Social Networking at UW: Presentation to ITAC

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Presentation to UCIST
Results from ITAC subgroup (Shawn Gilbertson, Mark
Morton, Andrea Chappell)
April 3rd 2008
Clicker Recommendations
 Support the use of one clicker, the iClicker brand.
 Support will include …
 Technology – Installation (if required) of receiver, and
support of the use in the e-classrooms (IST).
 Pedagogy – Best practise of use (CTE).
 Training and documentation (IST).
 Distribution and resale (Bookstore).
 During next two years, track alternatives (e.g.,
PDAs). Be prepared to recommend continued
support for iClicker, other brand or solution.
Special note
Recommending one brand is not the same as
endorsing or promoting the use of clickers; rather,
recognition of responsibility for existing activity.
Factors in evaluation
 Impact on learning and on teaching
 Current usage
 Usability issues
 Accessibility issues
 Impact on technical support
 Costs
Factors in choosing iClicker
 Usage
 Two brands in use, eInstruction’s CPS, and iClicker
 No individual user had strong preference
 Fall 2006, UW Bookstore agreed to purchase used
 Perhaps coincidence, but more iClickers than CPS units
have been sold since Fall 2006.
Fall 2007 – 1100 CPS; 1700 iClicker
Winter 2008 – 110 CPS; 997 iClicker (includes used)
 WLU also uses iClicker
Factors in choosing iClicker (2)
 Usability issues
 CPS supports numeric input and LED screens, iClicker
does not; initially flagged as possibly important factor,
but subsequently deemed not a show stopper
 Registration of units to student
CPS requires course-by-course registration fees
iClicker does not have such a fee, and this is seen as a
significant benefit
Factors in choosing iClicker (3)
 Accessibility
 OPD states that a clicker without a display, and with
large and tactile buttons, would be preferable.
 iClicker is the better option here
Next Steps
 UCIST – discuss recommendation and plan
 Contact professors through Liaisons
 Assess any needs for assistance in switching
 Assess where needed in upcoming terms
 Identify any problems
 Inform iClicker and eInstruction of decision, and
request test set from iClicker
 Install in classrooms where first required
 Set “ready” date