Job Shadow -Service -Travel -Work -Study


Continued *

Contrary to popular belief, a year off does not automatically lead to a life of squalor. Want some security?

-Apply and Defer (if your college offers deferment policy) RECOMMENDATION: 1) Assess Options 2) Research them in Detail, 3) Evaluate 4) Choose 5) Make arrangements, Plan Structure, Limit to a year

Questioning College Motives…. *

Why do you want to go to college?

   keep learning, gain wisdom/intellect, become ‘worldly’ increase my earning potential “The college experience”- social, independence, fun, etc.

   help me get into a satisfying career and hobbies of interest don’t know what else to do get away from home

We often observe:

A lack of awareness about the realities of a career in which one’s Major leads to can land one either: A) Disappointed in job options and going back to college to study something else, or B) “Working in low skilled, low wage jobs while they search in vain for an opening in the field in which they studied.”

Ken Gray, Penn State University

C) Staying in an unsatisfying career

Explore Career Interests Through... *

Coursework (limited view of realities of the job)

Career Resource Center

 

Catalogues like “College Majors and Careers” Personal Education Plan

 

WisCareers Website COPS Assessment Job Shadowing, Service, Internships, Work

Personal Education Plan

Personalizes the West Learning Experience by: Assessing:

• Study Skills •Learning Styles • Multiple Forms of Intelligence • Employability Skills

Exploring FuturePaths of interest via:

• interest surveys • occupational searches • college searches • lifestyle $ budgeting

(Direct link with WisCareers Web Account)

Personal Education Plan-


Connecting your FuturePaths of Interest with your West Activities: • Coursework • Clubs and Activities • Community Activities (jobs/internships/volunteering) Setting Goals for “Journey Beyond High School”

Continuously adding to your Resume for use with college applications or job hunting (Wiscareers)

Personal Education Plan Logon Instructions

Go to West High School Counseling Department Website Click on PEP at the center of the page

Username= student’s ID number Password= student’s first and last name

(no space in between) as it appears on report card Call your Counselor if you need help getting on or navigating your student’s PEP

Senior Year Course Selections: *

A time for Interests and Engagement Youth Apprenticeship/ Marketing Internship Summerschool Feb.1

st - Get Course Selection Cards Feb.2-13- Review Courses with your students Feb.14/15- Teachers make Recommendations Feb.18- Enter Course Requests Online

Senior Year Course Selections: *

Need to carry 2.5 credit minimum per semester If 4-Year College bound, should include at least 3 academic courses each semester (prioritize English and Math) Should have 7 semesters of literature or writing coursework prior to graduation Consider areas your student wants to   improve in, gain exposure, or prepare for testing in: AP or SAT II subject areas foreign language placement exams

West Graduation * Requirements:

22 total credits 4 in English 3 in Social Studies 2 in Math (Algebra and Geometry) 2 in Science 1 1/2 in Phy. Ed.

1/2 in Health 9 Remaining credits 1 Semester Of Recent U.S. History

Youth Options

If you have “topped out” of a subject area, the district sometimes funds UW/MATC coursework.

You must apply by 3/1/06 and 10/1/06 for following Fall/Spring semesters.

See your counselor.

See the West Guidance Homepage:

TESTING: * Plan to take the ACT/SAT in Spring of Junior Year.

Register on-line: www.act.org or www.collegeboard.com

Most colleges accept either ACT or SAT 

ACT= Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Writing

SAT I= Math and Verbal Reasoning, Writing

Scores: 

ACT= Sends one test date, SAT= Sends them all

ACT writing sample- which schools require it?


Test Prep *

You can prepare in several ways…

   take a good

college prep curriculum

take a course like

ZAPS, MMSD summer ACT/SAT Prep

, Kaplan, etc.

CRC resource books

in Rm. 203      CD for Purchase on ACT/SAT prep

ACT/ College Board website Practice ?’s

ACT/SAT prep tutors Allow time for retakes Don’t send your first scores if concerned

How To Send ACT / SAT * Results to the Right Place:

When you register for the test you can list 4 colleges you want the results to go to, for FREE.

Send additional score reports by going to ACT or SAT online- @$7.50 per school, fee waivers available.

Remember, we can’t send your scores,… Colleges usually require “official” scores that must be ordered by you directly from ACT or The College Board from the STUDENT. October thru December of senior year are the last chances to earn scores that can be used for college admissions. Watch early decisions deadlines.

Take the SAT II Test

if needed

: Some

colleges also require the SAT II Achievement Tests.(Better check in advance!) Test this June if you are just finishing the highest course available in the SAT II subject area of choice.

Register for October test if you didn’t take them earlier.

