Statistics for a Modern Ireland

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Agricultural Statistics Liaison Group October 12



CSO: Update on Census of Agriculture 2010 & CSO outputs (Hilda McCarthy)


Today’s Agenda



Agree Agenda & Agree Minutes of previous meeting 3. CSO: Update on CSO outputs and Census progress

(CSO will summarise progress on Census of Agriculture 2010 as well as recent and forthcoming data releases –Hilda McCarthy)

4. DAFF: Overview of Annual Review & Outlook

(DAFF will discuss the Annual Review & Outlook publication and the importance of timely data for this - Colm O’Cribín)

5. Teagasc: National Farm Survey

(An overview of the National Farm Survey - Brian Moran)

6. EPA: Measuring non-natural agricultural waste (Data requirements for non-natural agricultural waste - Jane Brogan) 7. Group Discussion 8. AOB & Close


• Census of Agriculture (COA) 2010 –summary of returns • Working with Administrative Data • General issues arising in COA 2010 • COA 2010- a lot done, more to do!

• Lessons learned • Agriculture Accounts, Production & Prices update 3

COA 2010-Summary of Returns

• COA Response Rate - 90% returned (of 153,903 issued)

Response Codes

Active Duplicates Land Let Land Sold Retired Deceased Other 87.3








• Survey Agricultural Production Methods -66% returned (of 39,974) 4

COA 2010-Working with Admin data

• Admin Data Used  Corporate Client System (CCS),  Single Payment Scheme (SPS),  Animal Identification & Movement (AIM) • 25 questions eliminated from COA Questionnaire • Admin Data Transmission 2010/2011 • Herd Numbers (non-unique, multiple) • Verifying non-active returns (retired, sold, deceased etc.) 5

COA 2010 –general issues arising

• Section 2 (Area Farmed) & Section 3 (Analysis of Area Farmed) totals not matching • Fragmentation of Land- use of the term ‘parcel’ • Blank cells (Units of area, commonage, labour variables) • Rural Addresses • Late returns and sheep data • Categories not available in admin data  Heifers in calf  Bovine animals intended for slaughter • Revisions 6

Inter-censal Revisions

• Revisions completed  Cattle (2005-2009)  Pigs (Dec 2007-Dec 2009)  Cereals (2008-2009)  Area, Yield & Production Series (2008 -2009) • Revisions to be completed  Sheep 7

COA 2010- a lot done, more to do!

• Complete the merge of COA survey & admin data • Assign admin data to inactive returns where appropriate • Impute for item non-response • Preliminary release of COA 2010 data (Dec 2011) • Labour data (analysis & imputation based on main file) • SAPM (analysis & imputation based on main file) • National Methodological Report • Transmissions to Eurostat (Feb‘12 –Dec‘12) • Main COA 2010 release (2012, Q3/4) 8

COA 2010 –Dissemination

• Already available on

 Cattle, Cereals (March 4 th 2011)  Pigs (Sept 15 th 2011) • Preliminary Release (December 2011, at county level)  No. of holdings, Livestock (Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry),Crops,  On-line pdf & hard-copy • Main Release (2012, at DED level)  All COA 2010 variables  Web-based using interactive maps 9

Lessons learned

• Administrative Data – powerful resource • Need for unique identifier/single farm register • On-line data collection • Further potential of admin data (eg. Dec Sheep Census & geo cordinates) 10

Non-Census work

• June & December surveys • Pig Survey • Monthly Milk Statistics • Area, Yield & Production of Crops • Revisions to previously published data • Preparations for FSS 2013 • Assist Teagasc with NFS Sampling Frame • Coordinate revision (by DAFF) of N & P balances (1985-2009) • Customer queries 11

Agriculture Division 2010

Three areas within Agriculture Division (2010) • Agriculture Accounts/Production(Andrew Murray) • Agriculture Prices/Data (Susan O’Connor/Fiona O’Callaghan) • Agriculture Register/Census (Hilda McCarthy/Fiona O’Callaghan) 12

Agriculture Division 2011

Two areas within Agriculture Division (2011) • Agriculture Accounts/Production/Prices (Andrew Murray) • Agriculture Register/Census/Data (Hilda McCarthy/Fiona O’Callaghan/Susan O’Connor) 13

Thank you Any Questions?