poster - Yisong Yue

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Transcript poster - Yisong Yue

Linear Submodular Bandits
and their Application to Diversified Retrieval
Yisong Yue (CMU) & Carlos Guestrin (CMU)
Optimizing Recommender Systems
• Every day, users come to news portal
• For each user,
• News portal recommends L articles to cover
the user’s interests
• Users provide feedback (clicks, ratings, “likes”).
• System integrates feedback for future use.
We address two challenges:
• Diversified recommendations
• Exploration for personalization
Challenge 1: Making Diversified
• Should recommend optimally diversified sets of articles.
•“Israel implements unilateral Gaza cease-fire ::”
•“Israel unilaterally halts fire, rockets persist”
•“Gaza truce, Israeli pullout begin | Latest News”
•“Hamas announces ceasefire after Israel declares truce - …”
•“Hamas fighters seek to restore order in Gaza Strip - World - Wire …”
Challenge 2: Personalization
Different users have different interests
Can only learn interests by recommending and receiving feedback
Exploration versus exploitation dilemma
We model this as a bandit problem!
Linear Submodular Bandits Problem
At each iteration t:
•A set of available articles, At
•Each article represented using D submodular basis functions
•Algorithm selects a set of L articles At
•Algorithm recommends At to user, receives feedback
•Pr(like | a,A) = wTΔ(a|A) (conditional submodular independence)
•Regret: (1-1/e)OPT – sum of rewards
•“Israel implements unilateral Gaza cease-fire ::”
•“Obama vows to fight for middle class”
•“Citigroup plans to cut 4500 jobs”
•“Google Android market tops 10 billion downloads”
•“UC astronomers discover two largest black holes ever found”
Goal: recommend a set of articles that optimally covers topics
that interest the user.
Modeling Diversity via
Submodular Utility Functions
• We assume a set of D concepts or topics
• Users are modeled by how interested they are in each topic
• Let Fi(A) denote the how well set of articles A covers topic i.
(“topic coverage function”)
• We model user utility as F(A|w) = wT[F1(A), …, FD(A)]
Each topic coverage function Fi(A) is monotone submodular!
A function F is submodular if
"A Í B : F(AÈa) - F(A) ³ F(BÈa) - F(B)
i.e., the benefit of recommending a second (redundant) article is
smaller than adding the first.
Example: Probabilistic Coverage
• Maintain mean and confidence interval of user’s interests
• Greedily recommend articles with highest upper confidence utility
• In example below, chooses article about economy
Mean Estimate by Topic
Uncertainty of Estimate
Theorem: with probability 1- δ average regret shrinks as
T 
O D
log  
  
• Each article a has probability P(i|a) of covering topic I
• Define topic coverage function for set A as
Fi ( A)  1   1  P(i | a)
• Straightforward to show that F is monotone submodular
[El-Arini et al., ‘09]
Properties of Submodular Functions
• Sums of submodular functions are submodular
• So F(A|w) is submodular
• Exact inference is NP-hard!
• Greedy algorithm yields (1-1/e) approximation bound
• Incremental gains are locally linear!
F ( A  a | w)  F ( A | w)  w (a | A)
 F1 ( A  a )  F1 ( A) 
 F ( A  a )  F ( A) 
 (a | A) 
 FD ( A  a )  FD ( A)
• Both properties will be exploited by our online learning algorithm
News Recommender User Study
• 10 days, 10 articles per day
• Compared against
• Multi. Weighting (no exploration) [El-Arini et al, ‘09]
• Ranked Bandits + LinUCB (reduction approach, does not
directly model diversity) [Radlinski et al, ’08; Li et al., ‘10]
Win / Tie / Loss
Gain per Day
% Likes
LSBGreedy vs Static
24 / 0 / 0
LSBGreedy vs MW
24 / 1 / 1
LSBGreedy vs RankLinUCB 21 / 2 / 4
• Comparing learned weights for two sessions (LSBGreedy vs MW)
• 1st session, MW overfits to “world “ topic
• 2nd session, user liked few articles, and MW did not learn anything