Transcript Slide 1

Executive Training
Evesham – 26th February 2012
• Introductions and background
• The Key Role of Executive Committees
• Effective Executive Committees
• Good practice for Meetings and AGMs
• How Scouting works around here
• Question and Answer session
 Slides at:
or Executive Support / Evesham - Feb 2012 on
Purpose of Today
• Effective Executive Committees are essential
for the successful delivery of Scouting within
Groups, Districts and Counties
• Understand the essentials of the role of
Charity Trustee
• Our aim is to make you aware of the key
issues and better equip you to be able to
undertake the roles
• Point you in the direction of where to find
further information and support
Purpose of Scouting
The purpose of Scouting is to contribute to
the development of young people in
achieving their full physical, intellectual,
social and spiritual potentials, as
individuals, as responsible citizens and as
members of their local, national and
international communities.
The Scouting Method
Young people, in partnership with adults:
enjoying what they are doing;
learning by doing;
participating in varied and progressive activities;
making choices for themselves;
taking responsibility for their own actions;
working in groups;
taking increasing responsibility for others;
taking part in activities outdoors;
sharing in prayer and worship;
making and living out their Promise.
Scouting provides
& Adventure
for young people and Adults
Organisation and
Rules (POR)
• Look on
or for
latest version
Scouting is:
 Fun
 Challenge
 Adventure
For Young People & Adults
The Scout Association Improved Focus on
Executives includes…
• Data on membership database leading to improved
• Appointment cards for Executive members (known by
Headquarters and on The Association’s MSS database)
• Executive specific inserts for planned HQ welcome
packs on way
• Executive support materials being improved and
What is the purpose of
an Executive Committee?
Two Quick Questions for starters…
On Post-It notes, write the key words relating to:• The attributes of an
Effective Executive Committee Member
• The attributes of an
Effective Executive Committee
We’ll put them up and compare
Email: [email protected]
What is an Executive Committee
• POR definition
– Scout Groups Chapter 3 (rules 3.22 – 3.24)
– Scout Districts Chapter 4 (rules 4.22 – 4.26)
– Scout Counties Chapter 5 (rule 5.14 – 5.17)
Rule 3.22 Management of the Scout Group
a. Every Scout Group is an autonomous organisation
holding its property and equipment and admitting young
people to membership of the Scout Group subject to the
policy and rules of The Scout Association.
b. A Scout Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and
managed by a Group Executive Committee. They are
accountable to the Group Scout Council for the
satisfactory running of the Group.
c. The Group Scout Leader is assisted and supported by
the Group Scouters in the delivery of the Balanced
Programme for young people within the Group.
What is an Executive Committee
• What it does…
• Maintenance of Property and Equipment
• Raising Funds and Finance Admin
• Insurance, property, safety, etc.
• Public Occasions
• Assisting GSL in Adult Recruitment
• Assisting GSL in other Adult Support
• Group Administration
• Anything else that helps the Group Function
What it does…
Promotion and Development of Scouting
Co-operative working with other organisations
Maintenance of Property and Equipment
Raising Funds and Finance Admin (inc Explorer
Scouts, District Network & campsites)
District Appointments Advisory Committee
Supervising the administration of Groups
District Administration
Anything else that helps the District Function
What it does…
Promotion and Development of Scouting
Co-operative working with other organisations
Maintenance of Property and Equipment
Raising Funds and Finance Admin (inc Network
& campsites)
County Appointments Advisory Committee
Supervising the administration of Districts
County Administration
Anything else that helps the County Function
What is an Executive Committee?
Governance & Trusteeship
• Scouting operates as a Charitable Concern
• Required to meet Governance standards as laid out
by The Charity Commission
• Scouting Executive Committees are Charity
Governing Boards under Charity Commission Rules
Note: Applies whether individually registered as a
Charity or operating under the Exempted Charity rules
Group Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members
Group Chairman, GSL, AGSL, Secretary Treasurer, Section Leaders*
Right of
Between 4 and 6
members elected
by the Group Scout
Council at the AGM.
