Transcript Slide 1

Regional Response
Team I
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2003 Accomplishments /
Lessons Learned
• RRT Membership
- State Representation: Environmental Response and
Emergency Management
- Federal Representation: Individual agencies vs.
• Cape Cod B-120 Oil Spill
• Combined RRT/PREP with terrorist
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Challenges/Next Steps
• Meeting Coordination
• Topoff and OpYankee 2004
• Summer 2004: Democratic/
Republican National Conventions
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Regional Response
Team II
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2003 Accomplishments/Lessons
• USPS Hamilton, NJ Facility Anthrax
• Increased Participation by federal &
state health depts/agencies
• Inland Area PREPEX
• Radiological Monitoring Workgroup
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Challenges/Next Steps
• Balance: Homeland Security v.
traditional missions
• Exercises – Get a Grip
• Information Management Systems
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Regional Response
Team III
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Region III - 2003
• Continued interaction and exposure with
local and state agencies
– Exercises and training
• RMS Exercise for terrorism/WMD
– Included FBI, RSPA, and local LEPCs
• Developed In-situ Burning Guidance for
Inland, Ocean and Coastal areas within
the Region
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Region III - 2004
Challenges/Next Steps
• RRT involvement in Natural
– Critical for effective response
– RRT can provide coordination,
assistance,etc. to affected members
• Training for WMD
– Need to further identify roles, responsibilities
and communication
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Regional Response
Team IV
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2003 Accomplishments/Lessons
Hurricane Isabel Response
Jim Beam Products Fire
Operation River City Exercise
Natural Resource Trustee Annex
RRT Incident Specific Activations
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Challenges/Next Steps
RRT Support Corps
G8 Summit 2004
Inland Rivers Umbrella Plan
NRT Product Schedule: Selected
RRT Presentations
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
Regional Response
Team 5
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Ohio and Wisconsin
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2003 Accomplishments
• The Net Environment Benefit Analysis
(NEBA) process for Isle Royale, Michigan
• (USCG D9, EPA 5, NPS, EPA 9)
Lake Erie Exercise
• Combined Exercise
• Over 50 Lessons Learned
• Designed to support local responders
Inter-Agency Training Initiative
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Challenges
• Ecological Risk Assessment In
Lake St. Clair
• 2004 Great Lakes Homeland
Security Conference, Detroit
• Aggressive Inter-agency Training
• Unified Defense 05
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2003 Accomplishments/Lessons
• Mexico – US (MEXUS) Activities
• Pre-Approved Guidelines To
Decontaminate Vessel and Hard
Surfaces in Coast Port Areas
• Hurricane Claudette Response Ops
• Sulfuric Acid Release from Barge
• Hot Zone / LEPC Conference
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting
2004 Challenges/Next Steps
• Establishing E-Plan as a National
Standard for Contingency Plans
• Expanding Use of Dispersants to Near
Shore Areas
• Consistent funding and attendance for
States to RRT Meetings
• Consistent Policy for Use of Stafford Act,
OSLTF and CERCLA Funds For Natural
• June RRT Meeting – C/T Focused
2004 Co–Chairs Meeting