Transcript Document

Water and Sanitation EC-EIB Seminar
Session 3: Enhancing collaboration between EC, EIB
and other EDFIs
Avenues for cooperation: Current achievements
and future opportunities
Brussels, 5 July 2010
José Frade
European Investment Bank
The past experience – The 80s and 90s
Main focus of EC support to the water sector outside the
EU on: i) capacity building; ii) sector reform; iii) rural water
EIB supporting: i) sector reform jointly with WB and
regional IFIs: ii) projects in urban areas
EDFIs supporting both rural and urban water + reform
EC providing grants and EIB soft loans, EDFIs both
EIB access to project preparation facilities with grant
support: METAP in MED region, None in ACP
No EC/EIB parallel or co-financing (1 project in more than
20 years, substantial for EIB/EDFIs in ACP, less in MED
José Frade
European Investment Bank
Current status and achievements
The turning point of collaboration: the EU Water Initiative in
2002 (regional and finance working groups)
The begin of joint financing: the EU Water Facility
Projects in Maputo, Senegal, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Benin,
Malawi, Madagascar
A 3 M € project preparation facility for 8 new projects
Other examples of cooperation
In the Neighbourhood countries: the NIF
In the Mediterranean region: FEMIP, Horizon 2020,
MeHSIPP (new projects in preparation for co-finance)
In ACP: Infrastructure Trust Fund for regional projects
Mutual Reliance Initiative (AFD, EIB, KFW), MoU w/ EBRD
José Frade
European Investment Bank
Future opportunities
Agreement on general sector policies: Future EU policies
would benefit from the ground experience and sector
expertise of EIB/EDFIs. Setting the dialogue
Shared support for development of regional and country
strategies: H2020, DABLAS, EURO-MED water strategy,
Programme Eau Senegal, Amman Water project, Lake
Victoria regional project, WBs, country dialogue in Egypt,
Morocco and Tunisia: extend & enhance joint approach
Coordinated definition of programs, projects, preparation,
shared finance & blending, innovation: EUWF, NIF, ITF, VA
Coordinated implementation & monitoring: The Maputo
MoU example, headquarter manag., local support, MRI
José Frade
European Investment Bank
A few questions for the debate
How to set the dialogue for sector policy? What is the
added value of EIB/EDFIs expertise?
Could budget & project support be complementary? Sector?
Is the EUWI still a valid platform for cooperation?
How can we develop regional programs, e.g. Lake Victoria,
and IWRM+ service provision projects
Can the Maputo innovative implementation cooperation be
applied more often? What are the benefits and constraints?
Should we have a water related staff “who’s who” in each
organisation? An updated “manual” of relevant policy docs,
websites etc? Have joint participation in main fora often?
José Frade
European Investment Bank