Wa‘z Motivation Al-Wa‘iz as Social Mobilizer

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Transcript Wa‘z Motivation Al-Wa‘iz as Social Mobilizer

Reflections on
Wa‘z and Wā‘izīn
Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad
Honorary Wā‘izīn Refresher
ITREB for Pakistan
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-1
"The immediate religious duty of all my
spiritual children is to learn perfect infant
care from conception till maturity. The
unnecessary death rate must be reduced.
It is not only saving of lives but if souls.
Each child saved may be someday a
Missionary-a teacher of faith and love of
God, the Prophet, Aly and his successors.”
(Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah s.a.)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-2
“The missionaries have devoted their
lives to the service of their Imam and
the Ismaili Faith. They deserve from
my spiritual children respect but even
more so their affectionate thoughts.”
(Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah s.a.)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-3
Wā‘izīn the Ashāb
• I am happy to hear that the Vaezin have started
a paper of their own. It is very important that
Vaezin who are carry(ing) on the big work of
Ashāb at the time and immediately after the Holy
Prophet's leaving this mortal world to the
Companionship on High are doing so under the
pressures of the modern world which is more
necessary than ever it was in the past and I wish
them every success. (continue…)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-4
The young Vaezin should each try and find
new arguments based on the discoveries
of all branches of science for keeping the
human soul like the ocean with Divine
wisdom and power.
(Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah s.a., Cairo, 06-02-1956,
Message given to Alijah Mahomedali G. Fazulbhoy,
president, Ismailia Association for India).
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-5
"Best paternal maternal blessings to all
beloved spiritual children assembled on
the occasion of this conference.
It is for you waezins, for the Association
and for those who are ready to sacrifice
time and thought to see that the teaching
given and the examples set are worthy of
the high cause to which you are giving
your time and attention. (continue…)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-6
Your ideals should be to devote most of
your time to the service of Ismaili Faith
and you should consider the work
allotted to you your sacred duty and
perform it to the best of your abilities.
(13-03-1956, Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah's message
for All-India Waezin Conference held on 31-03-1956)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-7
To all Wā‘izīn sitting in the pendal Mawlana Hazar Imam
graciously desired to convey:
“I give you special blessings. I hope you
find happiness from your work and that
you serve the Jamat and the Imamat. You
should lead an exemplary life. Wā‘izīn are
pillars of faith. Khanavadan”
(Gilgit 14-05-1983 After didar, conveyed by Wazir
Kassim Ali Muhammad Jaffer.)
Farmans on Wā‘izīn-8
For Alwa'iz Wazir Ali Muhammad Daya
“Though he has departed physically, the
family of Murids should be happy to have
had within it a spiritual child who has
rendered such remarkable services to the
Imam of the time.”
(Mawlana Hazar Imam, hand written, 24-02-1987)
Title of Missionary-1
“I have much pleasure in giving you
title count for your devoted services
with best blessings. But highest title
you have is that of Honorary
(Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah’s Taliqah for Count
Hassanali Paroo of Mombasa. Telegram received on
Title of Missionary-2
(Not exact wording)
“…I have asked my Missionary…though
he was my president but I call him
Missionary and he cannot ask for a higher
title because there is no higher title than
that. That is why I call him Missionary…”
(Mawlana Hazar Imam said about Late Alwa‘iz Wazir Kassim Ali
Muhammad Jaffer at Mubarak Colony Jamatkhana Hyderabad,
Sindh, on 13-03-1989 during Baytul Khayal Mulaqat (Promotion).
Qualities of an effective wa‘iz-1
• Ideally one should be the best scholar of
his/her time
• Intellectual/academic level should always
be higher than that of the Jamat
• Full control on the topic one is dealing with
• Continuously update oneself
• Should be fully aware of the basis of the
faith one is propagating
Qualities of an effective wa‘iz-2
• Try to specialize in a particular area.
• Be yourself, and you’ll seldom go wrong.
Don’t copy others
• Be originative rather than routinely
conveying other’s thoughts.
• Not to take this responsibility lightly. Need
lifetime commitment.
• Not to run after recognition or glamour
Qualities of an effective wa‘iz-3
• Action speaks louder than the words.
• Should gain strength from knowledge and
• Self-respect is most important treasure,
not to trade it for anything.
• Try to become a fruit-bearing tree with the
passage of time. Patience and time
Quality of wa‘z-1
Convey the vision of the Imam
Address the needs of the Jamat
Strengthen the faith of the Jamat.
Spread inspiration, hope, satisfaction,
courage and confidence with positive
Quality of Wa‘z-2
• “I send best loving blessings for all
Waezeen for inspired waez to be delivered
at these Majlises.”
(Mawlana Hazar Imam, Taliqah Mubarak March 30th
• Ask yourselves how can you help and
serve the Jamat
Blessings of this work
• Highest recognition in the heart of the Imam.
Highest designation after Imam is the Pir/Hujjah
which is reserved for service of faith
• Personal satisfaction, productive life
• Opportunity for personal spiritual development
• Esoteric leadership of the Jamat
• Special relationship with the Jamat
• Making a difference in someone’s life
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