File - Barangay Dos Quezon, Quezon

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Transcript File - Barangay Dos Quezon, Quezon

DILG Region IV-A

Department of the Interior and Local Government


The Evolution of Region IV-A’s Enhanced BGPMS BGPMS Enhanced Version?

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Comparative Analysis on the two versions of BGPMS Original Version Enhanced Version

Data Capture Form

 Barangay Compliance on Mandated Functions based on LGC, other Special Laws and MC’s 

Performance Areas

1. Administrative Systems and Procedures 2. Legislative Services 3. Extent of Community Participation 4. Social Services 5. Economic Development 6. Environmental Management •

Data Capture Form

 Barangay Compliance on Mandated Functions based on LGC, other Special Laws and MC’s 

Integration of MDG-CBMS Results in the DCF

Performance Areas

1. Administrative Systems and Procedures 2. Legislative Services 3. Social Services 4. Economic Development 5. Environmental Management •

No Scorecard

Computer assisted (excel) Scorecard

Department of the Interior and Local Government

What is BGPMS?

• BGPMS as a self-assessment tool • BGPMS as a survey tool • Tool to help Barangays identify development gaps and to guide them in determining appropriate actions to address such gaps Department of the Interior and Local Government


For Barangays

– To monitor their performance – To assess the state of Barangay Human Development and influence local and national decisions or actions relative to service delivery and to development gaps in the locality address Department of the Interior and Local Government


• For DILG - to link the information generated from the system to Department plans and programs that have impact on barangays.

• Other Users - to facilitate research and the pulling of information about barangays as inputs to development studies, policy or project development Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Conceptual Framework


Policies & Technical/Project Assistance


Administrative Supervision Data Capture Form / Scorecard •

Human Development Index (CBMS)

• – – – –

Performance Areas

Administrative Systems & Procedures Legislative Services Social Services Economic Development Environmental Development

Ulat sa Barangay (SBGR) •

Situational Analysis

Where are we now?

The prevailing barangay situation clustered into performance areas 5

Areas for Improvement

Courses of Action

Where are we going?

Plan Formulation How do we get there?

• •

Formulate/Revisit the Barangay’s Vision Brgy Development

• •

Investment Program.

Annual Investment program Barangay budget



Regular Monitoring & Provision of Awards Improve Quality of Life

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Operational Framework

Barangay Governance Performance Management System State of Barangay Governance Performance State of Barangay Human Development Input Output Outcome

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Operational Framework

State of Barangay Governance Performance State of Barangay Human Development

Input Output Outcome

Policies and resources needed to operate a program Implementation of planned activities of projects .

Improved social or environment or economic development

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Operational Framework

State of Barangay Governance Performance State of Barangay Human Development

Input Service Area 3.3.1

Presence of Barangay Public Safety Plan

Output Service Area 3.3.1

Regular Conduct of Foot Patrol/Ronda

Outcome Human Development Index Number 14

Proportion of persons who were victims of crimes

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Indicator System

Performance Area

Administrative Systems and Procedures: • Organizational Development • Barangay Administration • Citizen’s Participation • Transparency Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Indicator System

Performance Area

Legislative Services

• Secretarial Services • Development Legislation Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Indicator System

Performance Area

Social Services

• Health and Nutrition • Education/Culture/Sports • Peace, Security and Disaster Preparedness Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Indicator System

Performance Area

Economic Development

• Entrepreneurship and Local Industry Promotion • Agriculture and Fisheries Development Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Indicator System

Performance Area

Environmental Management

• Natural Resources Management • Waste Management Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Rating System Organizational Development - 25% of 20% Barangay Administration - 25% of 20% Citizen’s Participation - 25% of 20% Transparency - 25% of 20% Secretarial Services - 50% of 20% Development Legislation - 50% of 20% Health and Nutrition – 33.33% of 20% Education/Culture/Sports – 33.33% of 20% Peace, Security & Disaster Preparedness – 33.33% of 20% Entrepreneurship and Local Industry promotion – 50% of 20% Agricultural and Fisheries Development – 50% of 20% Natural Resources Management – 50% of 20% Waste Management – 50% of 20% Administrative Systems & Procedures


Legislative Services


Social Services


Economic Development


Environmental Management


Performance Rating


Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

1. Data Capture Form & Score Card The instrument BGPMS to consolidate used gather barangays it is aided with customized of the data software summarize the performance barangays from to into workable graphs.

in and

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

2. State of Barangay Governance Report (Ulat sa Barangay) A document to be prepared by the barangay that Contains the following information: 1. Basic information about the barangay 2. State of Barangay Governance Performance.

3. State of Development Barangay 4. Areas for Improvement 5. Courses of Action Human

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

2. State of Barangay Governance Report (Ulat sa Barangay)

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

2. State of Barangay Governance Report (Ulat sa Barangay)

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

2. State of Barangay Governance Report (Ulat sa Barangay)

Department of the Interior and Local Government

BGPMS Reports

3. BGPMS Terminal Report (Mun/City/Province) Introduction

• Brief Description of the LGU (Mun/City/Province) • Rationale of BGPMS Program


• Objectives of BGPMS


• Number and names of barangays in the Province/ City/Municipality

Results Recommen dations

• Findings and observations • Recommendations for future actions that the LGU or DILG/NGA can take to improve the delivery of services Department of the Interior and Local Government

Sample Time line of Activities

Activities Jan Feb Mar - Jul Aug Sep Oct Dec

1. Cascading the Enhanced BGPMS 2. Issuance of an Executive Order creating the BGPMS Committee 3. Data gathering 4. DCF Encoding 5. Ulat sa Barangay Preparation 6. Ulat sa Barangay Presentation (during Barangay Assembly) 7. BGPMS Terminal Report 8. BGPMS Awards


DILG Barangay Barangay Barangay Barangay Barangay DILG DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government

The Power of Measuring Results • If you do not measure results, you cannot tell success from failure.

• If you cannot see success, you cannot reward it.

• If you cannot reward success, you are probably rewarding failure.

• If you cannot see success, you cannot learn from it.

• If you cannot recognize failure, you cannot correct it.

• If you can demonstrate results, you can win public support Department of the Interior and Local Government

Department of the Interior and Local Government