AP Tests *

Test dates- May 5-16, 2008 Registration On-Line March 3-7, 2008  Download registration form from MMSD website to turn in with fee to Counseling Secretary Cost: $96 per test Location: Alliant Energy Center Registration meeting for students not currently enrolled in an AP course Wednesday, Feb.27

th - 12:30pm in the Counseling Office- Room 203 Students registered for AP exams will be required to attend a 1/2 hour Pre Administration session during the last 2 weeks in April (TBA) More AP information on the MMSD web-site SOON


Test of English as a Foreign Language If English is your second language, and the language barrier is an impediment to achieving your best test scores, the TOEFL can validate this to admissions counselors, and help them to know how flexible they should be in making their admissions decisions when considering your transcript and test scores. They might recommend some college level language coursework to support your student.

Students with an IEP…….

Should register to take the ACT/SAT/SAT II/AP tests with Extended Time or appropriate accomodations. Earlier registration deadlines apply for ACT/SAT. See your counselor and/or case manager to assist you with this A.S.A.P..

Criteria to Consider when * starting your Search…...

-Location (WisCareers Search Criteria) -Major -Tuition/ Financial Packages -Number of Students/Size -Competition or Admission Req.’s -Athletics -Public/Private/Affiliation -Area/Community Size -R.O.T.C. Programs

UW System : General * Admission Requirements

17 credits, including: 4 cr of English

7 semesters of reading/writing 3 cr of Social Studies 3 cr of Math (Alg.II/Trig) 3 cr of Science Foreign Language- Eau Claire 2 addtl. credits of arts, comp sci, academic, or elective study Adequate GPA and ACT

UW Madison: Highly Competitive!

Most students accepted have: 4 cr of English 3-4 cr Social Studies 4 cr of Math 4 cr of Science 2+ cr of Foreign Language 2+ cr of academics, arts, comp sci, elective study Top 10% of class ACT composite: 27+ GPA: Upper 3’s


Apply before December 1st of senior


MATC’s two-year degrees boast of great job placement rates and high earning power. They focus on real-world job competencies.

Many jobs don’t require a 4yr. college degree.

College transfer program is one route to get to a 4 year college. (high bacceloreate graduation rate compared to 4 yr. College freshman)

Continuous Waiting List Programs * at MATC:

-Animation -Architectural Technician -Chef -Nursing -Dental Hygenist -Clinical Lab Tech -Fire Protection -Paralegal -Photography -Phys.Therapy Asst.

-Radiography -Respiratory Therapy -Veterinary Technician -Graphic Design -Interior Design

Submit College Applications * September 15th-December 1st

Plan to submit applications between Sept 15-Dec 1 (The early bird gets the worm) Students are encouraged to apply ON-LINE Students should create a personal resume over the summer to include with all applications The Personal Statement is more important than ever before.

Further instructions for the college applications process TBA in Senior Guidance Newsletter in August

Ima Student 5200 Lovely Drive Madison, WI 53713 Academic Experience

West High School, Madison, WI 2002-2006, 3.67 GPA, ACT 28, SAT 1810

Achievements, Honors, Awards, or Recognition

Honor Roll, 9 th , 10 th , 11 th , 12 th Grade Forensics (Speech Team) 9 th Grade, Lettered, earned a perfect score at the State Competition

Fine and Performing Arts Experience

Cello Lessons (6 th – 12 th grade), once weekly Wisconsin State Honors Orchestra 2005


Club Soccer (6 th – 12 th grade) Winter Indoor Soccer League (6 th – 12 th grade)


Senior Citizens (Help freshmen transition to high school, in addition to other school service projects), 2005 UW Hospital (2003-2004)

Other Extra-Curricular Activities

CPR/AED Professional Rescuer certified (2004-present) Water Safety Instructor certified (2005-present) Advisory Team, 12 th grade, (see attached sheet for description), 4 times a week for a year

West Leadership Opportunities *

-Tutoring Program -Club/Activity/Sport Leader -Class Assistant -Elementary/Middle School Tutor/Mentor -Student Government and School Committees -Senior Citizen -Honor Guard -A-Team

Ask your counselor for more information on how to access these leadership opportunities.














West Career Center West Volunteer Board

(This is on PEP)

Athletics in College???

Ask your coach, athletic director, or counselor about the NCAA Clearinghouse requirements and information. See www.ncaa.org

Searching for the right college * for you…...