Up to the number
elected. Nominated
by GSL at the AGM.
Annually co-opted
by the Executive.
Cannot exceed
the number of
elected members.
and District
Group Executive Committee
* As from the 2011 Group AGM, Section Leaders are only members
of the Group Executive if they choose to opt-in (2011 POR change).
District Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members
Chairman, District Commissioner, Secretary Treasurer,
District Scout Network Leader, District Explorer Scout Commissioner
Right of
members elected
by the District Scout
Council at the AGM.
Up to the number
elected. Nominated
by DC at the AGM.
Annually co-opted
by the Executive.
Cannot exceed
the number of
elected members.
and County
District Executive Committee
County Executive Committee Structure
Ex Officio Members
Chairman, County Commissioner, Secretary Treasurer,
County Scout Network Leader
Right of
members elected
by the District Scout
Council at the AGM.
Up to the number
elected. Nominated
by CC at the AGM.
Annually co-opted
by the Executive.
Cannot exceed
the number of
elected members.
County Executive Committee
Obligations and Responsibilities
Under the Trustee Act 2000, Charity Trustees
(Executive Members) have the following obligations:
• Powers of investment
• Powers of delegation
• Powers of appointment
• To ensure the appropriate safeguards for the
operation of the above powers, including a duty to
take proper advice in relation to investments and
statutory duty of care
Obligations and Responsibilities
Responsibilities of Trustees (Executive members) :
• Accept Responsibility for the operation of
the Group/District/County
Ensure Compliance (Charity Comm. & POR)
Act with Integrity
Duty of Prudence
Duty of Care
Charity Commission
• Website
Charity Commission Publications
Charity Commission Website
Trustee Indemnity Insurance
• Covered as part of the subscription fee to
• Are you a registered member (to be covered)?
• Broadly speaking covers personal liability, providing
individuals have endeavored to follow POR, Charity
Law, etc.
• Who’s covered; elected, nominated and co-opted
• Criminal actions are not covered
How to know you a registered member?
• Registered members will have filled in a registration
form such as the Adult Application (AA) Form
• They will have had a satisfactory CRB check
• Will have been issued with a Scout Association
membership number (and possibly certificate of
• Will appear on the Membership Services System (MSS
- often referred to as My Backpack)
• Could receive periodic communications from The
Scout Association (although these can be turned off)
Responsibilities of the Executive
Rule 3.23b defines the responsibilities of the Group
Executive Committee as follows:
The Group Executive Committee exists to support
the Group Scout Leader in meeting the
responsibilities of their appointment.
Rule 4.25f(i) defines the responsibilities of the District
Executive Committee as follows:
“The District Executive Committee exists to
support the District Commissioner in meeting the
responsibilities of the appointment and to provide
support for Scout Groups, Explorer Scout Units and
any District Scout Network in the District.”
The DC is the County
representative in the District
(not the Districts representative
at County)
Similarly; the GSL is the District
representative in the Group
(not the Groups representative
at the District)
Responsibilities of the
Group Executive: (POR 3.23b)
• the maintenance of the Group’s property and
• the raising of funds and the administration of the
Group’s finance;
• the insurance of persons, property and equipment;
• Group public occasions;
• assisting with the recruitment of Leaders and other
adult support.
Potential Task Areas
Not Definitive
Executive Meetings
Delegation /
Sub Groups
Health and Safety
Group Development
Risk Assessment
Grounds Maintenance
Regular Accounting
and Auditing
Assist in formulating
Group Development
Fit for Purpose?
Fire Safety
Perimeter Fencing
Insurance, Buildings,
Contents, Equipment
Assist in Leader /
Helper Recruitment
Properly stored
and maintained
Asbestos Survey
Building Maintenance
Annual Report
and Accounts
Ensure Leaders
and all Helpers are
‘Fit & Proper’
Registered and
Food Safety &
Kitchen Areas
(Intruder Alarm)
Reserves Policy
Vetting, Induction,
Criminal Records
First Aid
Electrical Testing
Assist in negotiating
any Agreements
Climbing Gear?
