
Hedging Energy
in the
New Marketplace
Scott E. Thompson
Portfolio Director SPP/ERCOT
To Regulate?
Not to Regulate?
That is the Question!
Regulated Market Characteristics
Cost of Service Studies
Rate of Return Regulation
Guaranteed Margin
Annual Fuel Adjustment Clause
Long-term Contracts (20+ years)
Stable Rates
Limited Concern of Counterparty Contracts & Credit
Suppressed Volatility
Transition to un-Regulated Markets
• Federal Deregulation is moving at a faster
pace than State Deregulation, which limits the
tools available to many Utility Energy Risk
Managers compared to un-regulated
marketing companies.
Energy Market Evolution
• Un-Regulated or Competitive Markets
do not behave like Regulated Markets.
• Buyers & Sellers Beware!
Un-Regulated Market Characteristics
Market Pricing vs. Cost of Service Pricing
Uncertain Margins vs. Guaranteed Margins
Competition vs. Guaranteed Margin
Monthly - Fuel Adjustment Clauses
Shorter Term (< 5 year) Contracts
Less Predicable Rates
Significant Contracts & Credit
Severe Price Volatility
Specialized Risk Management and Trading Skills
To Hedge or Not to Hedge?
• Most Utility Managers would like to hedge to reduce
some of the risks on the previous slide.
• Many Utility Managers are not familiar enough with the
hedging alternatives to fully explain them to the
regulators or management, causing state regulators to
move more slowly.
• Many of the hedging tools require infrastructure
upgrades or education (contracts, credit, accounting
and analytical)
Will current regulation allow the utility to effectively
hedge and is there a defined process?
To Hedge or Not to Hedge? (cont.)
• Can the LDC or Power Company pass the net effect
of the hedge through to their rates?
• PGA, GCR, PCA …….Sometimes
• Some state regulators do not allow any hedge losses
to be passed through to customers.
• no incentive to implement a hedging program
• Some states allow physical losses to be passed
through but not financial losses.
• Incentive to hedge physically only
• Financial Hedging in some cases is much more
efficient than Physical Hedging (example)
Hedging Example
• 200 MW Natural Gas Fired Peaking Plant (CT) is
expected to run 1000 hours this summer to produce
electricity for a utility.
• 200 MW x (1000 hours) x 10 heat rate
• 2,000,000 DTH or 2 BCF of Natural Gas
• Should you Purchase Fixed Price Physical Gas from
a producer who will to deliver the gas to the plant or
Purchase NYMEX Financial Contracts as Hedge?
Can you pass through Financial Gains/Losses
through the Fuel Cost Adjustment (FCA)?
Hedging Example (cont.)
• Purchasing Physical Gas:
Removes Delivery Risk
Removes Price Risk (Reduces Volatility)
Adds Credit & Contract Risk
Limits Ability to change Positions (Liquidity Risk)
Requires un used gas to be sold (non-ratable)
• Purchasing NYMEX Financial Gas:
• Removes Price Risk (Reduces Volatility)
• Cash Margining to NYMEX
• Allows for Purchasing Physical gas only on days unit
runs, rather than baseload (everyday), as gas units are
not usually run around the clock baseload.
Hedging Example (cont.)
• For those that can’t pass through Financial Hedge results, they
are forced to hedge with Physical gas via a marketing company
with a structured product that includes a NYMEX derivative for
(Fixed Price) and a physical delivery component with a “Buy
Back Premium” for unused volumes.
• This “Buy Back Premium” causes a Financial Hedge to usually
be more efficient and a better hedge.
• The marketing companies thrive on providing these types
services that bridge the gap between regulation and deregulation.
Hedging Example Summary
• Some hedge transactions are restricted from selling
– Coops are subject to the 85/15 tax laws
• Liquidity for physical gas at the plant may be limited and
therefore utility may have to pay a “buy-back premium”
• Hedging with NYMEX Futures contracts can be more efficient
– If one can pass derivative gains/losses thru on the fuel clause?
• Typically gas fired generation is not a baseload plant and is
dispatched non-uniformly which could add costs to hedging with
physical gas.
– Gas Fired CTs usually don’t run on weekends or off-peak periods
resulting in volumetric risks
To Hedge or Not to Hedge….
What is your Goal?
Reduce Volatility
Predictable Price
Avoid Price Spikes
Favorable Regulatory
Predictable Cash Flow
Trained Management
Developed Infrastructure
Proper Controls
Achieve Lowest Price
Float with Market
Price Spikes
Unfavorable Regulatory
Unpredictable Cash Flow
Not Trained
Lack of Infrastructure
No Controls
Hedging the Spark-Spread….
• Hedge Natural Gas for July 2005
• Plant Characteristics:
Purchase 225,000 Dt @ $7.00/Dt
Combined cycle gas
On-peak hours (5x16)
Heart Rate 7.0 Dt/MWh 32,000 MWh
• Power is $53/MWh
Hedging the Spark-Spread….
Example? (cont.)
Cost to run plant for July ($7 x 7) = $49/MWh
Cost to Purchase Power
Savings by running gas-unit
$ 4/MWh
Total Saving (32,000 x 4 = $128,000)
POSITIVE Spark Spread
BUY Gas, not Power
Hedging the Spark-Spread….
Example? (cont.)
Gas Price $8.00,
Power Price $53
Cost to run plant for July ($8 x 7) = $56/MWh
Cost to Purchase Power
Loss by running gas-unit
$ 3/MWh
Total Loss (32,000 x 3 = $96,000)
NEGATIVE Spark Spread
BUY Power, not Gas
Hedging the Spark-Spread….
Example? (cont.)
Gas Price $8.00,
Power Price $53
• Sell Gas ($8 - $7) x 225,000 Dt = $225,000
• Buy Power ($53 - $49) x 32,000 = <$128,000>
• Savings
= $ 97,000
Gas Unit now becomes available for
additional transaction opportunities
To Hedge or Not to Hedge?
A decision NOT to hedge will place the buyer with much more
risk in the new marketplace
A decision to hedge must be made carefully so one fully
understands what risks are going away and what new risks
they are obtaining.
Develop a hedge plan which includes identifying and
measuring risk within an appropriate infrastructure of
contracts, credit, accounting & regulatory constraints.
Educate management, staff, board and regulatory staff of
goals of the hedge plan in detailed format (prior to
New Market Design
“A Transmission Example”
So Why Change from the Traditional
Transmission Market Structure?
• Fair & Open Access to a constrained transmission
– Eliminate manipulation & abuse of transmission use
– Effective FERC oversight & regulation
• More efficient use of generation & transmission
• Create a structure that yields delivered power prices
based on actual flow versus contract path
• Create broader access to competitive power markets
Example:Where Do you Buy?
Example: Where Do you Buy?
1. $20/MWh + 2+3+2+2 = $29.0/MWh
2. $25/MWh + 2.5 + 2 = $29.5/MWh
3. $28/MWh + 2
= $30.0/MWh
Which alternative should the Buyer Purchase and why?
Example: Where Do you Buy?
$20/MWh + 2+3+2+2
= $29.0/MWh
Least expensive but far away, transmission may get a TLR
$25/MWh + 2.5 + 2
= $29.5/MWh
Closer, only 2 transmission paths but $0.50/MWh more.
$28/MWh + 2
= $30.0/MWh
Purchase from neighbor utility with only one transmission tag.
Natural Gas Market Update
To be added if necessary?