Websites Counseling Resource Center (CRC) Purchased Resources --------------------------------- Current Students or Alums College Reps School Visits when possible

Tools You Can Use

In Assessing for * Safety, Realistic, Reach (NONE ARE FOOL PROOF) WisCareers School Search: Sort by “Low”, “Medium”, “Highly Competitive” Schools College Reference Catalogues in CRC like Barron’s Profile of American Colleges

Other Tools to give you more information * to discriminate between schools (Objective and Subjective)

Websites: U.S.News, Peterson’s, etc.

CRC Resources: 


Groups by strength of Programs of Study    

Gourman Report

Ranks by strength of Prog.Of St.

College Finder- Lots of information: I.E.- Colleges that are good for students who are: into Liberal Arts, Want to be a Doctor, Outdoorsy, Shy, Republ./Demcr., Gay/Lesbian, Kosher, ETC.!

Insider’s Guide- brief, honest descriptions by students

Much, Much More………

Visit the campus/ programs if * you can…

If you were going to spend 4 + years in a new city, would you want to meet it first?

• Call ahead • Check for special visit weekends • Do more than the

tour: visit programs and activities of interest

• Checklists provided in packets

Application Strategy: Include one of each

Safety Realistic Reach

How Do I Know whether a * school is a safe, realistic, or reach school for me?

Do you have recommended course requirements?

Are you within their typical GPA or Rank?

Do your test scores fall within their typical range?

Are there any special qualities or circumstances for schools to consider? • artistic or athletic talent • minority status • learning disability • legacy • exceptional service/leadership • personal/medical challenges • first generation college bound

“Early Decision & Early Action”

Should I???

Early Decision: You apply early, but if they accept, you cancel all other applications and are bound to go.

Usually only do this when you know you absolutely want the school above all others.

Given preference in admissions??

Financial Aid consideration affected???

Early Action: You are not automatically bound to enroll.

Students with a Learning Disability * If you plan to receive continued support in college, and would like admissions counselors to consider your learning disability when viewing your transcript:

 Discuss this in your personal statement  Send a most recent copy of your IEP to the “Students with Disabilities” dept. at the college, and make a personal contact with a staff person there asking them to review your IEP and consult with admissions accordingly. This will also help setup your support in advance should you be admitted and decide to attend.

Financial Aid/Scholarships *

Includes: Scholarships, grants, loans, work study.

Based on: -need -achievement -service -unique qualities Check the box requesting Financial Aid on your college app.

Complete the FAFSA form in Jan-Feb of senior year (Do your taxes ASAP in Jan.!).   Can practice on paper Final draft on-line if possible:www.fafsa.ed.gov

More Financial Aid Tips… *

You can search monthly for community scholarships by checking West’s own “Scholarship Scoops” on our website, and FASTWEB.COM.

Deadlines vary widely. Pay close attention.

BEWARE OF FIRMS THAT ASK FOR $$ Attend the West Financial Aid Workshop in early December 2008.

Apply for West High scholarships in January 2009.

The greatest potential for financial assistance usually comes from the college you are attending.

  Usually, “Safety” or “Realistic” schools are more likely to offer assistance than “Reach” schools.

Don’t forget about financial assistance available within the department you choose to major in during year 2, 3, or 4 of college.

Tuition + Room/Board $$$

(Just in case you were wondering)

Yearly costs: MATC: $10,000 UW System: Approx. $8700 - $12,000 Private & Out -State Schools: $15,000 $40,000+ (Remember that a school’s Financial Aid can greatly alter the above.)

Miscellaneous Details, Then Your Questions:

The Importance of Senior Grades If you are “wait-listed” or a borderline decision, strong first semester grades could make all the difference, and get you admitted.

A second semester significant drop in grades could result in Reversal of Acceptance or Probation.

Jr. Student Meetings: in Early March

Meetings with own counselors in small groups CRC Orientation period with students

 PEP, WisCareers  All Resources

What Next?

___ Apprenticeship/ Internship/ Exploratory Work Experience ___ Community Service ___ Youth Options ___ ACT/SAT Prep and/or Test Registration ___ WisCareers Occupational Search ___ Safety/ Realistic/ Reach List of Colleges ___ WisCareers Budget ___ School Visits ___ Explore Military Choices ___ Explore Workforce (DaneNet) ___ Activities and Achievements Resume ___ Portfolio/ Audition Preparation ___ Job Shadow ___ Prepare for Letter of Recommendations ___ Alternative Credit Opportunities

See the West Counseling Homepage:

Time for your questions!!! *

If you have questions later, feel free to: call or write.

Counseling Office: 204-3073 Registrar: 204-3064 Use the Counseling Homepage  This presentation on Counseling Web Page in 2-3 weeks.

(Counselors’ direct phone #’s are listed on Counseling Homepage.)

Thanks for your cooperation!!!

Best wishes in this year to come!!!

From West High School Counselors