Group Executive:
Needs to organised
Requires a range of skills
Pro-active approach
It is a Team effort
Ability to delegate (and know that it will get done)
Forward looking (not just reactive)
Things don’t just happen at meetings!
What are your Executive Committee issues?
• Look back at post it notes from today’s
• Do they cover all the key points?
• Do you need to make any changes?
Scouting Video thinkUknow
The video “Think you know Scouting” is available
for download in the Scouts Brand Centre at in the videos section.
Scouting’s Vision Towards 2018
• Scouting in 2018 will:
– Make a positive impact on our communities
– Prepare young people to be active citizens
– Embrace and contribute to social change
• Scouting in 2018 will be:
– Shaped by young people in partnership with adults
– Enjoyed by more young people and more adult
– As diverse as the communities in which we live
• Members of Scouting in 2018 will feel:
– Empowered
– Valued
– Proud
Effective Executive Committees
Role of the Committee
• Support the Group/District/County
• Look after the finances, fundraising,
buildings, equipment, assets, etc.
• Not to “do” the scouting
• Lead by the Chairman, working in
partnership with the GSL/DC/CC
Potential Task Areas
Not Definitive
Executive Meetings
Delegation /
Sub Groups
Health and Safety
Group Development
Risk Assessment
Grounds Maintenance
Regular Accounting
and Auditing
Assist in formulating
Group Development
Fit for Purpose?
Fire Safety
Perimeter Fencing
Insurance, Buildings,
Contents, Equipment
Assist in Leader /
Helper Recruitment
Properly stored
and maintained
Asbestos Survey
Building Maintenance
Annual Report
and Accounts
Ensure Leaders
and all Helpers are
‘Fit & Proper’
Registered and
Food Safety &
Kitchen Areas
(Intruder Alarm)
Reserves Policy
Vetting, Induction,
Criminal Records
First Aid
Electrical Testing
Assist in negotiating
any Agreements
Climbing Gear?
How can you be effective?
• Have a good skill mix on the committee
• Share out the work – sub-committees, working
groups, teams, etc.
• Be organised - meetings, minutes, actions
• Be appropriately responsive & proactive
Engaging, Motivating and Retaining
Executive Members
• How do you recruit members?
 Rarely at meetings (like AGMs)
 Primarily through one to one discussion/comms
 Often through attracting people back into Scouting
• What do they want to get out of the role?
 Support for Scouting
 Fun, comradeship, sense of well being/doing?
 Very good on CVs and when looking for a job!
• What do you need to do to motivate and engage them
(and thus retain them)?
How does your role contribute to the Executive?
• Chairman
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Member
Normally in this Session:
• Split into groups based on the specific roles
• Discussion in groups about that role
• How to help and support each other in your roles
Guides ….
All available under Executive Support on
Effective Meetings and AGMS
How to run effective and “exciting”
• How can you engage people in the process?
• Can people “enjoy” the AGM?
• When do you need to hold an AGM?
Who is invited to a Group AGM?
Email: [email protected]
Who is Invited to a Group AGM?
Leaders, Section Assistants & Helpers
Executive Members
President/Vice Presidents
Representatives from District/County
Group Scout Council
Who is Invited to a Group AGM?
(short version)
 Group Scout Council (voting rights)
 Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)
Who is Invited to a District AGM?
 District Scout Council (voting rights)
 Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)
Who is Invited to a County AGM?
 County Scout Council (voting rights)
 Guests and Visitors (no voting rights)
What are the essential requirements of an AGM?
Must be held within 6 months of the end of your financial year
Must be appropriately advertised to the Scout Council
Essential requirements of a Group AGM 1
• Apologies
• To agree minutes of previous AGM
• To receive & consider the Annual Report
• To receive & consider the Financial Report
• To reappoint any President/Vice Presidents
• To approve the GSL’s nomination for Group
• To elect the other officers (Secretary & Treasurer)
Essential requirements of a Group AGM 2
• To appoint an independent examiner for the year
• To formally record those Section Leaders who have
opted to be members of the Executive
• The GSL to announce their nominations for the
• To elect members to the Executive
• To co-opt members onto the Executive
• Close the meeting
How do we make AGMs more exciting?
