Nuclear Industry QA Initiatives and Opportunities

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Nuclear Industry QA Initiatives
and Opportunities
ASQ Southern Jersey Section
October 22, 2008 Dinner Meeting
Tom Mudge
URS Washington Division
Topics of Discussion
Nuclear Industry Background 1978 - Today
Today’s Nuclear Industry Challenges
Industry QA Initiatives
Company Opportunities
QA Professional Opportunities
Nuclear Industry 1978 -2004
126 Nuclear Plants under Construction (2 Step Licensing Process)
Environmental Group Protests
1979 - Three Mile Island Incident
Loss of Public Confidence
Changing NRC Licensing Requirements
Cost Overruns
1986 - Chernobyl Incident
1992 - Shoreham (built for a cost of $5.5 Billion) is sold for $1.00.
Plant was fully decommissioned in 1994 never having operated.
No new plants ordered after 1980 and several under construction
were cancelled.
Nuclear Industry -2004
104 operating plants in USA
No new nuclear plants had been ordered in past
20 years.
– Industry workforce was aging and predominantly
Operations based.
– Limited number of nuclear experienced personnel in
the design and construction
– Insufficient number of qualified suppliers
Drivers for Industry Renaissance
Need for reliable economical energy source
Environmental concerns for Global warming
Change in Public’s perception of nuclear plants
Reliable performance of existing plants
Energy Act of 2005
– Loan guarantees
– Incentives for first six plants to be built
10CFR Part 52 (One step licensing process)
– Standardized plant designs
10CFR Part 52
One step licensing Process
– Standard Design Certification (DCD)
– Combined Operating License (COLA)
– Early Site Permits (ESP)
– Inspection, Test and Analysis and Acceptance
Criteria (ITAAC)
Standard Plant Designs
ABWR (Advanced Boiling Water Reactor) by GEH &
AP-1000 (Advanced PWR) by Westinghouse
ESBWR (Economically Safe Boiling Water Reactor)
by GEH
EPR (European Pressurized Water Reactor) by Areva
US APWR (Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor for
US Deployment) by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
ABWR - Toshiba & Fluor
AP-1000 - Westinghouse & Shaw Group
ESBWR - GEH & URS Washington
EPR - Unistar (Areva & Bechtel)
US APWR - MHI & URS Washington
Nuclear Plant Applications
2007 - 5 COLAs
2008 - 12 COLAs & 1 more anticipated
2009 - 2 Anticipated
2010 - 3 Anticipated
Total COLAs - 23
Total Units - 34
2006 - Industry Mobilizes
NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute
INPO - Institute of Nuclear Power Operations
EPRI - Electric Power Research Institute
NEI QA Initiatives
Template for QA Topical Reports
Lessons Learned Document (INPO)
Standard for PI&R Process (CAP)
Commercial Grade Dedication
Fraudulent / Counterfeit Items
Address Supplier Shortage
Develop New QA/QC Professionals
QA Role in ITAAC
NEI Supplier Workshops
NEI conducts “pinch point” study
Three workshops conducted:
– March- Columbia, SC
– April - Cleveland, OH
– June - Houston, TX
Approximately 200-300 suppliers attended
each workshop
QA Program discussion and questions
Shortage of QA Professionals for
Design and Construction
Existing workforce is predominantly Operations based
NEI study of nuclear workforce found that, of 64 work
classifications, QC and QA had the highest percentage
of personnel over 48 years of age, 78% and 76%
Approximately 4000 - 6000 new QA Professionals
– 30 plants X 120 = 3600 at construction site & suppliers
– 30 plants X 20 = 600 for utility oversight
– 60 new suppliers = 300 for supplier QA/QC
Opportunities for QA Professionals
Consultants to assist new suppliers in
developing and deploying their nuclear QA
Employment with nuclear companies:
– Design & engineering
– Construction
– Suppliers of goods & services
– Utilities