Making AGMs more exciting?
• Table written reports – distribute beforehand if possible
• Keep to the point – short, sharp clear & managed
• Ensure that officers and Committee Members are asked
and agree well beforehand
• NO any other business
• Advertise (must include all the Scout Council)
• Ask young people to participate / get involved
• Combine with another event, e.g. barbecue,
presentation evening or awards ceremony
Executive Committees ….
How to run effective executive
• What makes a good executive meeting?
• How to get full benefit from the Executive
Who is attends a
Group Executive Committee?
Email: [email protected]
Who attends a Group Executive Meeting?
Officers (Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer)
Executive Members
Section Leaders (only if they have opted in)
Representatives from the District
Executive Meeting Organisation?
• Location
• Furniture and room arrangements
• Timing:
• Advanced notice of the meeting & agenda
• During the meeting itself
• Catering
• Agenda
• Management of the meeting
• Send out Early
• Briefing papers and updates on actions with agenda
 GSL / Section Reports / Finance / Building
• Previous meeting actions
 Only talk about “open” actions
• Clear topics for discussions
 Send out any supporting information
• No AOB…. (or pre-manage)
• Brevity is a virtue
• Keep to agenda and time
• Avoid long discussions on scouting activities
 Scouting is for Scouters
• Topics should be:
 Fundraising and financial position
 Build maintenance and equipment needs
 Recruitment & Numbers
 Trustee responsibilities
What might an annual cycle of
Executive Meetings look like?
• AGM – appoint Executive & roles for the year
• Typically about 5 ‘normal business meetings’ per
• Meeting to draft budget for the following year
and set subscriptions ahead of Census
• Meeting ahead of the AGM to plan details, decide
who is going to do what role and agree the
Annual Report and Accounts
• Next AGM
Any Questions?
• Further information:
Information Centre
[email protected]
0845 300 1818
Evesham District
Registered Charity Number 524623
Charity Commission Website
Census, Subscriptions, Membership, etc.
• Information to Groups in December each year
• Annual Census – 31st January each year
• Annual return in February each year must include:
– Full membership lists (helps with InTouch & District
– Census return
• Subscriptions paid during March each year
– For 2012 - £25.50 (£21 Headquarters + £4.50
County) + District if paid on time
Evesham District
Evesham District
Person interested in becoming Leader, Assistant, Helper,
Executive Member and/or requiring clearance
Line Manager explains the role, reasonability and obligations to them
Line Manager ensures that they get a Welcome Pack including AA or OH
(available from District Appointments Secretary + Forms on-line)
Individual fills in AA or OH Form as appropriate + Application Form Checklist
DC, DESC, ADC or GSL checks the identity with the individual
and checks the rest of the forms
Forms passed to District Appointment’s Secretary with key
information including Line Manager and role
District Appointments Secretary checks forms and
information received (appointment, line manager, role, Group, etc.)
District Appointments Secretary adds individual to HQ database
(In due course this will trigger an HQ Welcome Pack)
Occasional Helper (OH Form)
Executive (AA Form)
Leader or Assistant (AA Form)
Module 1 completed as soon
as possible and, ideally 1st
Response and Child
Protection. Other training
Module 1 completed as
soon as possible and,
ideally 1st Response
and Child Protection.
Other training possible.
Appointment Process
on following charts
HQ checks
Appointment comes
through and individual
informed / presented
Leader expected to
complete their
training for role
within 3 years of
No Record
Person not yet known about
by The Scout Association
Person entered on the MSS
database by Appointments
CRB checks completed,
Appointments Advisory
Committee and/or initial
training not completed
Appointment confirmed and
subject to normal reviews
Scouting Video Take a closer look
The video “Take a closer look” is available for
download via YouTube or – ref:
UKScoutAssociation’s Channel –
YouTube#p u 7 m1RxuaNu-E
Together WE CAN DO IT
in your Group, District and County
Thanks You